
Rick Santorum…

Defines “Washington Insider,” and has been described as a “stealth lobbyist” because of all the work he does for, and money he gets from, lobbying and corporate donors. Santorum himself ran the K Street Project, which was a project wherein Republicans decided to make demands of lobbyists and corporate donors upon gaining control of Congress. It was the K Street Project, as led by Santorum, that paved the way for infamous lobbyist Jack Abramoff and many others to gain such political influence, and is to blame for such drastically higher levels of political corruption in the past decade or so compared to that of the 1990s. And we all have Senator Santorum to thank for that. Thanks Rick.
Created a tax plan that will increase the deficit by $1.3 trillion, giving on average $448,000 in tax cuts to each and every millionaire in the country. The upper 0.1% alone get an additional $1.3 million in tax cuts annually under the Santorum plan. Should I even be surprised by this any more?
Supported tort reform to cap medical malpractice damages at $250,000 , only for his wife to turn around, with Rick’s full support, and sue her doctor for medical malpractice in the sum of $500,000 because of back problems, depression and weight gain supposedly brought on by her doctor. Hypocrisy? What’s that?
Believes insurers should be allowed to discriminate based on pre-existing conditions, be it by charging them more or denying them coverage all together.
Believes medical care is a luxury, not a right, and that it’s “a blessing” that the uninsured have to pay $200 a month for pills they need in order to live. To pay for it, Santorum says the poor should cut back on luxuries in their lives, and insinuates people complaining about the cost of health care are just selfish. Damn, and we thought Mitt Romney was a disconnected upperclassman. Speaking of which, Santorum also…
Supports income inequality. No joke or exaggeration. To be fair to Rick, he was trying to use the two words in a more literal meaning. He supports those that have work harder making more money. To that, I say DUH RICK! We ALL support that. The problem in society is that our current state of income inequality as reached a point where the gap between the rich and poor is historically and disturbingly large, and unfortunately all too often the wealthy allocate more of the nation’s wealth undeservingly. Let’s not forget it’s the taxpayers that bailed out many of the same banks that are now reporting big gains and often record profits while paying out record bonuses to their CEOs. Other issues may be more visibly so, but I feel this statement goes to show the depth of Santorum’s out-of-touch mindset with the mainstream, middle and working class American family.
Flip-flopped on abortion; he used to be pro-choice. Yes, dear conservatives, even your precious, perfect social conservative Rick Santorum actually used to be pro-choice. Republicans love Santorum because of his “solid” conservative principles, unlike the waffling, flip-flopper Mitt Romney, right? Well it turns out Santorum is on exactly the same page as Romney when it comes to abortion. Both of them wised up and realized there was more money in politics if you sold out as a Republican, and so they hopped on that bandwagon and switched to being pro-life entirely for political reasons. Santorum is no more a solid social conservative than the man he was meant to replace. This doesn’t mean much to me, but it illustrates a point about the Republican candidates and Party right now; even the most legitimate, principled looking ones are actually just poll-chasing politicians, and nothing more.
Believes the President has authority over the Supreme Court, at least to a degree. In an interview with David Gregory on Meet the Press, Santorum was asked about the possible Supreme Court case regarding the constitutionality of Proposition 8 in California. Santorum said that if the Supreme Court ruled Proposition 8 unconstitutional, he “would seek to try and overturn it.” He goes on to talk about “judicial tyranny” reminiscent of Gingrich’s war against the judicial branch (read more about it here, points 34-41). What he said was not a direct call to abolish the authority of the courts or the courts themselves, but many conservatives (like Gingrich) are already of that persuasion. It wouldn’t be a far cry at all if we see Santorum go down that path as well, especially if he keeps talking about “judicial tyranny.”
Was endorsed by Rupert Murdoch, the owner of News Corp. This one is actually more significant than most people believe. Roger Ailes is the President of FOX News, and he historically has been considered the “kingmaker” of Republicans. He has picked many of the last Republican Presidents and Presidential candidates, and already slammed Romney as someone who wouldn’t make a good President. He himself is yet to make a direct endorsement for 2012, but Rupert Murdoch is his boss. Murdoch is the kingmaker’s boss, if that gives you any idea of what his endorsement means. On top of that, Glenn Beck has also shown support for Santorum (one of the few conservatives so radical he got kicked off FOX News). This could mean Santorum is the “FOX News” candidate, which could spell for an information disaster. If he has all of FOX News, as well as the conservative media, rooting for him as the favorite, the amount of propaganda and damage they could do to an already corrupted and muddled democratic system is nightmarish.
