Santorum On Zimmerman: Malicious Intent


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
It's Sunday and Zimmerman is a free man still. Even after the media hype, even after the special prosecutor, even after Al Sharpton's lynch mob, he's still free.

One can draw a few different conclusions from this fact.

1. That the Sanford Police made the correct call in the first place,and everyone is now taking their time crossing the "t"s and dotting the "i"s.
2. That Zimmerman is guilty of a lesser charge and they are still taking their time to make sure everything is right.
3. That the evidence points to Zimmerman being guilty of 2nd degree murder and the evidence is weak and they need more time to make their case.
4. That Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter and the evidence is also weak.

One conclusion I believe that we can definately come to is that it isn't a cut and dried case of 1st degree murder or he'd be in jail now.

Then there is the Al Sharpton conclusion that everyone involved in the case, from the top on down are all racists and hate Trayvon Martin.
The problem with media hyped bullshit. The one thing I have not heard anything about is actual evidence. Over and over, I hear about the white gut that shot the black guy because he was in a hoodie but very little on facts. And everyone seems to already know he is guilty. Go figure....
It's Sunday and Zimmerman is a free man still. Even after the media hype, even after the special prosecutor, even after Al Sharpton's lynch mob, he's still free.

One can draw a few different conclusions from this fact.

1. That the Sanford Police made the correct call in the first place,and everyone is now taking their time crossing the "t"s and dotting the "i"s.
2. That Zimmerman is guilty of a lesser charge and they are still taking their time to make sure everything is right.
3. That the evidence points to Zimmerman being guilty of 2nd degree murder and the evidence is weak and they need more time to make their case.
4. That Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter and the evidence is also weak.

One conclusion I believe that we can definately come to is that it isn't a cut and dried case of 1st degree murder or he'd be in jail now.

Then there is the Al Sharpton conclusion that everyone involved in the case, from the top on down are all racists and hate Trayvon Martin.

Skimming by using the law as it is written ... we watch this being done everyday as our rights are trampled.
Its a giveaway once sharpton was involved.
It's Sunday and Zimmerman is a free man still. Even after the media hype, even after the special prosecutor, even after Al Sharpton's lynch mob, he's still free.

One can draw a few different conclusions from this fact.

1. That the Sanford Police made the correct call in the first place,and everyone is now taking their time crossing the "t"s and dotting the "i"s.
2. That Zimmerman is guilty of a lesser charge and they are still taking their time to make sure everything is right.
3. That the evidence points to Zimmerman being guilty of 2nd degree murder and the evidence is weak and they need more time to make their case.
4. That Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter and the evidence is also weak.

One conclusion I believe that we can definately come to is that it isn't a cut and dried case of 1st degree murder or he'd be in jail now.

Then there is the Al Sharpton conclusion that everyone involved in the case, from the top on down are all racists and hate Trayvon Martin.

Well he's free now but for how long?

Group offers*$10,000 to

I wonder how many people are OK with this?
Maybe The Reverend Al Sharpton should get credit for getting these guys worked up?
Just a thought.
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They cannot manufacture a case, or evidence, yet. The only facts are that a black kid is dead and a non black person killed him. By default since this is a non black he must be white. The demonstrators really don't care about facts or evidence or the truth. All they want is for the person who harmed a black person to be dead themselves.

We don't see these kinds of calls for justice when a black person is the murderer. In some convoluted way those killings are justified. These attacks occur daily, all over the country. All justified. Evidence need not be presented.

On some level aren't we moving away from the entire idea of justice and trial to what feels good at the moment?
It's Sunday and Zimmerman is a free man still. Even after the media hype, even after the special prosecutor, even after Al Sharpton's lynch mob, he's still free.

One can draw a few different conclusions from this fact.

1. That the Sanford Police made the correct call in the first place,and everyone is now taking their time crossing the "t"s and dotting the "i"s.
2. That Zimmerman is guilty of a lesser charge and they are still taking their time to make sure everything is right.
3. That the evidence points to Zimmerman being guilty of 2nd degree murder and the evidence is weak and they need more time to make their case.
4. That Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter and the evidence is also weak.

One conclusion I believe that we can definately come to is that it isn't a cut and dried case of 1st degree murder or he'd be in jail now.

Then there is the Al Sharpton conclusion that everyone involved in the case, from the top on down are all racists and hate Trayvon Martin.

Well he's free now but for how long?

Group offers*$10,000 to

I wonder how many people are OK with this?
Many The Reverend Al Sharpton should get credit for getting these guys worked up?
Just a thought.

Well he's free now but for how long?

Yeah, I saw that. To answer your question honestly, I have seen where the Southern Poverty Law Center, the NAACP, and a few others have condemned the New Black Panther's actions.

