Saddam’s iraq was never a threat


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Saddam’s Iraq was never a threat but it is now because we made it so. Shiites, Sunni, Kurds and Arab Socialist Baaths are not like Democrats, Republicans and Independents. They will kill each other if they disagree and they will never stop disagreeing. Iraq will never be a stable country. It is relatively stable now because we are there. But when we leave it will revert back worse than ever and more of a threat that we have not know before. Same with Afghanistan. We cannot force democracy on a country that was never meant to be a democracy. Democracy is based on Christianity and Muslims countries will never fully embrace democracy. Democracy is against their religious beliefs. We cannot remain their forever and that is what is would take and then we would cause more instability. We have wasted American lives and money for a cause that is not a reality. Iraq like Pakistan will turn against us and we have built up their military and some GOP idiots want to give the fighter planes? Next nuclear weapons? Pakistan was not a threat but it is now. We are our worse enemy and others worse enemy also. We cannot admit we made a mistake and lost because it would make 6,000 men and women human sacrifices. Not heroes or martyrs.
A country that had no-fly zones imposed on it, and these zones patrolled by outside world isn't a thread.
This basically means, that this country has no authority over its own territory. Then that country was also under heavy UN sanctions and its economy crippled.

Operation Northern Watch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Operation Southern Watch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No threat at all.
US public wanted to see blood after 2001 and closed its eyes from what was happening, and thereby failed as society.
A country that had no-fly zones imposed on it, and these zones patrolled by outside world isn't a thread.
This basically means, that this country has no authority over its own territory. Then that country was also under heavy UN sanctions and its economy crippled.

Arabs are the most fucked up people in history.
Saddam's Iraq was never a threat, huh?? Try selling that "hog" to Kuwait or Israel. Or the Kurds for that matter. Even the dumb liberals said Iraq was a threat to the world and voted to oust this madman (yes, even Hillary Clinton!). Answer these three questions: did Saddam ever have "weapons of mass destruction." Ans. YES. Did he ever USE them? Ans. YES (against the Kurds and the Iranians in their 8-yr. war). Do you think he used ALL of them? Ans. Doubtful. He was a threat to every country in that regionl Wake up and smell the coffee, lady. It ain't rocket science. He denied U.N. Inspectors access for years and years, so he could have smuggled all those types of weapons out of the country, or he even could have buried them in the sand. Neville Chamberlain too was foolish to think that Hitler could be trusted.
Saddam's Iraq was never a threat, huh?? Try selling that "hog" to Kuwait or Israel. Or the Kurds for that matter. Even the dumb liberals said Iraq was a threat to the world and voted to oust this madman (yes, even Hillary Clinton!). Answer these three questions: did Saddam ever have "weapons of mass destruction." Ans. YES. Did he ever USE them? Ans. YES (against the Kurds and the Iranians in their 8-yr. war). Do you think he used ALL of them? Ans. Doubtful. He was a threat to every country in that regionl Wake up and smell the coffee, lady. It ain't rocket science. He denied U.N. Inspectors access for years and years, so he could have smuggled all those types of weapons out of the country, or he even could have buried them in the sand. Neville Chamberlain too was foolish to think that Hitler could be trusted.

So, why didn't he unearth those "WMD's" when it turned into life&death issue for him?
It's a pure rhetoric question and you don't have to answer, because whole world already knew that the stories of mobile WMD-laboratories, yellowcake and missiles which could be fired within 45 minutes were total bullshit.

Saddam’s Iraq was never a threat but it is now because we made it so. Shiites, Sunni, Kurds and Arab Socialist Baaths are not like Democrats, Republicans and Independents. They will kill each other if they disagree and they will never stop disagreeing. Iraq will never be a stable country. It is relatively stable now because we are there. But when we leave it will revert back worse than ever and more of a threat that we have not know before. Same with Afghanistan. We cannot force democracy on a country that was never meant to be a democracy. Democracy is based on Christianity and Muslims countries will never fully embrace democracy. Democracy is against their religious beliefs. We cannot remain their forever and that is what is would take and then we would cause more instability. We have wasted American lives and money for a cause that is not a reality. Iraq like Pakistan will turn against us and we have built up their military and some GOP idiots want to give the fighter planes? Next nuclear weapons? Pakistan was not a threat but it is now. We are our worse enemy and others worse enemy also. We cannot admit we made a mistake and lost because it would make 6,000 men and women human sacrifices. Not heroes or martyrs.

Well, that was a big pile of partisanship, uninformed opinion, bias, ignorance, and flat-out bigotry.
These are not screenshots from some cheap Hollywood B-movie.




Of course the Brits and their "intelligence services" did also their part in this

45 minutes missiles and Saddam 1 year from acquiring the nuke

A country that had no-fly zones imposed on it, and these zones patrolled by outside world isn't a thread.
This basically means, that this country has no authority over its own territory. Then that country was also under heavy UN sanctions and its economy crippled.

Operation Northern Watch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Operation Southern Watch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No threat at all.
US public wanted to see blood after 2001 and closed its eyes from what was happening, and thereby failed as society.


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