Santorum BLAMES the state of MASS.- for child sex abuse within the Catholic Church!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
In a rare personal attack on the Senate floor, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy accused Sen. Rick Santorum on Wednesday of being self-righteous and insensitive for a column he wrote three years ago linking Boston’s liberalism to the sex abuse scandal in its Catholic diocese.

“Priests, like all of us, are affected by culture,” Santorum wrote. “When the culture is sick, every element in it becomes infected. While it is no excuse for this scandal, it is no surprise that Boston, a seat of academic, political and cultural liberalism in America, lies at the center of the storm.”

In a speech, Kennedy, D-Mass., called for Santorum to retract his remarks and apologize to the people of Boston and Massachusetts and the nation.

“The people of Boston are to blame for the clergy sexual abuse? That is an irresponsible, insensitive and inexcusable thing to say,” said Kennedy.
Robert Traynham, a spokesman for Santorum, said his boss recognizes that the church abuse scandal was not just in Boston, but all over the country.

Throughout the United States, sexual abuse by priests has cost the Catholic Church more than $1 billion. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has said that its records show 44 priests have been “credibly” accused of molesting minors since the 1950s.

Kennedy rips Santorum for abuse remarks - politics -

"Father Santorum" strikes again Telling us that the molestation of young boys--which is across this country by "trusted figures" of the Catholic church -- was all the state of Mass, specifically Boston's FAULT--:cuckoo:. Darn them for creating Priest's that were pedifiles.

Now you people have got to be joking right--Santorum is leading in polling data--against SANE candidates. Do some of you have any smidgen of a clue as to what the Obama reelection campaign committee is going to do with "Father Santorum?"---- They are NOT going to hold any punches regarding his recent statement that States have the right to BAN birth control contraceptives--they are not going to let up on this social freak nut case--and he is going to get tared and feathered & run out of this country by the Obama reelection campaign.

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Oh yeah, this guy has a chance to become POTUS in November!


Hey I am a FISCAL conservative--have been all of my life--and this guy--(Santorum) scares the crap out of me.

Santorum is a social freak NUT-CASE--and Jesus needs to drop him through the goal post of life and kick him right back into the 17th century.

Santorum really missed his calling in life--he should have been a Catholic priest. He's certainly NOT qualified to be POTUS with his too far right religious beliefs--and he is going to get booted up to heaven by Barack Obama should he win the nomination.

Everywhere you look, more and more craziness from this freak.

Scary thing, he's ahead of all the other clowns. Does this mean a majority of rw's agree with him? How about catholics? Do they agree with him? They must not because they DO use birth control. (You can tell by the number of little snotty nosed catholic darlings tagging along behind them to the welfare office.)

And, the absolute most scariest thing is that he has reproduced and his evil catholic spawn will reproduce. They don't believe in birth control and want to carpet the planet with more little Santorum catholic freaks. And then those little catholic freaks want to produce more little catholic freaks.

Understand that I don't hate all Catholics. But, has anything of any worth come from that incredibly wealthy bunch of old men?
Everywhere you look, more and more craziness from this freak.

Scary thing, he's ahead of all the other clowns. Does this mean a majority of rw's agree with him? How about catholics? Do they agree with him? They must not because they DO use birth control. (You can tell by the number of little snotty nosed catholic darlings tagging along behind them to the welfare office.)

And, the absolute most scariest thing is that he has reproduced and his evil catholic spawn will reproduce. They don't believe in birth control and want to carpet the planet with more little Santorum catholic freaks. And then those little catholic freaks want to produce more little catholic freaks.

Understand that I don't hate all Catholics. But, has anything of any worth come from that incredibly wealthy bunch of old men?
Santorum nomination will guarantee 4 more years of illegal occupation .

I see you're not running for office any more. good move on your part cuz ain't no way you could get elected for anything.

Keep posting. You're damned entertaining and the perfect example of all that is wrong with our education "system".
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In a rare personal attack on the Senate floor, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy accused Sen. Rick Santorum on Wednesday of being self-righteous and insensitive for a column he wrote three years ago linking Boston’s liberalism to the sex abuse scandal in its Catholic diocese.

“Priests, like all of us, are affected by culture,” Santorum wrote. “When the culture is sick, every element in it becomes infected. While it is no excuse for this scandal, it is no surprise that Boston, a seat of academic, political and cultural liberalism in America, lies at the center of the storm.”

In a speech, Kennedy, D-Mass., called for Santorum to retract his remarks and apologize to the people of Boston and Massachusetts and the nation.

“The people of Boston are to blame for the clergy sexual abuse? That is an irresponsible, insensitive and inexcusable thing to say,” said Kennedy.
Robert Traynham, a spokesman for Santorum, said his boss recognizes that the church abuse scandal was not just in Boston, but all over the country.

Throughout the United States, sexual abuse by priests has cost the Catholic Church more than $1 billion. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has said that its records show 44 priests have been “credibly” accused of molesting minors since the 1950s.

Kennedy rips Santorum for abuse remarks - politics -

"Father Santorum" strikes again Telling us that the molestation of young boys--which is across this country by "trusted figures" of the Catholic church -- was all the state of Mass, specifically Boston's FAULT--:cuckoo:. Darn them for creating Priest's that were pedifiles.

