Scientist trace humanity back to single Adam and Eve strengthening creation story


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Scientists Trace Humanity Back to Single ‘Adam’ and ‘Eve’, Strengthening Creation Story
Following the recent trend of congruence between science and Bible in different fields, fresh genetic research suggests that all females are descended from a single female and all males from a single male – corresponding with the Biblical account of Adam and Eve. For many years the multiregional hypothesis, suggesting multiple origins for humanity, was predominant in genetic research. But new studies suggest that all of humanity has a common origin. “The Torah has always claimed one common ancestor to all

Oh we can see the Godless fks coming out on this one, when any other time SCIENCE IS NEVER WRONG, and SCIENCE never makes mistakes. But oh they'll find that excuse for this one.
The idea of Mitochondrial Eve is not a new one. I've read about it a number of times in the past. I don't recall of I'd heard of the Y-chromosomal Adam or not. Nor are these beings supposed to be Adam and Eve in the sense of having been the first human-like creatures, nor were they supposed to have mated to create modern humanity. The most common view I've heard or read about Adam and Eve is that they were the first two humans, created by God at the same time, and they got together and became parents to begin humanity. This "Adam" and "Eve" are not that. :dunno:

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