Сaptive Ukrainian military tells about the cooperation of the Ukrainian AF and the US intelligence a

Eddie Priest

Active Member
Feb 17, 2015
Сaptive Ukrainian military tells about the cooperation of the Ukrainian AF and the US intelligence agencies, prepairing together terrorist attacks in Donetsk. Here you can read the text of the Questioning of Ukrainian AF captain Aleshin, who, according to the previous information, was one of the ukrainian officers prepairing the terrorist attack in Donetsk. Pay attention to the fact that he admits that Ukrainian armed forces coopetated with the US special agencies. Video aptive Ukrainian military tells about the cooperation of the Ukrainian AF and the US intelligence agencies prepairing together terrorist attacks in Donetsk - HunterNews
And who would doubt that. It's interesting what agency are the U.S. "trainers" in Ukraine are from?
You think this report helps the side of rebels? Rebel forces have never signed Geneva Conventions, but that does not mean violating it's rules and declarations of conduct towards prisoners is acceptable. Making video of a captured POW and showing it is a violation of what the international community has concluded is proper treatment. This is not the first time separatist rebels have behaved like war criminals in public for all the world to see. POW's have been paraded in street to mocking and taunting crowds in Donestk, also considered a war crime if it had been done by a legitimate country. The separatist recently forced POW's to dig through rubble at the airport to find and retrieve dead Ukraine soldiers, another violation to show the sub standard civilized behavior of separatist rebels. You want to have it both ways, treated as a real government, but not held accountable like a real government. Recognized as a civilized responsible and trustworthy government, but not required to behave like a civilized, responsible and trustworthy government. You want to be allowed to act like thugs and animals, but demand to be respected as a genuine government.
Ukraine defending it's territory does not make them terrorist when they attack rebel targets inside their border. It is perfectly legal and acceptable for a legitimate government to receive defense assistance from another legitimate government. There is nothing wrong with an allied nation providing intelligence to Ukraine. The government in Kyiv is the only government recognized as legitimate in Ukraine. It is recognize by the United Nations who have endorsed the free elections held last May in Ukraine. The elections in Donetsk were voted on as not valid or accepted. You are misusing the term terrorist. The separatist rebels are the terrorist. They hide among the civilian population so that the only way to attack them is often to attack the targets in civilian areas where the separatist set up and launch artillery and rockets and create collateral damage in the form of dead and injured civilians. The separatist then use this as propaganda. They trade the lives of civilians for propaganda and the safety of hiding in the cities and civilians.. There is another war going on in the world where this tactic is being used. It is in Syria and Iraq. The force using this technique is commonly referred to as Daesh or ISIS. Hiding behind the women and children is another crime being committed by the separatist.
The US has a long history of terrorist attacks, so this would hardly shock me if it turned out to be true.
Сaptive Ukrainian military tells about the cooperation of the Ukrainian AF and the US intelligence agencies, prepairing together terrorist attacks in Donetsk. Here you can read the text of the Questioning of Ukrainian AF captain Aleshin, who, according to the previous information, was one of the ukrainian officers prepairing the terrorist attack in Donetsk. Pay attention to the fact that he admits that Ukrainian armed forces coopetated with the US special agencies. Video aptive Ukrainian military tells about the cooperation of the Ukrainian AF and the US intelligence agencies prepairing together terrorist attacks in Donetsk - HunterNews
And who would doubt that. It's interesting what agency are the U.S. "trainers" in Ukraine are from?
Was Captain Aleshin tortured? Has any international agency been allowed to speak with Aleshin? This story seemed a little bias. You have any other reference? I could not find any.

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