Satan in christian doctrine

Wrong, keeping proper tenses is not interpretation.
Just as changing words are not mere opinions.
If Jane Dixon said the Redskins will win the Super Bowl and they end up with the worst record in the league then you can't say the team that won is that Redskins team under your own interpretation.
Wrong, keeping proper tenses is not interpretation.
Just as changing words are not mere opinions.
If Jane Dixon said the Redskins will win the Super Bowl and they end up with the worst record in the league then you can't say the team that won is that Redskins team under your own interpretation.

What? You just made a post saying that they were lying and that they were really satanists. What on earth does proper tense have to do with this?

You see? You are all over the place. Just exactly what is it that you are trying to say, in one simple post please.

You are doing a horrible job at conveying your thoughts here. :)
In contrast to Christian literature, where Satan is understood to be an evil force, the enemy of G-d, in Jewish literature, he is seen as a blessing to the Jewish people. Why? Let’s consider for a moment what Satan means. As mentioned before, the word not only means an adversary, but a stumbling block or an obstacle. What exactly is an obstacle? It is something which is put in our path requiring us to overcome it. Obstacles in this life give us opportunities to stretch our muscles and to grow.

Let’s take a look at what Judaism has to say about Satan. In the Genesis account of creation, we are told that G-d saw that each day was good, but on the last day it says that G-d saw that everything was VERY good. The Talmud teaches that this refers to the Evil inclination, which it equates with the Satan. Why is this good? It is the Evil inclination that provides our passions and desires, it is the evil inclination which is responsible for not only all the evil that transpires in this world, but also for all the good. For if we did not have passions, appetites and desires, we would also have no motivation and we would accomplish very little, either good or bad in this life.

If you look at the use of Satan in the Hebrew bible, you find that as a concept, it is much more about an experience than a person, an experience where G-d has put a roadblock in front of us. This is Satan, this is an adversary. So why is this a good thing? Because if we were to go through life without ever experiencing these roadblocks or adversaries, obstacles in life, there would be no potential for virtue in the world. For if we were never tempted to do the things that we are not supposed to do, then not doing them would be of no value to us. It is only in coming up against a desire to do what is wrong and overcoming this that we grow as spiritual people.

This evil inclination, or Satan, provides friction. Can you imagine a world with no friction, no resistance? Think about a car, how does it go? It is the friction between the tires and the road that allow the car to make progress, to go forward. Now, to the tires the friction is not necessarily a positive thing, the friction slowly destroys the tire, and yet without the friction, the tire is worthless.

If there is no resistance to overcome, we have no environment for growth. When we come up against an obstacle, either we crash into it and fall (definitely a negative experience – the evil inclination) or you have to climb over it, and by climbing over these obstacles in life, we develop our spiritual muscles, so to speak. If we never exercise our muscles, we atrophy. So these forces in the world, these experiences, no matter how difficult or uncomfortable, are positive and important.

in the Jewish bible, everything was created by G-d, both good and evil and everything is under G-d’s control. Only one force, not two, whereas, in Christianity Satan is not under the control of G-d but is rather, a competing force against G-d. Christian theology makes Satan so powerful that he is given the title, “the god of this world.”

So the christian "devil" is outside of God ,negating the viewed that God is one and everything and all. The same with the triune god of christianity

Ask the Rabbi The Jewish View of Satan
Chris, you are coming into conversations after they've been discussed, so you are not connecting the dots.
Tenses discussed previously:
ISAIAH 53 plural past tense context about Israel not future tense singular fallaciously placing Jesus into it.
Isaiah 7 present tense about the luming war with Assyria as the birth of Ahaz's son King Hezekiah as a sign for Ahaz in his day. Hezekiah would have his father's gov't upon his shoulder, called a father figure and prince of peace for defeating Assyria. 600 years Later future tense does Ahaz no good as a sign, thus missionaries LIE about being blind to tenses and context.
Zech 12:10 usage is false, present tense, none of the events occured in Jesus day and it talked of 2 people plural not 1 person singular.

Then we have the son of man scam: where they make Jesus both son of man and son of God (make up your damn minds) *L*

The created figure Jesus spoke and taught of son of man to come third person tense
(LUKE 6:5, 9:26 , 9:55-56, 12:10 , 17:30 , 18:8, 22:69, John 3:13, Matthew 25:11-13, Mark 14:62
and Mathew20:28) including claiming he was emulating him (Rev 1:13)
and that son of man would come as another being in his own new name and that even he (probably Theudas) would see son of man with the others, truly wording that he's the spectator not the head of host everyone will finally see.

So we have a problem, If Jesus isn't son of Man and they lie about tenses to deceive people into a claim he was, then Jesus is made to be Lucifer and Christianity=Satanism.
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