Supports torture, and ignorantly so. Allow me to elaborate. Senator McCain came out against torture, or “enhanced interrogations,” a long time ago because he himself was tortured in Vietnam. Senator Santorum, in his infinite genius, responded by saying “McCain doesn’t understand how enhanced interrogation works… You break somebody and after they’re broken, they become cooperative.” When it was pointed out to Santorum that McCain served in Vietnam and was tortured, he immediately back pedaled, but not well enough. A former McCain aide came out and responded “For pure blind stupidity, nobody beats Santorum. In my 20 years in the Senate I’ve never met a dumber member, which he reminded me of today.”
Completely ignores all United States military intelligence on Iran, saying the exact opposite of the Secretary of Defense regarding Iran’s nuclear program. Santorum says Panetta is the one who is wrong, not him. Can you say cognitive dissonance? Santorum is itching for another disastrous war in the Middle East, and when you read about his religious ideology below, it’s almost certainly because he is yet another conservative that actually wants a world-ending war to happen just to fulfill his ideology. He wants the world to be destroyed just so he can be right.
Completely ignores and even refutes statistical fact, even when it is forced directly in front of his face. During an interview with on CNN, Santorum claimed Obama lost jobs because (I’m using his own logic here – watch the video in the link if you don’t believe me) in December of 2010 the Obama Administration reported creating 280 million jobs with the stimulus package, but by mid 2011 the Administration forecasted that the stimulus had only created 240 million jobs, meaning there was a net gain of jobs, just a smaller one than originally predicted. So, in reality, Santorum is claiming that Obama created 240 million jobs, and therefore, cost… America… jobs? Could someone explain this logic to me? The reporter tried to explain it directly to his face, but couldn’t get through. Santorum kept claiming that Obama lost jobs even with the numbers not just right in front of his face, but coming out of his own mouth! Kudos to the interviewer by the way; that was an example of real journalism that you don’t see much of any more.
Is just generally dumb. There are tons of individual “facts” Santorum has cited that are just flat-out wrong, but to give them all their own bullet point would make this list go on forever. To name a nice little lump of things he’s said that are simply wrong, Santorum claims Planned Parenthood was founded on eugenics and racism, and still practices eugenics today by placing facilities in minority areas and gearing their advertising towards minorities, which they don’t. It’s simply factually untrue. He claims abortion is to blame for Social Security failing. He claims that no society ever in the history of the world has allowed homosexual marriage, and equates homosexuality to bestiality and pedophilia. He claims the sex scandals in the Catholic Church should be blamed on the liberal media for promoting alternative lifestyles. Despite giving a speech on “foreign policy,” he didn’t have any plans for what he would do or would have done in Afghanistan or Libya if elected President, but still criticized the President for his action in Libya despite not having his own. In 2006, Santorum announced the United States had found Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq – an abject lie. He claims that radical Islam is actively attempting to enforce Sharia Law in the United States, and insinuates they are succeeding. There, enjoy some raw stupidity.
Building on this theme of stupidity(and I will be for a while), Santorum praises George Bush for his foreign policy and efforts in the war on terror. In 2008, Republicans were smart enough to not even mention his name during their campaigns because he was such a disaster in popularity and policy. Now though, Santorum is embracing him.
Claims we don’t need food stamps because obesity rates are so high. Again, I’m not kidding. Do I even really need to say anything here? The primary reason obesity is greater among the poor is because low quality, fatty foods are cheaper, not because they have access to too much food. Thousands of Americans have to go to bed hungry every night because they don’t have food, and for many of them food stamps and similar programs are their only means to obtain food. Santorum literally wants to take food out of the mouths of the hungry because he thinks they’re too fat. That’s awful Christian of you, Rick.
