Scientists come a step closer to 'invisibility cloak'


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2004
(CNN) -- Some scientists seem to take their cues from science fiction or fantasy novels.

Physicists in Texas have developed a method to make objects "invisible" within a limited range of light waves. It's not Harry Potter's invisibility cloak just yet, but scientists say it has a lot of potential.

The desire to become invisible dates back to the ancient Greeks, if not further. In mythological literature, gods and goddesses donned a headdress to disappear from sight. Like Potter's cloak, the "cap of invisibility" was imbued with magical powers.

A fixture in magic, the invisibility cloak has now advanced to science.

Researchers at the University of Texas in Austin have developed a thin material called a 'mantle cloak,' according to a report published in the New Journal of Physics Tuesday.

If an object is wrapped in it, it 'disappears,' but the effect only applies to a limited range of light waves -- specifically microwaves.

Scientists come a step closer to invisibility cloak -
Granny'd get Uncle Ferd one fer Christmas, but he'd lose it an' wouldn't be able to find it...

New US research shows invisibility cloak nears reality
Sat, Sep 19, 2015 - A cloak of invisibility may be common in science fiction, but it is not so easy in the real world. New research suggests such a device may be moving closer to reality.
Scientists on Thursday said they have successfully tested an ultrathin invisibility cloak made of microscopic rectangular gold blocks that, like skin, conform to the shape of an object and can render it undetectable with visible light. They said that while their experiments involved cloaking a miniscule object, they believe the technology could be made to conceal larger objects, with military and other possible applications. The cloak, 80 nanometers in thickness, was wrapped around a 3D object shaped with bumps and dents. The cloak’s surface rerouted light waves scattered from the object to make it invisible to optical detection.

It may take five to 10 years to make the technology practical to use, said Zhang Xiang, director of the Materials Sciences Division of the US Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and a professor at the University of California, Berkeley. “We do not see fundamental roadblocks, but much more work needs to be done,” said Zhang, whose research was published in the journal Science. The technology involves so-called metamaterials, which possess properties not present in nature. Their surfaces bear features much smaller than the size of a wavelength of light. They redirect incoming light waves, shifting them away from the object being cloaked.


Light reflects off a cloak (red arrows) as if it were reflecting off a flat mirror in a 3D illustration of a metasurface skin cloak made from an ultrathin layer of nanoantennae (gold blocks) covering an arbitrarily shaped object

The cloaking “skin” boasts microscopic light-scattering antennae that make light bouncing off an object look as if it were reflected by a flat mirror, rendering the object invisible. “The fact that we can make a curved surface appear flat also means that we can make it look like anything else. We also can make a flat surface appear curved,” said Penn State University electrical engineering professor Ni Xingjie, the study’s lead author. The researchers said they overcame two drawbacks of previous experimental microscopic cloaks that were bulkier and harder to “scale up,” or become usable for larger objects.

Ni said the technology eventually could be used for military applications, such as making large objects like vehicles or aircraft or even soldiers “invisible.” Ni also mentioned some unconventional applications. How about a cloaking mask for the face?v “All the pimples and wrinkles will no longer be visible,” Ni said. How about fashion design? Ni suggested a cloak that “can be made to hide one’s belly.”

New US research shows invisibility cloak nears reality - Taipei Times
I think 95% of everything we see in star trek will become a reality...The only thing I doubt is the transporter....

Who knows as going to "warp" might take so much energy that such a computer might also be a reality in order to transport.
I think 95% of everything we see in star trek will become a reality...The only thing I doubt is the transporter....

Who knows as going to "warp" might take so much energy that such a computer might also be a reality in order to transport.

can a buy a replicator online?
I think 95% of everything we see in star trek will become a reality...The only thing I doubt is the transporter....

Who knows as going to "warp" might take so much energy that such a computer might also be a reality in order to transport.

can a buy a replicator online?