If he is found innocent, he might have to be given a new identity to protect him from the condoned racism committed by blacks in this country.
They cannot manufacture a case, or evidence, yet. The only facts are that a black kid is dead and a non black person killed him. By default since this is a non black he must be white. The demonstrators really don't care about facts or evidence or the truth. All they want is for the person who harmed a black person to be dead themselves.

We don't see these kinds of calls for justice when a black person is the murderer. In some convoluted way those killings are justified. These attacks occur daily, all over the country. All justified. Evidence need not be presented.

On some level aren't we moving away from the entire idea of justice and trial to what feels good at the moment?

Yes we are, sadly.
It's Sunday and Zimmerman is a free man still. Even after the media hype, even after the special prosecutor, even after Al Sharpton's lynch mob, he's still free.

One can draw a few different conclusions from this fact.

1. That the Sanford Police made the correct call in the first place,and everyone is now taking their time crossing the "t"s and dotting the "i"s.
2. That Zimmerman is guilty of a lesser charge and they are still taking their time to make sure everything is right.
3. That the evidence points to Zimmerman being guilty of 2nd degree murder and the evidence is weak and they need more time to make their case.
4. That Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter and the evidence is also weak.

One conclusion I believe that we can definately come to is that it isn't a cut and dried case of 1st degree murder or he'd be in jail now.

Then there is the Al Sharpton conclusion that everyone involved in the case, from the top on down are all racists and hate Trayvon Martin.

Well he's free now but for how long?

Group offers*$10,000 to

I wonder how many people are OK with this?
Many The Reverend Al Sharpton should get credit for getting these guys worked up?
Just a thought.

Well he's free now but for how long?

Yeah, I saw that. To answer your question honestly, I have seen where the Southern Poverty Law Center, the NAACP, and a few others have condemned the New Black Panther's actions.

If he is found innocent, he might have to be given a new identity to protect him from the condoned racism committed by blacks in this country.

He can't be 'found innocent'. He hasn't been charged with anything. That, in itself, should tell us something. Is there a chance that the original investigation was flawed? Yes. But it is, frankly, unlikely.
Look at the group its all about race not about Treyvon and if zimmerman gets off it will be a mess ... again. Where is all the unity in this country and with all the advances in racial tensions etc why is he being tried in the media before facts are known with people offer rewards for his head.
This is bullshit! Unfortunate the young man is dead, but the mob wanting an eye for an eye I thought we were past this?
I guess our great leader has not done such a good job in this arena either!!
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As I understand it, he followed a teenager because he was in a hoodie and black, it was raining, he told 911 what he saw and suspected, they informed him to stop following the boy, his subsequent comments were assumptive and condemining, he left his car and approached the teenager after being told not to, he got into an altercation of some sort and shot and killed a fellow human being, he is an asshole, racist, and wacho at best, and from what is known a murderer. Assholes with guns kill people. Judge jury and executioner all in one, how lovely.
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Well he's free now but for how long?

Group offers*$10,000 to

I wonder how many people are OK with this?
Many The Reverend Al Sharpton should get credit for getting these guys worked up?
Just a thought.

Well he's free now but for how long?

Yeah, I saw that. To answer your question honestly, I have seen where the Southern Poverty Law Center, the NAACP, and a few others have condemned the New Black Panther's actions.

If he is found innocent, he might have to be given a new identity to protect him from the condoned racism committed by blacks in this country.

He can't be 'found innocent'. He hasn't been charged with anything. That, in itself, should tell us something. Is there a chance that the original investigation was flawed? Yes. But it is, frankly, unlikely.

That is why I said "if". That assumes he gets charged, tried and exhonerated. Have some coffee CG. :D
he may have been standing his ground.

1.The witness reports that George Zimmerman was on the ground and Trayvon is on top of him punching him.
2.The witness says that George Zimmerman was screaming and yelling for help.
3.Police arrive and find Zimmerman bleeding on his face and the back of his head. He also has had grass stains on his back. All this confirms the story told by Zimmerman and the witness.
4.Police play the 911 tape for Trayvon Martin’s father, who tells police that the voice screaming is not the voice of his son.

Zimmerman Was on the Ground Being Punched When He Shot Trayvon Martin | American Renaissance

investigation will depend upon the facts of the case...

sounds as if hispanics can be discriminated against too.. though they don't look like the president's son.
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As I understand it, he followed a teenager because he was in a hoodie and black, it was raining, he told 911 what he saw and suspected, they informed him to stop following the boy, his subsequent comments were assumptive and condemining, he left his car and approached the teenager after being told not to, he got into an altercation of some sort and shot and killed a fellow human being, he is an asshole, racist, and wacho at best, and from what is known a murderer. Assholes with guns kill people. Judge jury and executioner all in one, how lovely.