Insists homosexuality is a choice, even though that’s scientifically untrue. According to the American Psychological Association, “Scientific and medical understanding is that sexual orientation is not a choice, but rather a complex interplay of biological and environmental factors” (quote from Wikipedia). This actually could have significant implications about Santorum himself, because, as I elaborate here, most people who insist homosexuality is a choice may only vehemently preach as much to convince themselves that they are “straight” when in reality they are experiencing powerful homosexual urges themselves, making them, in fact, homosexuals. What aren’t you telling us, Rick?
Indicated he wants to outlaw gay sex entirely, as well as any form of sex he deems wrong because people should not have right to “sexual liberty,” and that “if ‘pursuit of happiness’ means ‘pursuit of pleasure,’ we won’t be a country very long.” Last I checked, I think sex is the one thing that 100% of Americans like (that and food), yet Santorum is the one guy now saying we don’t have a right to it. At this point, I have to remind you, Santorum is still leading in a lot of polls for the Republican nomination in 2012. So gay sex and untraditional sex are out under President Santorum.
Believes all of Islam is evil. The religion of Islam only encourages violence and oppression as much as Christianity or any other religion does when taken to ridiculous extremes of fundamentalism. There are over 1.5 billion Muslims in the world today, yet when at their peak, Al Qaeda, possibly the largest Islamic terrorist organization, had no more than 1,000 members in Afghanistan, their “bastion,” as America frequently referred to it.
Promotes the idea that Obama is a Muslim and continually claims the President is working with Muslims and against the United States. Santorum is essentially accusing Obama of treason, which is just about the heaviest crime imaginable, on absolute bullshit. Obama is not a Muslim. That is fact. Obama is not working with Islamic extremists. That is fact. Obama was born in America. That is fact. Now, why might Santorum be saying these things? Well, that ties me straight into my next point.
Says things that strongly indicate he’s a flat-out racist. That’s a heavy charge, but given what he says about black people in the linked stories, and more importantly how he panders about Obama being a Muslim, a radical, or a foreigner is just his way of saying Obama is “different,” pouring gas on the flame of racism and hatred. Plus, keep in mind his open prejudice against homosexuals, having said that he holds right to discriminate against them. Santorum is either blindly irresponsible in his bigoted, false smears against the President in attempt to score political points among the ever-illusive racist vote, or he himself is a bigot.
Believes there’s no reason women need to work to provide for their family if there is a man doing it, and worse, that the only reason a woman want to have careers is because of a “radical feminist plot.” In other words, Santorum doesn’t want women working. So far, that’s strong, outward hatred for LGBT citizens, Muslims, black people, and now women. But wait, there’s more.
Refuses to make exceptions in banning all abortions for rape or if the life of the mother is in danger because he believes the claims that some women could die if they don’t get an abortion are “phony” and not real problems. I’m officially running out of commentary on this sleaze ball.
Claims birth control is dangerous and responsible for detrimental problems in society. He also says that contraceptives are “not okay,” because they are “a license to do things,” referring to all of sexuality, insinuating that all forms sexuality are bad. Santorum also said states should have the right to ban birth control if they so chose, completely ignoring the court system that says otherwise. So gay sex, untraditional sex, and recreational sex are all out under President Santorum.
Believes pornography is the biggest problem in America today. He put the “dangers” of pornography as his first issue on his campaign website, well ahead of taxation, the budget, economy, foreign affairs, or anything else. He wants to bring light to the “pandemic” of pornography and how it is “toxic” to society. To be fair, he quickly back-pedaled and put this point near the bottom of his list, and there is good chance it may have been a genuine editing mistake, but nonetheless, offers a brief insight into Santorum’s priorities. So, with pornography also immoral in Santorum’s world; gay sex, untraditional sex, recreational sex, and masturbation are all out under President Santorum.
Believes sex and sensuality are naturally sinful and should only be used for procreation purposes within a marriage. Could somebody please tell Santorum we’re in the 21st God-damn century, and not the 17th century as he seems to believe? Oh, and if you think that’s shocking, buckle up; these last five points will blow your freaking mind.
Does not believe in science. There’s just no other way to put this. He does not believe in Evolution, he believes homosexuality is a choice, and has even gone so far as to just bluntly and ignorantly state “there is no such thing as global warming,” meaning he not only denies global climate change but the inarguable scientific fact that the planet is warming up. This is the key problem with Santorum; he believes education and knowledge are wrong. Don’t believe me? Move on to the next point.
