Sanford police chief fired


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Sanford police chief fired in wake of Trayvon Martin case

June 20, 2012
CNN Wire Staff

Sanford, Florida, Police Chief Bill Lee, who drew criticism for his department's actions in the Trayvon Martin case, was fired Wednesday.

"After much thoughtful discussion and deep consideration for the issues facing the city of Sanford, I have determined the police chief needs to have the trust and respect of the elected officials and the confidence of the entire community," City Manager Norton Bonaparte said in a news release.

"We need to move forward with a police chief that all the citizens of Sanford can support. I have come to this decision in light of the escalating divisiveness that has taken hold of the city."
Sanford police chief fired in wake of Trayvon Martin case - CNN


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