Maybe in 20 or 500 years. I posted a science story a year ago showing some progress in this area. Molecular assembler finally created

Nonetheless, a 2013 paper published in the journal Science details a new method of synthesizing a peptide in a sequence-specific manner by using an artificial molecular machine that is guided by a molecular strand. This functions in the same way as a ribosome building proteins by assembling amino acids according to a messenger RNA blueprint. The structure of the machine is based on a rotaxane, which is a molecular ring sliding along a molecular axle. The ring carries a thiolate group which removes amino acids in sequence from the axle, transferring them to a peptide assembly site.[4]

In another paper published in March 2015, also in Science, chemists at the University of Illinois report a platform that automates the synthesis of 14 classes of small molecules, with thousands of compatible building blocks.[5] Molecular assembler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think 95% of everything we see in star trek will become a reality...The only thing I doubt is the transporter....

Who knows as going to "warp" might take so much energy that such a computer might also be a reality in order to transport.

can a buy a replicator online?

Maybe in 20 or 500 years. I posted a science story a year ago showing some progress in this area. Molecular assembler finally created

Nonetheless, a 2013 paper published in the journal Science details a new method of synthesizing a peptide in a sequence-specific manner by using an artificial molecular machine that is guided by a molecular strand. This functions in the same way as a ribosome building proteins by assembling amino acids according to a messenger RNA blueprint. The structure of the machine is based on a rotaxane, which is a molecular ring sliding along a molecular axle. The ring carries a thiolate group which removes amino acids in sequence from the axle, transferring them to a peptide assembly site.[4]

In another paper published in March 2015, also in Science, chemists at the University of Illinois report a platform that automates the synthesis of 14 classes of small molecules, with thousands of compatible building blocks.[5] Molecular assembler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I want my replicator NOW if dem little teensy ribosomes can do it-----certainly
TOY R US can get it done-------with leggo. Must we resort to the Chinese?---
they could probably do it with a pair of chop sticks-----and one hand tied behind
the back
This reminds me of a story about an invisible Tank. I wonder if this technologys new or if it's been out there for a wile.
There's various ways to do invisibility. Use lots of tiny cameras showing what's behind an object to give illusory invisibility, use metamaterials to literally be invisible though only to specific wavelengths, use light itself and stick lightbulbs all over an object so from a distance is blends in with surroundings, etc.
In my house-----there is a CLOAKING DEVICE--------whenever I spy a moth and try to grab it -------it CLOAKS
possum workin' on a way to see through Russian invisibility cloak...

Russian scientists develop invisibility cloak for soldiers to hide from enemy radars
10 June 2017 - Scientists from the Saratov State University in Russia have developed a custom-made invisibility cloak for soldiers that will help the camouflage with their background without being detected by radars and radio devices.
The cloak is not like the one seen in fictional content like Harry Potter movies but can be a crucial defence technique of the future as enemy troops will not be able to detect soldiers in hiding. By using radio-absorbing properties it will allow soldiers in ordinary uniforms to be invisible to the enemy's radar devices. "It will allow to impart radio-absorbing properties of any fabric practically without changing its mass and other parameters, in other words — it allows to make fighters dressed in ordinary uniform invisible to radar reconnaissance devices," said a statement from the scientists accessed by Sputnik.


Russian army vehicle​

The cloak consists of a sophisticated membrane that uses nano-processing technology. Tiny light-sensitive cells embedded can detect surrounding colours and electrical signals then trigger the top layer to imitate those colours by using heat-sensitive dyes. Using this technology, military gear can be developed to suit a wide range of temperatures and loads.

The technology was first developed by the University of Illinois and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) which other military research tanks have advanced. The US and the UK military has already tested a range of these cloaks since 2015 but continue to develop advanced technology to master the art of camouflaging.

Russian scientists develop invisibility cloak for soldiers to hide from enemy radars
I think 95% of everything we see in star trek will become a reality...The only thing I doubt is the transporter....

Who knows as going to "warp" might take so much energy that such a computer might also be a reality in order to transport.

can a buy a replicator online?

My Molecular manufacturing atom writer laser on my science links is part of that ability to replicate. IT'S FREE, the catch is reading the molecular structure of what you want to duplicate.
In other words, I have the molecular
3d printer online, but not the copy machine part.
I think 95% of everything we see in star trek will become a reality...The only thing I doubt is the transporter....

Who knows as going to "warp" might take so much energy that such a computer might also be a reality in order to transport.

can a buy a replicator online?