Believes education and academia are Satanic, or at least are possessed by Satan. He opposes both public education and higher education like colleges and universities because they “kill religion,” and because they’re satanic. He’s even gone on to say that Obama is a “snob” for wanting every American to go to college. It does not get much lower than this, and yet, my list still has three bullets left in it. Santorum opposes education because it’s Satanic. How? He takes the bible literally, that’s how. What was the very first sin to be committed in the bible? Adam and Eve ate from the tree of KNOWLEDGE. Therefore, in Rick Santorum’s mind, knowledge must be Satanic. This is exactly how the church oppressed people for hundreds of years throughout the Dark Ages. This is exactly how fascist dictatorships always start out, by getting rid of all the intellectual and educated. Theocratic dictatorships, no matter where or when they were in history, depend on people being ignorant, because if they’re educated and knowledgeable, they’ll realize that a lot of the religion they are forced to follow is absolute bullshit. I don’t mean to attack religion as a whole, but Santorum has officially taken the crown in modern American history for weaponizing religion. I don’t even want to write any more on this topic because it makes me so mad, but thus is the nature of these articles. On to Santorum’s next train wreck…
Believes Protestantism is also satanic, or at least is possessed by Satan. Protestantism makes up a majority, just over 51%, of American Christians. Santorum, a Catholic, says Protestants are not real Christians and that Protestantism is “in shambles.” Santorum, though, made damn sure to clarify that the Catholic Church was certainly not possessed by Satan – only the Protestant church is. How on Earth is this guy so popular in the Republican Party, when he thinks a vast majority of them don’t count as real Christians, and are in fact possessed by Satan? This is perhaps the best testament to the ignorance of the average Republican voter I’ve ever seen.
Does not believe in separation of church and state. Do I even really have to say anything here? He said an “absolute separation of church and state” made him want to “vomit.” He went on to say “the idea that the church can have no influence or no involvement in the operation of the state is absolutely antithetical to the objectives and visions of our country.” Clearly, Santorum has absolutely no idea what this country was founded on. Jon Stewart elaborates more here.
In the end, Rick Santorum is nothing more than a sugar-coated Pat Robertson. Well, a Catholic, sugar-coated Pat Robertson. Okay, okay, a Catholic, sugar-coated Pat Robertson on steroids. And not so much sugar, maybe more like some sort of sugar substitute that people don’t really like, like high-fructose corn syrup. That’s it – Rick Santorum is a high-fructose corn syrup covered, Catholic Pat Robertson on steroids… that’s actually leading in Republican polls and could win the nomination for President in 2012. If I haven’t yet proven to you this man’s religious zealotry, consider the fact that there’s a high likelihood that he’s an Opus Dei Catholic. For those of you that don’t know, such as myself when I first heard about them, the Opus Dei Catholics are a super secret sect of Catholicism. They were featured in the novel and movie adaptation of The Da Vinci Code as the primary antagonistic organization (though they were wildly historically inaccurate – I just wanted to give people some sort of reference). Members are greatly discouraged from revealing themselves, likely because of the amount of criticism and scrutiny the organization receives over controversial practices such as extreme confidentiality, aggressive recruiting tactics, and mortification of the flesh, which is when someone physically beats themselves or inflicts great pain upon themselves as a form of repentance or apologizing for having any degree of mortal pleasure. Given how greatly they discourage members from revealing themselves, combined with Santorum’s extremely radical religious ideology and respect for the founder of the organization (having attended his birthday celebrations), it’s likely he is a member. Already we know Santorum belongs to at least one “specialized” sect of the Catholic Church; the Knights of Malta. Santorum is a “Knight” of this organization, which is the oldest order of chivalry on Earth. Keep in mind, they are old school chivalry though, which would explain Santorum’s sexist tendencies. I’m not one to judge based on religious beliefs, but when you’re as entrenched in it as Santorum is, you’re a little nuts. To me, things like orders of chivalry, secret religious societies, and so on, are all just extremely silly and goofy – like something I would play in a video game, a fantasy setting, and then leave it behind in that fantasy setting when I go back to the real world. For Santorum, things like that are real, and that is why I saved this as my final point about Santorum; he’s religious to the point of delusion, and wants to force his beliefs onto the entire country, which, if he is successful in bringing all of them to the level of federal government, would begin a new Dark Age.

