Satellite Image Shows 'Extensively Damaged' Iranian Missile Site...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011

Has War with Iran already begun?

A Washington-based research group has released a satellite image showing an "extensively damaged" Iranian missile base two weeks after an explosion at the site was reported.

Paul Brannan, a senior analyst for the Institute for Science and International Security, which specializes in nuclear weapons programs, said some of the buildings at the compound near the city of Bid Kaneh appear to be completely destroyed following the Nov. 12 explosion, which Iranian authorities characterized as an accident.

"Some of the destruction seen in the image may have also resulted from subsequent controlled demolition of buildings and removal of debris," Brennan said in a statement. "There do not appear to be many pieces of heavy equipment such as cranes or dump trucks on the site, and a considerable amount of debris is still present."

As such, Brennan said most of the damage seen in the image likely resulted from the Nov. 12 explosion.

ISIS officials recently learned that the blast occurred as Iran achieved a "major milestone" in the development of a new missile. Iran was apparently performing a "volatile procedure" involving a misile engine at the site when the blast occurred, Brennan said.

Read more: Satellite Image Shows 'Extensively Damaged' Iranian Missile Site | Fox News
I guess they're calling it an accident. But who really knows what's going on?
Accident or sabotage, wouldn't you assume they'd blame someone for it? And maybe especially so if it was an accident just so they don't look like a bunch of bozos to the outside world.
This could be the beginning stage of all-out War with Iran. Seems like we are headed towards that.
If saboteurs did blow it up it certainly succeeded.

Tehrani-Moghadam: latest victim of sabotage?
The explosion at the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps' (IRGC) Al-Ghadir base in Bigdaneh (near Tehran) on November 12 which killed the architect of Iran's ballistic missile programme has added fuel to widespread suspicions that Iran is under concerted sabotage attacks by Western and Israeli special forces and intelligence services.

Even though the Iranian government was quick to rule out sabotage and insisted the explosions were an accident, the steady leaking of Brigadier General Hassan Tehrani-Moghaddam's hugely sensitive role in developing Iran's ballistic missile programme, lends credence to the theory that the country's enemies had a hand in the "accident" that killed at least 16 other IRGC personnel.


But assuming the explosion was the result of sabotage, senior Iranian officials have two overriding reasons to insist on an accidental cause. In the very short term an admission that sabotage is the cause runs the risk of inflaming Iranian public opinion with the resulting overwhelming demand for immediate retaliation. For various reasons - not least the desire to avoid escalation - Iranian leaders are not overly keen to respond to Israeli and American provocations which they view as a trap.

At a deeper level, this remarkable forbearance in the face of seemingly intolerable provocations is the result of Iranian leaders' strategic calculus. Iran's leaders long ago concluded that enormous pressures - including sabotage operations - would be directed against the country to coerce the leadership to discontinue the nuclear programme. By refusing to retaliate against the country's enemies, Iranian leaders are sending yet another signal that they are committed to staying on the same strategic trajectory regardless of the costs.
Asia Times Online :: Saboteurs flying under Iran radar
Accident or sabotage, wouldn't you assume they'd blame someone for it? And maybe especially so if it was an accident just so they don't look like a bunch of bozos to the outside world.

They really dont have to worry what they look like to the outside world, their people arent exactly totally free so their complaints would only be annoying and they dont care what the rest of the world thinks.
I guess they're calling it an accident. But who really knows what's going on?

I have no difficulty believing they likely did blow themselves up.

North Korea had a "similar" sort of accident when they tested a nuke. :lol:

They blew off a mountain top.

Yes an accident is definitely possible. They are amateurs after all. But i'm not going with that. I think it was done intentionally by someone. Now who that someone is? I can't say.
I have no difficulty believing they likely did blow themselves up.

North Korea had a "similar" sort of accident when they tested a nuke. :lol:

They blew off a mountain top.

Yes an accident is definitely possible. They are amateurs after all. But i'm not going with that. I think it was done intentionally by someone. Now who that someone is? I can't say.

Its hard to say, theres alot of players in the region who like nothing better than for Irans nuclear program to fail, not just us but the Israelis, the Gulf Arab countries and Iranian dissident groups like the Mujaheeden El Khalq who are based in Iraq, its really hard to say whos behind this.

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