Maybe in 20 or 500 years. I posted a science story a year ago showing some progress in this area. Molecular assembler finally created

Nonetheless, a 2013 paper published in the journal Science details a new method of synthesizing a peptide in a sequence-specific manner by using an artificial molecular machine that is guided by a molecular strand. This functions in the same way as a ribosome building proteins by assembling amino acids according to a messenger RNA blueprint. The structure of the machine is based on a rotaxane, which is a molecular ring sliding along a molecular axle. The ring carries a thiolate group which removes amino acids in sequence from the axle, transferring them to a peptide assembly site.[4]

In another paper published in March 2015, also in Science, chemists at the University of Illinois report a platform that automates the synthesis of 14 classes of small molecules, with thousands of compatible building blocks.[5] Molecular assembler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a copy & implimentation of my theoretic work around 1996-2000, based on what I proposed could be done with an atom writer laser for creation of the proteins as building blocks of dna (which we were decoding then), which was based on one of my 3 methods of resurrection.
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(CNN) -- Some scientists seem to take their cues from science fiction or fantasy novels.

Physicists in Texas have developed a method to make objects "invisible" within a limited range of light waves. It's not Harry Potter's invisibility cloak just yet, but scientists say it has a lot of potential.

The desire to become invisible dates back to the ancient Greeks, if not further. In mythological literature, gods and goddesses donned a headdress to disappear from sight. Like Potter's cloak, the "cap of invisibility" was imbued with magical powers.

A fixture in magic, the invisibility cloak has now advanced to science.

Researchers at the University of Texas in Austin have developed a thin material called a 'mantle cloak,' according to a report published in the New Journal of Physics Tuesday.

If an object is wrapped in it, it 'disappears,' but the effect only applies to a limited range of light waves -- specifically microwaves.

Scientists come a step closer to invisibility cloak -

Oh we can see the dangers this will cause esp. when our greedy gov. gets a hold of it. From what I know it's already been created.
(CNN) -- Some scientists seem to take their cues from science fiction or fantasy novels.

Physicists in Texas have developed a method to make objects "invisible" within a limited range of light waves. It's not Harry Potter's invisibility cloak just yet, but scientists say it has a lot of potential.

The desire to become invisible dates back to the ancient Greeks, if not further. In mythological literature, gods and goddesses donned a headdress to disappear from sight. Like Potter's cloak, the "cap of invisibility" was imbued with magical powers.

A fixture in magic, the invisibility cloak has now advanced to science.

Researchers at the University of Texas in Austin have developed a thin material called a 'mantle cloak,' according to a report published in the New Journal of Physics Tuesday.

If an object is wrapped in it, it 'disappears,' but the effect only applies to a limited range of light waves -- specifically microwaves.

Scientists come a step closer to invisibility cloak -

Oh we can see the dangers this will cause esp. when our greedy gov. gets a hold of it. From what I know it's already been created.
No the demonstrations failed to deliver it's hype. I think those people who body paint themselves into backgrounds are more convincing. Hype stems from greed and need for funding.
(CNN) -- Some scientists seem to take their cues from science fiction or fantasy novels.

Physicists in Texas have developed a method to make objects "invisible" within a limited range of light waves. It's not Harry Potter's invisibility cloak just yet, but scientists say it has a lot of potential.

The desire to become invisible dates back to the ancient Greeks, if not further. In mythological literature, gods and goddesses donned a headdress to disappear from sight. Like Potter's cloak, the "cap of invisibility" was imbued with magical powers.

A fixture in magic, the invisibility cloak has now advanced to science.

Researchers at the University of Texas in Austin have developed a thin material called a 'mantle cloak,' according to a report published in the New Journal of Physics Tuesday.

If an object is wrapped in it, it 'disappears,' but the effect only applies to a limited range of light waves -- specifically microwaves.

Scientists come a step closer to invisibility cloak -

Oh we can see the dangers this will cause esp. when our greedy gov. gets a hold of it. From what I know it's already been created.
No the demonstrations failed to deliver it's hype. I think those people who body paint themselves into backgrounds are more convincing. Hype stems from greed and need for funding.

The thing is though when the elites want something so it benefits them and their crooked ways oh imagine the donations pouring in to see it completed though.

AMAZING! - SECRET US ARMY Invisibility Cloak - MUST SEE!!!