That's an impressive amount of bullshit in just one post.
God, I hope that woman-hater gets the nomination.

God, I hope you don't reproduce.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. If any of you can show me a pro-woman stance Santorum has, I will change my tune.

Still waiting.

I don't think woman need to be singled out as a 'pet project' by anyone... any more than any other minority. To talk about 'pro-woman' stances is fucking misogynistic.
God, I hope that woman-hater gets the nomination.

God, I hope you don't reproduce.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. If any of you can show me a pro-woman stance Santorum has, I will change my tune.

Still waiting.

Bringing back jobs to the US is not pro-woman? How is that? Dont women benefit when we have more jobs available?

I would also think that stopping the slaughter of about 500,000 unborn females would also be pro-woman; why not?

Or do you mean by the phrase 'pro-woman' = 'pro-career oriented, gender feminist who values everything by how much it penalizes men?'
God, I hope you don't reproduce.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. If any of you can show me a pro-woman stance Santorum has, I will change my tune.

Still waiting.

I don't think woman need to be singled out as a 'pet project' by anyone... any more than any other minority. To talk about 'pro-woman' stances is fucking misogynistic.

I agree except that you do know that women are actually the majority, right?
God, I hope you don't reproduce.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. If any of you can show me a pro-woman stance Santorum has, I will change my tune.

Still waiting.

I don't think woman need to be singled out as a 'pet project' by anyone... any more than any other minority. To talk about 'pro-woman' stances is fucking misogynistic.

It's not singling them out. There are issues that pertain to women more so than men. This is a simple fact of life. And I can't find one issue where Santorum comes down on the side of supporting women.

Anti-rape victims
Anti-single mothers

I mean, seriously, what stance does this man have on any issue that would benefit women as a group?
God, I hope you don't reproduce.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. If any of you can show me a pro-woman stance Santorum has, I will change my tune.

Still waiting.

I don't think woman need to be singled out as a 'pet project' by anyone... any more than any other minority. To talk about 'pro-woman' stances is fucking misogynistic.

Um...women are not a minority. We are 51% of the population.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. If any of you can show me a pro-woman stance Santorum has, I will change my tune.

Still waiting.

I don't think woman need to be singled out as a 'pet project' by anyone... any more than any other minority. To talk about 'pro-woman' stances is fucking misogynistic.

It's not singling them out. There are issues that pertain to women more so than men. This is a simple fact of life. And I can't find one issue where Santorum comes down on the side of supporting women.


