Saw the white affirmation thread

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Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2017
Just had to be censored and removed. All that is permitted are threads assailing whites and nothing affirmative is permitted
White male supremacists sure do have inferiority complexes. They saw that minorities have gained rights via protest and activism. So they have decided that it will work for them too.

The only problem, of course, is that they already have their full rights. It's the dumbest shit ever.
Funny. I'm a white male, and yet I feel no need for affirmation. Must be a liberal thing, the way I feel, not requiring constant hugs and Stuart Smalley speeches.

FOX News thrives because they give conservatives the affirmation they need minute to minute, 24/7.

Descriptions of white people past and present in an affirming manner is triggering to libs causing offendedness.
Just had to be censored and removed. All that is permitted are threads assailing whites and nothing affirmative is permitted
Do you need a hug? There are places that do that. Home - The Snuggle Buddies - Professional Cuddling
Your avatar makes it clear the kind of good-night hug you prefer.
That's not a hug. Damn, most people learn this as toddlers. Here, observe this gif from a children's movie:

Just had to be censored and removed. All that is permitted are threads assailing whites and nothing affirmative is permitted

Yes! Keep questioning the moderators decisions and calling them out publicly! They love that!

Jesus, quit whining and grow a pair.
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