Science has failed the sun only until now.

Our domes use energy to be a comfortable, living place. We have known this before script arrived, left or was invented. Build a terra-cotta home, with no more than what is found on the ground and the heat of the sun to solidify it, and yet resources continue to be available for improvement of the home. The word terra-cotta literally translates to cooked earth, generally applied to architecture with multiple earth products besides the dense ornamental clay that makes terra-cotta pots, vases and ovens developed later in history.

It is very simple. The history of energy in large human populations has told us of the last 10 centuries, in which, because of very harsh, cold, extreme conditions, mostly the Northern Hemisphere, but also the regions near the South Pole of the globe began burning anything flammable, from wood to coal, to gas and oil. Fire had long been managed by humans, but because of a brief extreme geological period of time, perhaps a single given continent-wide storm, much unlike the change of extremities which had occurred slowly, over the scale of preceding from many years and extending to many years, Fire now had to be continued above all other priorities, even above diet, already largely scant in the storm, absent of seasons as it was.

Given the situation, all those flammable materials were sought and burned without the consideration for food, or even shelter. Centuries of confusion deprived the populations of resources because of a single geological event greater than the humans there concerned had ever witnessed or were willing to face naked unto surrender or alliance. The defeat was instant, and mercy the only enduring refuge, extracted laboriously by self-induced torture because of whatever emotions those humans would not embrace, afraid, surprised, shy of knowing their inherit natural dependencies.

Anyhow, here we are now, with sunshine-absorbing, collecting energy panels and electricity. Despite the very informative and assuring graphic provided by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, Solar is not yet listed as its own source, despite its enormous potential in the continuous prospect renewable energy offers,

The fact that transportation is using most of the energy offered by petroleum is no indicative of why solar energy could not be and is not (somewhere not captured by the statistics; probably at the individual measure) its substitute. Travel has no limits if provided for with the right resources. But the wrong resources will not endure and will cause extended problems upon an already established settlement or journey (even if previously and carefully calculated, as was the initial cause of any unhealthy livelihood sprung by the extreme, bewildering geological event chained to more catastrophic events of famines, wars, violence and crimes in the last few centuries of the history of energy, all to reach for an already conceded comfort and abject to the continuous improvement of such comfort under yet again varied conditions).

What is happening today, that the panels are not really being put to their correct use? The sun is plentiful; it is not the panels which require an elevated rate of absorption. The technology has already been improved over a period of decades, along the development of all other sorts of technologies too. There are people that require no more technological development, and that should be including you in the stats too. The reason is simple, the sun is really very very powerful. A minimal absorption of its power will already endure for a long period of time if you apply it at an environmentally consistent rate. But besides that, you cannot simply neglect the entire mechanism after it has been set up. The environment is continually changing. It was that very assumption of non variant constancy which caused the disaster spanning centuries. After the mechanism is set, it is very much like a living organism, like the fish in your aquarium, the dog in your yard, or your mom in the room. It's the sunshine on your roof. Anything that interacts with the environment is a varying structure which requires careful and regular attention if you are to keep it in your property for your benefit. The dog has to be fed, get some water, exercise. The fish also. Your mom too. So does your solar panels, although it is not really a biological being as the others, but a geological being. Its skin is very sensitive, it's directly exposed; no hairs, no scales. Just the pores as any piece of matter and its unique content of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, variant as it interacts with the environment. To maximize its functions, to keep it healthy and increasingly improving its efficiency, without buying a new set, without upgrading them or having them upgraded, just like you would with all the other beings you keep in your property, there is a simple technique. Feeding and watering the technicians have already instructed you how to do so the thing doesn't decay and become a problem in need of your entire settlement or journey, you check on its functions, clean it as needed, adjust its position. The key, which science has neglected to include in its commercial beneficence, is to know how powerful the sun is that day according to the atmosphere (wind, humidity, shade), which is so variable during a single day that no machine can be built for, except your own very desire, like taking the dog to the park for the whole hours that it really needs. Upon being observant of the sun, exercising the panel happens by clothing it and unclothing it for extended or varying periods of times. Let direct sunshine get to them for one hour, then let their pores rest for some time, perhaps for another hour, with a reflecting cloth or shade so they can learn with the atmosphere of your property (the minerals have been removed of their original protected locations), then remove the cloth again for one more hour, then cloth it again. After learning carefully about your panels for a week or two, its patterns of exercise, just as you would with a dog (does it like to stride for long period of times? does it like to walk slowly? does it like to stride and walk alternatively? does it like to stride for long period of times in only a few streets, perhaps circularly, or repeating corners? does it like to stride for a long period of time at an always greater distance, with always new corners?), unique for so many reasons and inherit characteristics (historical background, nationality, sensory preferences, ideal diet, language preferred, and so), then it becomes easy to thrive with it thriving too, as your life becomes enhanced in quality and theirs also. The life of minerals may not be biological, but is a crucial element of the biological environment, and therefore has also to be comprehended as life, and for all of our mutual, common benefits I render it geological life.