But canhe do anything to change Roe-v-Wade? No, so it is irrelevant. And considering that about 500,000 unborn baby girls are killed in abortion each year, I would thijnk that is anti-woman.


He states that this is only his own personal opinion and he has no intention of putting it into law. In other words, he doesnt act like a libtard and try to put every opinion into law. I know its hard for you folks to understand but conservatives respect individual opinon like that.

Anti-rape victims

Bullshit. Where has he done anything that is anti-rape victim?

Anti-single mothers

Again, bullshit; prove it.

I mean, seriously, what stance does this man have on any issue that would benefit women as a group?

His position benefits a hell of a lot more women than the Gloria Steinem Feminazis, but then that would put him in alignment with most decent God-fearing folks.
I don't think woman need to be singled out as a 'pet project' by anyone... any more than any other minority. To talk about 'pro-woman' stances is fucking misogynistic.

It's not singling them out. There are issues that pertain to women more so than men. This is a simple fact of life. And I can't find one issue where Santorum comes down on the side of supporting women.


But canhe do anything to change Roe-v-Wade? No, so it is irrelevant. And considering that about 500,000 unborn baby girls are killed in abortion each year, I would thijnk that is anti-woman.

He states that this is only his own personal opinion and he has no intention of putting it into law. In other words, he doesnt act like a libtard and try to put every opinion into law. I know its hard for you folks to understand but conservatives respect individual opinon like that.

Bullshit. Where has he done anything that is anti-rape victim?

Anti-single mothers

Again, bullshit; prove it.

I mean, seriously, what stance does this man have on any issue that would benefit women as a group?

His position benefits a hell of a lot more women than the Gloria Steinem Feminazis, but then that would put him in alignment with most decent God-fearing folks.

1) Your opinion of abortion shows you're an idiot. Beside that, Santorum does not believe women should be allowed to decide the issue for themselves.
2) He would oversee the Executive Branch which enforces laws. His opinion on the right to contraception absolutely comes in to play.
3) He believes if a woman is raped and becomes pregnant she should be required by law to carry the child to term.
4) He said "We are seeing it. We are seeing the fabric of this country fall apart, and it's falling apart because of single moms."
Santorum: Single Moms Are "Breeding More Criminals" | Mother Jones
Not to mention, his economic plan would raise taxes on single moms.

And don't think we didn't notice that you didn't even attempt to show an issue where he is pro-women.
I don't think woman need to be singled out as a 'pet project' by anyone... any more than any other minority. To talk about 'pro-woman' stances is fucking misogynistic.

It's not singling them out. There are issues that pertain to women more so than men. This is a simple fact of life. And I can't find one issue where Santorum comes down on the side of supporting women.


But canhe do anything to change Roe-v-Wade? No, so it is irrelevant. And considering that about 500,000 unborn baby girls are killed in abortion each year, I would thijnk that is anti-woman.

He states that this is only his own personal opinion and he has no intention of putting it into law. In other words, he doesnt act like a libtard and try to put every opinion into law. I know its hard for you folks to understand but conservatives respect individual opinon like that.

Bullshit. Where has he done anything that is anti-rape victim?

Anti-single mothers

Again, bullshit; prove it.

I mean, seriously, what stance does this man have on any issue that would benefit women as a group?

His position benefits a hell of a lot more women than the Gloria Steinem Feminazis, but then that would put him in alignment with most decent God-fearing folks.


I'm not looking to argue this point. I'm honestly asking, you, or ANYONE, to show an issue where Santorum sides with women. I mean, seriously, I can't find one!
1) Your opinion of abortion shows you're an idiot.

No, you are the idiot because everything I said is a FACT. That you cant tell the difference between opinion and fact makdes you the idiot, not me.

Beside that, Santorum does not believe women should be allowed to decide the issue for themselves.

Of course because he believes it is murder, duh.

