Sarah!! Give this example of intentional and malicious reporting!!! "Up to 8 hours a day!!!"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
In a fiery exchange with CNN’s Jim Acosta, a frequent critic of the White House, Sanders disputed the notion that news outlets had made “honest mistakes” in their reporting. The errors, she said, were intentional and malicious.

You cannot say it’s an honest mistake when you’re purposely putting out information you know is false,”
Sanders said.
Tensions boil over in combative WH briefing

And here she should use these TWO perfect examples of how the BIASED MSM puts to the public via headlines/30 second sound bites BIASED and FALSE news!
A) First of all this is again an anonymous white house aide!
B) The Headline impression is Trump watches 8 hours of TV per day!
C) FACT was in just one sentence later.. "sometimes as many as 8 hours"! FAR FAR from the truth in the first
place, but even then gross exaggeration!


HEADLINE 2 "Trump anti-immigrant"!
58,600 results about a man who is MARRIED to an immigrant! And these headlines insult 40 million Americans like me who are either "LEGAL" immigrants or have "LEGAL" immigrant relatives!
GEEZ when will the MSM/generally ignorant people get it through their thick skulls:
A) Trump is MARRIED to a Legal immigrant so HOW can he be "anti-immigrant"??
B) Do the rest of you numbskulls comprehend the gross insult to 40 million of us who are "Legal immigrants' or have "legal immigrant" relatives?
But who's fault is this? THE MSM forgetting that simple adjective "ILLEGAL"!
DACA,Dreamers, ALL are not LEGAL immigrants and therefore must be adjudicated!
Sanctuary cities are grossly offending 40 million people who worked hard to become "LEGAL" immigrants!
And yet the ignorant MSM still protests their innocence!

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