School Administrators Arguably Insane


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Here is the original story:

1. "Massachusetts School Removes “God” From Lee Greenwood Song “God Bless the USA”

An elementary school in Massachusetts has told kids not to say the word “God” in the Lee Greenwood song “God Bless the USA” during a recent assembly. Instead, they wanted students to say, “We love the USA.” Many parents were not happy with this move, but some agreed that the principal did the right thing. The school decided that they would pull the song from the assembly all together instead of continuing a debate about it.

Graham disputes the point that there was a debate at all. “No one came to the elementary school in Bellingham, which is 15 minutes from my house and said, ‘We’re offended by God Bless the USA’ … What happens is these bureaucrats inside government get so afraid that someone might be offended that they preemptively censor themselves. This is censorship, this is good old fashioned government limiting speech.”

Lee Greenwood weighed in on the matter issuing this statement: “We can’t take God out of the song, we can’t take God out of the The Pledge of Allegiance, we can’t take God off of the American currency … The phrase God Bless the USA has a very important meaning for those in the military and their families, as well as new citizens coming to our country.”
Massachusetts School Removes “God” From Lee Greenwood Song “God Bless the USA” | Fox News Insider

Here is the update:
2. "Mass. school allows students to say 'God' in song
(AP) – 1 hour ago
BELLINGHAM, Mass. (AP) — Students at a Massachusetts elementary school can now sing the word "God" during a school assembly after parents objected when that word was removed from a patriotic song they were taught.
Parents told WFXT-TV (School changes lyrics from 'God Bless the USA' to 'We love the USA') that children at Stall Brook Elementary in Bellingham were taught to sing "We love the USA" instead of "God bless the USA" during the chorus of the Lee Greenwood song.
After parents protested, the school said students wouldn't sing anything during the April 12 assembly. But Superintendent Edward Fleury said Thursday that students could sing "God Bless the USA" with its original chorus."
The Associated Press: Mass. school allows students to say 'God' in song

Does it appear that either administrators in the public school system are either insane, or they are fanatically anti-religion?

The only thing that is certain is that they are unable to educate their charges....

Isn't it interesting that it was in Liberal Massachusetts that parents revolted, and demanded
a return to sanity?
What's blowin' in the wind sure doesn't look good for the Obama-left.
God bless America.

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