You trust every word that the media tells you? How foolish. There are quite a few conflicting stories about what happened. You apparently accept the one that fits your preconceived opinions. I don't. I avoid forming an opinion about the case until ALL the facts are available.... particularly since the local LEOs did not find evidence of a crime originally.
As I understand it, he followed a teenager because he was in a hoodie and black, it was raining, he told 911 what he saw and suspected, they informed him to stop following the boy, his subsequent comments were assumptive and condemining, he left his car and approached the teenager after being told not to, he got into an altercation of some sort and shot and killed a fellow human being, he is an asshole, racist, and wacho at best, and from what is known a murderer. Assholes with guns kill people. Judge jury and executioner all in one, how lovely.

See you have him guilty already and dont have all the facts.
Assholes with guns, judge jury and executioners seems to be, by way of media anyway to be black youth so should they all be condemned?
worst case senario is the guy is gulity, and the police are guilty of corruption.

Now if that's true, we should all recognize that would be extremely rare. Jessie Jackson and all the liberals saying there is an offical war on black people is either dishonest or stupid.
It's Sunday and Zimmerman is a free man still. Even after the media hype, even after the special prosecutor, even after Al Sharpton's lynch mob, he's still free.

One can draw a few different conclusions from this fact.

1. That the Sanford Police made the correct call in the first place,and everyone is now taking their time crossing the "t"s and dotting the "i"s.
2. That Zimmerman is guilty of a lesser charge and they are still taking their time to make sure everything is right.
3. That the evidence points to Zimmerman being guilty of 2nd degree murder and the evidence is weak and they need more time to make their case.
4. That Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter and the evidence is also weak.

One conclusion I believe that we can definately come to is that it isn't a cut and dried case of 1st degree murder or he'd be in jail now.

Then there is the Al Sharpton conclusion that everyone involved in the case, from the top on down are all racists and hate Trayvon Martin.

I think it's possible much of the police force hates Al Sharpton and blacks. I've seen a lot of that down in Florida.

Now Sharpton is giving them plenty of reason to hate them even more.

A wise man would drop the issue right about now, but obviously Al Sharpton isn't wise....he's simply an opportunist. That's what keeps him riding around in limos.

I wonder how much the price to get him to speak has gone up this week.
It's Sunday and Zimmerman is a free man still. Even after the media hype, even after the special prosecutor, even after Al Sharpton's lynch mob, he's still free.

One can draw a few different conclusions from this fact.

1. That the Sanford Police made the correct call in the first place,and everyone is now taking their time crossing the "t"s and dotting the "i"s.
2. That Zimmerman is guilty of a lesser charge and they are still taking their time to make sure everything is right.
3. That the evidence points to Zimmerman being guilty of 2nd degree murder and the evidence is weak and they need more time to make their case.
4. That Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter and the evidence is also weak.

One conclusion I believe that we can definately come to is that it isn't a cut and dried case of 1st degree murder or he'd be in jail now.

Then there is the Al Sharpton conclusion that everyone involved in the case, from the top on down are all racists and hate Trayvon Martin.

Well he's free now but for how long?

Group offers*$10,000 to

I wonder how many people are OK with this?
Many The Reverend Al Sharpton should get credit for getting these guys worked up?
Just a thought.

Well he's free now but for how long?

Yeah, I saw that. To answer your question honestly, I have seen where the Southern Poverty Law Center, the NAACP, and a few others have condemned the New Black Panther's actions.

If he is found innocent, he might have to be given a new identity to protect him from the condoned racism committed by blacks in this country.

If they would loudly condemn the New Black Party and the NBL instead of meekly saying it in private then I would say bravo. But what they've done is equivalent to a mouse farting into a hurricane.
worst case senario is the guy is gulity, and the police are guilty of corruption.

Now if that's true, we should all recognize that would be extremely rare. Jessie Jackson and all the liberals saying there is an offical war on black people is either dishonest or stupid.

or both.. huh?
he may have been standing his ground.

1.The witness reports that George Zimmerman was on the ground and Trayvon is on top of him punching him.
2.The witness says that George Zimmerman was screaming and yelling for help.
3.Police arrive and find Zimmerman bleeding on his face and the back of his head. He also has had grass stains on his back. All this confirms the story told by Zimmerman and the witness.
4.Police play the 911 tape for Trayvon Martin’s father, who tells police that the voice screaming is not the voice of his son.

Zimmerman Was on the Ground Being Punched When He Shot Trayvon Martin | American Renaissance

investigation will depend upon the facts of the case...

sounds as if hispanics can be discriminated against too.. though they don't look like the president's son.

So we actually have a witness that saw this young man on top of and attacking Zimmerman, we have evidence that at some point Zimmerman was on the ground and Martin's own father said it wasn't his son screaming...........yea Zimmerman just murdered him in cold blood, right!!

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