Same war different attitude


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Most people will agree that Afghanistan is similar to VietNam in many ways. We all remember hard charging Marine Ron Kovic turning into a lang haired wild eyed anti-war protester after he was wounded and partially paralyzed in Vietnam. The media loved it and made a movie out of it. In fact the media encouraged anger and resentment among Military Veterans and promoted the myth of the crazy Vietnam Vet. Fast forward to Afghanistan and Army Sgt Travis Mills who was horribly wounded and suffered amputation of both arms and legs. He was interviewed on Fox yesterday and never showed any resentment or anger about his condition. He was upbeat and positive about his recovery and showed an interest in his future. Maybe MSNBC can find some angry Vets to balance the picture or maybe the media supports Veterans as long as a democrat is in the White House.
Everyone retroactively complained about VietNam strategy and here we are again but this time the media is fine with the situation in Afghanistan because a democrat is in office. The selfish generation was pardoned for evading the draft by that cracker Georgia farmer but there is no Draft now and the grey haired old anarchists are satisfied that American volunteer Troops are fighting a war run by politicians who don't want to fight a war. Meanwhile we see romantic posts about really nice funerals in Arlington. It's like a big bad 60's acid trip.

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