Sad Commentary on our direction as a Nation

Look at the statistics, and you can answer your own stupid questions. I know that since you and your chums started ridiculing Christianity and traditional values, the standard of living in America, the incidence of child murder, abuse, and gang membership have sky rocketed. You do the math.

Just out of curiosity, how do you KNOW that "me and my chums" have been ridiculing Christianity? I go to church once in a while, read the Bible on occasion, and my skin does NOT sizzle when it comes in contact with holy things.

Now.....I was born in '64, but the hippie movement began in '63, so how in the hell can I and the people I know be responsible?

As far as traditional values? Honesty, charity, truthfulness, and family (what little I have left, which consists of only 1 aunt and 2 cousins), are all very important to me. I also cherish the values I learned in the military.....honor, commitment, valor, pride and courage. I also respect those values quite a bit, so how is that ridiculing traditional values?

I don't ridicule Christianity or traditional values, just the idiots who are hypocritical Christians or hypocritical conservatives like you Allie.
The right and the left have destroyed America.

The left by destroying the family with welfare and public housing.

The right by bankrupting the government by borrowing $9 trillion dollars to fund ridiculous wars and military spending.
If you pick apart the traditional family, and sneer at traditional family values such as belief in God, the sanctity of marriage and life and living honorably and with your vision turned outward, towards the good of others, instead of inward....then you are going to have a crisis.

And we're having it. Traditional families are no longer respected or seen as things of value. They are being supplanted by non-traditional families; i.e., families headed by homosexuals. People for the past 40 years have been encouraged to "find themselves" at the cost of their families, and to walk away from their families at the first sign of difficulty or less than perfect happiness...and then are encouraged to play the field and bring serial partners into the family home, where their children are exposed.

Religion, particularly Christianity, has been labeled as "extremism" by progressives and it has become the accepted thing to mock and ridicule those who adhere to a specific religion (except Islam, of course. They get all sorts of respect) or who dare to declare a belief in God. Despite the best efforts of the religious right to maintain religion separate from government, the left insists on trying to legislate religion; attempting to identify biblical text as "hate speech" and attempting to remove the tax free status of churches..forcing them into "business" and thus removing any strictures which remain which keep the churches separate from our government.

Add to this the fact that our children are encouraged to experiment with sex, are taught that there's no such thing as "bad" sex, and provided with sex counseling, contraceptives, and abortion clinic information, while at the same time the schools are attacking the family if and when children choose to marry instead of abort....while at the same time the abortion clinics refuse to research who, exactly, is getting these young girls pregnant and holding them accountable for their (often) illegal behavior.

Of course our morals suck and life has no meaning. The liberal progressives have been calling the shots. You want it to end? Get rid of them and quit shrugging your shoulders at their outrageous behavior.

What a bunch of bull. There were homosexuals heading families then, they were just in the closet. The people with some of the highest teenage pregnancy rates are the evangelicals. I suppose you claim purity during your teen years, most of us live in reality, realizing that we have the most hormones when we have the least brains to control them. Who's getting young females pregnant? Males. Often with the enthusiastic cooperation of the young female.

As far as the crap about being a less morale society now than when I was a child, crap it is. In our Southern states, people were routinely lynched after WW2 for simply being the wrong color. Colin Powel would have had to sit in the back of the bus. Native Americans had to have passes to go off the reservations.

We just validated the first sentence of the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence in our Presidential election. Validated it to the tune of about 375 electorial votes. Now we have the haters coming out of the woodwork, threatoning to undue our Democratic process with violence. All moral citizens hearing any of this kind of talk should give the speaker a peice of their mind, and a long talk with the authorities. That is the real immorality rampant in this nation today, the threat of violence against citizens by extremists.
When I'm telling you about my religion I'm sharing it with you, and you ought to be grateful to me for trying to save you

But when you're telling me about yours, you're forcing it on me, and you ought to be ashamed for trying to shake my faith in the one true religion.

You haven't figured that out yet, pilgrim?
Ok, Allie, you think it is perfectly fine to ascribe everything that is wrong with society to "progressives", and "liberals"? Yet it is the Bush administration that invaded another nation on the basis of lies. It is you conservatives that approved of our nation using torture.

I am a blue collar liberal. I have read the Bible twice. There is much wisdom there, as in any there is in any cultures mythology. But the real freedoms that we enjoy as Americans did not come about until men such as Thomas Paine made clear that such freedoms were the right of man, not the purvue of the clergy. And the clergy, in almost every instance, have stood with those that would prevent the spread of freedom. See Jefferson's comment on that.
Um, Helluva post there, Chris...

You should provide the link, you're asking for help, opinion.

Second of all, define "shaping up" by your own standards.

Thirdly, one article should lead you to the next, it's not enough to the size of your issue and lastly, all of the above are why you have people Chucking Ass and Sky Dancers languishing all high-like in the daychair.
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*I took the Evelyn Wood Speed reading course before I read the Bible.

It really worked good, too.

I read the whole Bible in only 8 minutes.

It's about God or something.

* (with apologies to Woody Allen for stealing his joke)
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Well, on the subject of the economy, this current situation is by far, not the worst it has been historically. And, if this is as bad as it is going to get in the future, then we should consider ourselves extremely fortunate! For retirees and others who need to liquidate assets right now, well, they're in trouble. On the other hand, if you can hold on for 10 years or more, this current crisis will be a mere blip on the DOW long-term chart.

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