Schiff Report - 9/03/2009

Another snore fest. Gold has been fluctuating in the $900s for over a year. Every time it hits $1000, it falls down close to $900 by the time it's done.
Though Gold may rise higher than it ever has, I expect it to fall back below 900 in a few months or less. As I have watched it over the years, it is hyped to excess and a new generation of gold lovers are awakened to the potential it has to rise to $1,200 or $1,300 an ounce. So be it. When the hyping is stopped, it always falls back down to 900 or 800 or lower.
Dave, you seem to fail to realize the implication of precious metals holding steady at this price range.

The smart money knows that inflation is eventually coming and it's going to be bad.
I am massively long gold.

Despite what guys like Schiff say...

I think we're going through the highs. The charts are very, very bullish. I have been buying long dated calls on the GLD for three weeks.

This time period reminds me of 2002-03 when the Bush government started running big deficits and the Fed was gunning the money supply, except now the deficits and Fed stimulus are way, way bigger.
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