So you see we are talking military, and that is Government, in which the Government is given money for these types of things.

Now imagine when it's as popular as going to Cabella's and buying it , imagine who can be hiding in your home watching you or you and your wife, or kids...

Yeah this is seriously dangerous. The average buy won't see it for years and years, but our crooked Gov. will obtain it quickly and we probably won't know they have it in the masses until someone leaks it.
(CNN) -- Some scientists seem to take their cues from science fiction or fantasy novels.

Physicists in Texas have developed a method to make objects "invisible" within a limited range of light waves. It's not Harry Potter's invisibility cloak just yet, but scientists say it has a lot of potential.

The desire to become invisible dates back to the ancient Greeks, if not further. In mythological literature, gods and goddesses donned a headdress to disappear from sight. Like Potter's cloak, the "cap of invisibility" was imbued with magical powers.

A fixture in magic, the invisibility cloak has now advanced to science.

Researchers at the University of Texas in Austin have developed a thin material called a 'mantle cloak,' according to a report published in the New Journal of Physics Tuesday.

If an object is wrapped in it, it 'disappears,' but the effect only applies to a limited range of light waves -- specifically microwaves.

Scientists come a step closer to invisibility cloak -

Oh we can see the dangers this will cause esp. when our greedy gov. gets a hold of it. From what I know it's already been created.
No the demonstrations failed to deliver it's hype. I think those people who body paint themselves into backgrounds are more convincing. Hype stems from greed and need for funding.

The thing is though when the elites want something so it benefits them and their crooked ways oh imagine the donations pouring in to see it completed though.

AMAZING! - SECRET US ARMY Invisibility Cloak - MUST SEE!!!

So you see we are talking military, and that is Government, in which the Government is given money for these types of things.

Now imagine when it's as popular as going to Cabella's and buying it , imagine who can be hiding in your home watching you or you and your wife, or kids...

Yeah this is seriously dangerous. The average buy won't see it for years and years, but our crooked Gov. will obtain it quickly and we probably won't know they have it in the masses until someone leaks it.

If a country invents a convincing model then our scopes will just carry partial or additional infrared or heat sensor views to counter the cloaking.
(CNN) -- Some scientists seem to take their cues from science fiction or fantasy novels.

Physicists in Texas have developed a method to make objects "invisible" within a limited range of light waves. It's not Harry Potter's invisibility cloak just yet, but scientists say it has a lot of potential.

The desire to become invisible dates back to the ancient Greeks, if not further. In mythological literature, gods and goddesses donned a headdress to disappear from sight. Like Potter's cloak, the "cap of invisibility" was imbued with magical powers.

A fixture in magic, the invisibility cloak has now advanced to science.

Researchers at the University of Texas in Austin have developed a thin material called a 'mantle cloak,' according to a report published in the New Journal of Physics Tuesday.

If an object is wrapped in it, it 'disappears,' but the effect only applies to a limited range of light waves -- specifically microwaves.

Scientists come a step closer to invisibility cloak -

Oh we can see the dangers this will cause esp. when our greedy gov. gets a hold of it. From what I know it's already been created.
No the demonstrations failed to deliver it's hype. I think those people who body paint themselves into backgrounds are more convincing. Hype stems from greed and need for funding.

The thing is though when the elites want something so it benefits them and their crooked ways oh imagine the donations pouring in to see it completed though.

AMAZING! - SECRET US ARMY Invisibility Cloak - MUST SEE!!!

So you see we are talking military, and that is Government, in which the Government is given money for these types of things.

Now imagine when it's as popular as going to Cabella's and buying it , imagine who can be hiding in your home watching you or you and your wife, or kids...

Yeah this is seriously dangerous. The average buy won't see it for years and years, but our crooked Gov. will obtain it quickly and we probably won't know they have it in the masses until someone leaks it.

If a country invents a convincing model then our scopes will just carry partial or additional infrared or heat sensor views to counter the cloaking.

Agree, for sure . So that will be their next mission how to counter act that. I think that is going to be a long long time away for sure.

Including the cloak, I don't think they have gotten that far just yet. At least not for huge objects maybe small ones like a grain of sand LOL. .............I'm sure we will get there sooner or later.

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