Saw this today...a map of the Crusades vs. Muslim conquest...

They're going to say anything they can to defend and deflect for the PC-Protected religion.

No map or news item will stop that.

Wow, mac, really, "PC Protected Religion"? Really? Frankly, I see just as much slander of Islam than I do of Christianity. If any Religion is PC Protected, it's probably Judaism.

Here's the real problem. They aren't over here messing with us, we are over there messing with them.
Here's the real problem with this map.

It leaves out the European conquest of the middle east from 1800 to 1918. Except for Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iran, every Islamic Country found itself under the boot of a European colonial power at some point or another.

You add in the slime that is Zionism and various American bombings and invasions of Islamic countries, not to mention all the coups and dictators we've supported, and frankly, a man from Mars would look at us and say, "your the assholes. Why don't you just leave those folks alone?"
Move this if there is a better place for it...but it does point out the silliness of the left when they protect muslim aggression by blaming the Crusades.....

I saw this at

Both maps horribly inaccurate and your presentation misrepresents history.

(see above post)

Maybe you could be more specific, Holmes. How are they inaccurate?

They are a false comparison between expansionism of Islamic nations vs expansionism of Christian nations,

false by leaving out most Christian invasions.

Wrong....the comparison the left morons make is that the reason islam hates the west is Chritian crusades.......and you can see the truth. The first Crusade was called 50 years after muslims invaded France.
The Muslims made such rapid advances because of the weak conditions of the areas, Europe was in small kingdoms and could not resist and areas of the Western Roman Empire had no armies at all except at the tribal level...But the Mongols had the largest continuous empire in the world and defeated the first caliph of the Muslims...
The maps come from the "The Federalist Project" which "is to get people the power that knowledge gives to motivate them to push back at the erosion of our liberties and restore constitutionally limited small government."

It is a far right reactionary outlier group,

And yet you cannot dispute the point.
One, you admit that it is a far right reactionary outlier group, and, two, the Crusades and pillaged and plundered and raped and killed Muslims, Jews, and other Christians with glee.

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