Take care of your mineral sunshine energy-absorbing collecting panels as you do with your own life. Enjoy being healthy and sovereign, call it wealthy if you like, as you include such unique forms of geological and biologicl life in your regular or in your leisure schedules.


What are you huffing?
Hey, girlfriend.

Hey, hubba hubba.

Nuttin', honey.
Passing time. On earth. I do have a new grandson LOL. And I'll be drawing SS in six months. Enjoy that $2.50/gallon gasoline. It's been my downfall. Fuck this shit.

I have a crush on the cute girl at the gas station in town. I want to do her. :)

A grandbaby is a blessing, friendo. Enjoy the SS; I doubt I'll see a penny of benefits by the time I retire. Que sera sera. But at least I have a full wine cellar to live out the End of Days!

In other words, hydrocarbons are the most abundantly efficient source of energy and fossil fuels are the most economically available sources for tens of thousands of products upon which we rely for our everyday living.

I see no reason to dispute your first claim in respect of hydrocarbons, although that's more like potatoes than air. No potatoes without air, except for a brief space travel - they won't explode in vacuum. It is arguable, however, that without potatoes there also would be no air. So keep taking care of your potatoes, but don't forget about your air too (air is more than just hydrocarbons, and also more abundantly so | the same air volume may produce 2 potatoes or 5 potatoes of concentrated hydrocarbons).

In any potato case, in which the wealthiness of air measured by its multiple varying collection compounds of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, not just chains of hydrocarbon, but other life sustaining molecules too, there actually is nothing of availability in fossil fuels. Fossil is a word pertaining to very deep holes, deeper than any root would directly grow from because of very elevated temperatures and intense pressure, where the rock beneath the uppermost geological layer of the Earth (the crust) is very close to melting and also somewhat close to already molten rock (magma). The fundamental difference between the oil (petroleum - literally "rock oil") largely used for fossil fuels and magma (molten rock) is not really its extraction or its refining, but its production, which makes fossil fuel apart from the standards of renewable energy - thus rendering it not very available (not renewable), although not really rare either. It is anything but economically efficient because of those two last characteristics (not much available AND not really rare), even if you are using the very old economic models of supply and demand (which are obsolete beyond the measure of centuries, as I have described in the OP, and even in the measure of decades - which is why for a great many people the economy has experienced so much instability in the last century alone even unto the compressed time of this decade in the new millennium).

In the current Energy Industry fuel is strictly related to transportation vehicles, and does not include diet. The Energy Industry is concerned mostly with facilities, mobile too. Although what you may easily find at store shelves has its provenience from fossil sources (not fuel, but from the same source of fossil fuels), mostly packaging but also all sorts of tools, it's availability (economic efficiency) is not only very brief and temporary but also detrimental to already achieved stability to the extreme point of creating an irreversible unfulfilling absence, both to the individual and also to groups thereof, even up to the scale of civilizations, as history has already informed. Those products which you claim to rely on they soon go to the trash, transformed into another product through the appropriate industrial recycling processes or decomposing back to earth elements over the period of millions of years, if not billions, by the same processes that generated the original subterranean "oil pools" (what we as humans would consider catastrophic geological events like earthquakes, wild fires, volcanoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and even biological catastrophes such as disease throughout large animal populations to provide the necessary decomposing agents for the conversion of those now solidified and disposed of fossil products).

What we truly rely on are the simple hydrocarbons, the potatoes and all other sorts of healthy, organic, biological foods with their great wealth coming from the variety of earth and air (those not tempered by geological fossil products extracted through machinery in very extreme conditions of temperature and pressure) which do often also go along with some of those fossil products (like a stove and a cooking pot, or even a label to let you know the food you get is really organic), and it is the very same hydrocarbon foods that ensure a healthy economy.

When the economy is healthily ensured by individuals apart, then those same individuals can enhance their lives further within standards already collectively set, that is, laws all the way to the physical status and beyond (even if the laws with their including and excluding possibilities have been set without those individuals now by them regimented, those individuals have yet been granted the opportunity to increase their life quality through the structure and infra-structure of an ideal civil development, already enabled, and at least partly submitted to).

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