Say goodbye Romney


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
U.S. stocks surged Thursday, with all three major indexes closing at the highest levels in years, as optimistic investors went on a buying spree.
Because the German and Spanish leaders talked about the crises in the Eurozone...............
and when the bottom drops out in a few days, will you still be crediting Obama with that, dumb ass?

No, I know... it was Scott Walkers fault! THAT is why he'll be indicted arrested and convicted... right? :rofl:
You can't win with lefties. One minute the capitalist lap dogs are out to get you and corporations and banks are evil and the next thing you hear is what a great thing it is that Wall Street is making money with "optimistic investors". I guess socialist beliefs are tabled for a little while when the left is desperate enough.
U.S. stocks surged Thursday, with all three major indexes closing at the highest levels in years, as optimistic investors went on a buying spree.

The real reason the stock market surged today is what investors read at Rasmussen Reports this morning.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 47% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns 44% of the vote.
U.S. stocks surged Thursday, with all three major indexes closing at the highest levels in years, as optimistic investors went on a buying spree.

Hey dimwit do you realize that market movements by no means indicates the economy is recovering. Traders could be betting on a Romney win for one thing. More than likely it's one of many other factors that's driving market movement.
you realize that Romney can have his friends over to the White House. Just because he is moving there doesnt mean he has to say goodbye to anyone.
TM also thinks that Market gyrations mean the death of the Republican party.

Like it's that simple.
August 2011 stock markets fall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia: August 2011 stock markets fall

The August 2011 stock markets fall was the sharp drop in stock prices in August 2011 in stock exchanges across the United States, Middle East, Europe and Asia. This was due to fears of contagion of the European sovereign debt crisis to Spain and Italy, as well as concerns over France's current AAA rating, concerns over the slow economic growth of the United States and its credit rating being downgraded. Severe volatility of stock market indexes continued for the rest of the year.

Severe volatility of stock market indexes continued for the rest of the year.

To Bad for the Republicans the elections were not last Nov. - The Democrats have had a chance for a rebound and are taking full advantage of the opportunity.
U.S. stocks surged Thursday, with all three major indexes closing at the highest levels in years, as optimistic investors went on a buying spree.

Chrissy Pissy:

The 1%-ers care about the stock market.

The millions of unemployed aren't caring all that much.

The current Administration protects scum like Solyndra, not employees who need jobs.

That's why he let the GM plant close -- just as Ryan accurately reported.

If the American worker wants to work he must vote the incumbent WAY the fuck out of Office.

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