Santorum's Five Stages of Grief


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Right after the Florida primaries I said stick a fork in Gingrich. I said he was done even though he did not know it yet.

Now entire weeks go by without a mention of him in the media.

Santorum is likewise finished, but won't publicly admit it. That's because he has not yet reached the Acceptance phase of his terminal campaign.

1. Denial:

Despite his poor showing in New Hampshire Tuesday night, Mr. Santorum has vowed to remain in the campaign and still believes that he can win the race. “We are going to go on to South Carolina,” said Mr. Santorum. “For those who think that somehow or another that this race could be over in one or two states, states that have been well lets say in the backyard and the home of a certain candidate, who by the way I want to absolutely congratulate Mitt Romney for a great victory tonight.”

Mr. Santorum went on to tell the crowd that he talked with Mr. Romney to congratulate him, and told him that he looks forward to continue debating him on the “issues.”

Mr. Santorum will now join Mr. Romney and the other candidates in South Carolina to begin courting voters there leading up to the January 21st South Carolina Republican primary election.

2. Anger:

It’s a revealing and all-too-common occurrence. This is the Rick Santorum who bristled during debates when not given what he thought was his fair share of questions. This is the Rick Santorum who lashed out, calling it “crap” that he was being asked about contraception and the comments of his super PAC patron, Foster Friess. He also used this word to rebuke a reporter for asking about his comment that Puerto Ricans should learn English and make it their official language to obtain statehood. As far back as Ohio, he repeatedly lost his cool with talk show hosts when grilled on his rhetoric on hot-button issues such as contraception.

For starters, as a guy all fussy about family values, he should clean up his mouth. It’s not attractive for a presidential candidate to talk like that, especially one who is ostensibly so concerned about the debasement of our culture.

3. Bargaining:

Santorum reiterated an argument he has made before: The former Massachusetts governor is not conservative enough to offer voters a clear choice in the fall election and that only he can provide that contrast.

“You win by giving people a choice,” Santorum said during a campaign stop in Texas. “You win by giving people the opportunity to see a different vision for our country, not someone who’s just going to be a little different than the person in there.”

Santorum added: “If they’re going to be a little different, we might as well stay with what we have instead of taking a risk of what may be the Etch A Sketch candidate for the future.”

4. Depression:

Today is the Wisconsin primary, and Santorum is going to lose. And Santorum knows that is pretty much the ball game if he loses Wisconsin. It can be nothing less than a gut punch to Santorum tonight.

But he will probably stick around for the Pennsylvania primary on April 24 since that is his home state and he needs a symbolic victory to reach step 5.

5. Acceptance:

Deep down inside, Santorum knows he's terminal. However, as I listened to him on Meet The Press this weekend, he kept making references to the 2008 campaign and pointed out Romney stayed as long in the race back then as he, Santorum, is now.

And then it hit me.

Santorum is not campaiging in the 2012 election. He stopped doing that when he took time out during the Floriday primary to be with his daughter in the hospital.

Ever since his return, he has been campaigning in the 2016 election.

He is hoping Romney loses this election. Look at his statements for the last few months. If you aren't going to vote for me, then you may as well re-elect Obama because Romney is no different. And so forth.

He's rat-fucking Romney (All The President's Men reference).

What a bastard.
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I wouldn't guarantee a win for Santorum in PA.

1) The State and local parties have already endorsed Romney.
2) While I have no issues with Santorum, quite alot of the state was unhappy with him.

If Romney continues to win states, I could see Santorum losing PA. Of course, nothing is set in stone. But I think it's possible.
I wouldn't guarantee a win for Santorum in PA.

1) The State and local parties have already endorsed Romney.
2) While I have no issues with Santorum, quite alot of the state was unhappy with him.

If Romney continues to win states, I could see Santorum losing PA. Of course, nothing is set in stone. But I think it's possible.

There are no more primaries between now and Pennsylvania's primary on the 24th.

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My personal feeling is that regardless of what Santorum says or does, he is not hurting Romney. Romney will be the GOP nominee and he will be a far better candidate as a result of these tough primaries. The party will rally around Romney- it's all about beating Obama.
What stage do you stop making crap up?

Haven't heard the audio have you...

I have heard the entire speech. Have you? Or have you just listened to 10 seconds of it out of context, and let someone else do your thinking for you and tell you what he meant to say?

I was more than willing to give Frothy the benefit of the doubt until I heard the whole thing. I know that the term "government n-word" is popular in racist circles and it fits right in where he was going with his rant.

I know, he said "blah people", right?
Haven't heard the audio have you...

I have heard the entire speech. Have you? Or have you just listened to 10 seconds of it out of context, and let someone else do your thinking for you and tell you what he meant to say?

I was more than willing to give Frothy the benefit of the doubt until I heard the whole thing. I know that the term "government n-word" is popular in racist circles and it fits right in where he was going with his rant.

I know, he said "blah people", right?

I have never in my entire life heard the expression "government ******". And I have taken on some of the most racist people on the planet at great personal risk.

I seriously doubt you have heard the speech. He was talking about Obama using government to separate Americans into two groups. Taking from one group and giving to the other group. The government determining who needs to have something given to them at the expense of everyone else.

If you listen about 30 seconds earlier, he has another verbal stumble. I bet you don't even know what I am talking about.

People who don't use teleprompters often trip over their tongues and utter nonsensical syllables.

The "government ******" thing is wishful thinking. It's like those still photos you see of politicians with their eyes in mid blink or their face in the middle of a facial shift to make them look retarded.

These things demonstrate the inability to argue anything on merits and having to resort to cheap shots and making shit up.

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