2) He would oversee the Executive Branch which enforces laws. His opinion on the right to contraception absolutely comes in to play.

No it does not because he wont change anything to restrict contraceptives. In fact he has suported legislation that pays for contraceptives.

3) He believes if a woman is raped and becomes pregnant she should be required by law to carry the child to term.

Why should the unborn child be killed due to the rapists crime?

I know you libtards really like solutions that implement the mass slaughter of innocent people, but really, there is no need to kill an unborn baby because the Dad was a rapist.

4) He said "We are seeing it. We are seeing the fabric of this country fall apart, and it's falling apart because of single moms."
Santorum: Single Moms Are "Breeding More Criminals" | Mother Jones

It is a FACT that children raised in single parent homes have a higher rate on criminal behavior.

Not to mention, his economic plan would raise taxes on single moms.

Bullshit prove it. I knopw you dont like proving your bullshit but really, the burden of proof is on you. You dont get to just make shit up.

And don't think we didn't notice that you didn't even attempt to show an issue where he is pro-women.

'We?" Lol, the royal 'we?'

What are you, the Queen of the welfare line or what?

I'm not looking to argue this point. I'm honestly asking, you, or ANYONE, to show an issue where Santorum sides with women. I mean, seriously, I can't find one!

Because you are a moron.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. If any of you can show me a pro-woman stance Santorum has, I will change my tune.

Still waiting.

I don't think woman need to be singled out as a 'pet project' by anyone... any more than any other minority. To talk about 'pro-woman' stances is fucking misogynistic.

It's not singling them out. There are issues that pertain to women more so than men. This is a simple fact of life. And I can't find one issue where Santorum comes down on the side of supporting women.

Anti-rape victims
Anti-single mothers

I mean, seriously, what stance does this man have on any issue that would benefit women as a group?

Your left wing talking points are entertaining.... albeit inaccurate. Pity you steadfastly refuse to live up to your username.

I'm a woman. I don't need anyone to 'benefit' me or care about 'benefiting' women as a group. Most intelligent women do not need men to 'benefit' us.... we can look after ourselves.
It's not singling them out. There are issues that pertain to women more so than men. This is a simple fact of life. And I can't find one issue where Santorum comes down on the side of supporting women.


But canhe do anything to change Roe-v-Wade? No, so it is irrelevant. And considering that about 500,000 unborn baby girls are killed in abortion each year, I would thijnk that is anti-woman.

He states that this is only his own personal opinion and he has no intention of putting it into law. In other words, he doesnt act like a libtard and try to put every opinion into law. I know its hard for you folks to understand but conservatives respect individual opinon like that.

Bullshit. Where has he done anything that is anti-rape victim?

Again, bullshit; prove it.

I mean, seriously, what stance does this man have on any issue that would benefit women as a group?

His position benefits a hell of a lot more women than the Gloria Steinem Feminazis, but then that would put him in alignment with most decent God-fearing folks.


I'm not looking to argue this point. I'm honestly asking, you, or ANYONE, to show an issue where Santorum sides with women. I mean, seriously, I can't find one!

Why is a Presidential candidate supposed to 'side' with any group? He's supposed to represent Americans.... I appreciate that is a difficult concept to the left but that's what the role is.
heh heh

3 posts attacking me.
0 posts about Santorum's stance on an issue.

Pretty standard.

Attacking you? I gave several clarifications on Santorums positions which directly contradict the lies you have told about him.

Pointing out that you are either to stupid to realize when you are wrong or else are just plain lying is not so much an attack on you as it is a defense of the Truth.

Dont want to be called out on your lies? The solution is simple: stop your lying.

I'm not looking to argue this point. I'm honestly asking, you, or ANYONE, to show an issue where Santorum sides with women. I mean, seriously, I can't find one!

That would require you take an honest look.

I can guarentee you that if you polled women on whether they support freedom of religion, that the women would agree much more with Santorum than you.

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