Now you people have got to be joking right--Santorum is leading in polling data--against SANE candidates. Do some of you have any smidgen of a clue as to what the Obama reelection campaign committee is going to do with "Father Santorum?"---- They are NOT going to hold any punches regarding his recent statement that States have the right to BAN birth control contraceptives--they are not going to let up on this social freak nut case--and he is going to get tared and feathered & run out of this country by the Obama reelection campaign.


Was Kennedy out on vacation from Hell, or is your 'breaking news' story a little out of date?
Everywhere you look, more and more craziness from this freak.

Scary thing, he's ahead of all the other clowns. Does this mean a majority of rw's agree with him? How about catholics? Do they agree with him? They must not because they DO use birth control. (You can tell by the number of little snotty nosed catholic darlings tagging along behind them to the welfare office.)

And, the absolute most scariest thing is that he has reproduced and his evil catholic spawn will reproduce. They don't believe in birth control and want to carpet the planet with more little Santorum catholic freaks. And then those little catholic freaks want to produce more little catholic freaks.

Understand that I don't hate all Catholics. But, has anything of any worth come from that incredibly wealthy bunch of old men?

WTF is the matter with you? Stop being a douchebag and leave his kids out of this.
In a rare personal attack on the Senate floor, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy accused Sen. Rick Santorum on Wednesday of being self-righteous and insensitive for a column he wrote three years ago linking Boston’s liberalism to the sex abuse scandal in its Catholic diocese.

“Priests, like all of us, are affected by culture,” Santorum wrote. “When the culture is sick, every element in it becomes infected. While it is no excuse for this scandal, it is no surprise that Boston, a seat of academic, political and cultural liberalism in America, lies at the center of the storm.”

In a speech, Kennedy, D-Mass., called for Santorum to retract his remarks and apologize to the people of Boston and Massachusetts and the nation.

“The people of Boston are to blame for the clergy sexual abuse? That is an irresponsible, insensitive and inexcusable thing to say,” said Kennedy.
Robert Traynham, a spokesman for Santorum, said his boss recognizes that the church abuse scandal was not just in Boston, but all over the country.

Throughout the United States, sexual abuse by priests has cost the Catholic Church more than $1 billion. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has said that its records show 44 priests have been “credibly” accused of molesting minors since the 1950s.

Kennedy rips Santorum for abuse remarks - politics -

"Father Santorum" strikes again Telling us that the molestation of young boys--which is across this country by "trusted figures" of the Catholic church -- was all the state of Mass, specifically Boston's FAULT--:cuckoo:. Darn them for creating Priest's that were pedifiles.

Now you people have got to be joking right--Santorum is leading in polling data--against SANE candidates. Do some of you have any smidgen of a clue as to what the Obama reelection campaign committee is going to do with "Father Santorum?"---- They are NOT going to hold any punches regarding his recent statement that States have the right to BAN birth control contraceptives--they are not going to let up on this social freak nut case--and he is going to get tared and feathered & run out of this country by the Obama reelection campaign.


Legitimate criticism.
Santorum nomination will guarantee 4 more years of illegal occupation .

I see you're not running for office any more. good move on your part cuz ain't no way you could get elected for anything.

Keep posting. You're damned entertaining and the perfect example of all that is wrong with our education "system".

You're not exactly covering yourself in glory with your dumbass cracks about wealthy old guys and Catholic kids.
And, the absolute most scariest thing is that he has reproduced and his evil catholic spawn will reproduce. They don't believe in birth control and want to carpet the planet with more little Santorum catholic freaks. And then those little catholic freaks want to produce more little catholic freaks.

You didn't have to go there.
Pundits have been commenting for the past few days that Santorum needs to get off this bizarre religious nonsense and focus on issues that matter to the voters – like jobs and the economy; the longer he stays in rightwing kooksville the tougher it will be for him to be taken as a serious candidate should he indeed win the nomination.
Toro and Erik - You both MAY have a point but its a lot like black or gay jokes. If you don't speak out against injustice, racism, child molestation, you are tacitly agreeing with it.

Too many priests, parishioners and parents of alter boys have kept quiet. Those priests did untold damage to hundreds of children. They are still doing it and they are still being moved around, parish to parish, fresh meat and no consequences to them. (Needless to say, I find it hard to believe that people still entrust their children to these monsters. There is no way I would leave a child alone with a Catholic priest. Doesn't matter that not all of them are evil molesters. Enough of them are and my children are precious to me and "The Church" cannot be trusted. )

The priests, cardinals, bishops, popes are indeed wealthy old guys who have never actually experiences any of the real world difficulties that pregnant women face. Until they do, they have no right to pass judgment. For that matter, neither does Santorum have the right to judge or control.

This is not a matter that should be discussed or debated. It is simply fact that Catholics and Repubs need to get their BIG noses out of other people's private lives.
Pundits have been commenting for the past few days that Santorum needs to get off this bizarre religious nonsense and focus on issues that matter to the voters – like jobs and the economy; the longer he stays in rightwing kooksville the tougher it will be for him to be taken as a serious candidate should he indeed win the nomination.

Have any of them said anything more than "we need to get this country back to work" and "raise taxes on the poor, cut taxes on the rich"?

That's all we've heard from the GObP/repub, candidates for several years now. That seems to be the sum total of their "plan".

And, of course, we all know that means more debt and no jobs - just lots more money for Big Business, Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Big Oil. More money in foreign banks and foreign companies.

When are the Repubs gonna start working for the USA?

Never because that's not who pays them.

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