S. Sudan Peace Talks Make Progress, Adjourn for Consultations


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2012
IGAD-led multi-stakeholder peace negotiations adjourned today, 5 October 2014. Talks are expected to resume on 16 October 2014 in Addis Ababa.
This Session of talks saw substantial progress in determining the arrangements necessary to implement a Transitional Government of National Unity-TGoNU in South Sudan. Commented the IGAD Special Envoys, “This session of talks has made substantial progress than any other. The negotiating parties have demonstrated a great deal of political will and seriousness to close gaps on critical issues namely, System of Governance, structure and functions of the TGoNU. We encourage the stakeholders to continue these positive efforts and to show more flexibility in the spirit of give and take, and compromise.”
Amongst other subjects, the participating stakeholders discussed, the System of Governance, Function/Mandate of the TGoNU, Structures of the TGoNU, Size of the Cabinet in the TGoNU, Seat of the TGoNU, Structure and Size of the Legislature, Pre-transitional and Transitional Period, Decision Making Mechanism in the TGoNU,, Dispute resolution mechanism in relation to the agreement, Duties and Responsibilities of the Executive and Duties and Responsibilities of the Prime Minister.
Even though a number of agreements have been achieved, such as, system of Governance, whereby Federalism is agreed to—in principle; structure and functions of the Transitional Government of National Unity and its seat, the size of the Council of Ministers, and the duration of the transition period are agreed upon, the few remaining issues are critical that require the parties to make bold decisions to save the lives of the people and the nation without further delay. The people of South Sudan are urging them to end the war now.
The absence of Political Parties during this session was harmful to the inclusivity of the process. The IGAD Leaders, Special Envoys and partners of IGAD and friends of South Sudan are all calling for an end to the obstacles facing the representation of Political Parties to the talks. And the Mediation hopes their participation in the upcoming negotiation.
The Mediation expressed its disappointment on the lack of the implementation of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreements and all its implementation modalities including the
Matrix. The war must stop, the war option must stop. The only viable solution to this crisis is peaceful political negotiation around the table.
The Mediation further urged the parties to facilitate the flow of humanitarian assistances to reach the people who are in dire need of them; and to cooperate with and support free movements of all personnel working for Humanitarian Organizations.
The negotiations have now adjourned to enable the stakeholders to undertake further consultations on the relevant issues. In the coming days, the IGAD Special Envoys will continue their engagement with the leaders of IGAD, Principals of the peace process including with H.E Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan and Dr. Riek Machar, Former Vice-President and leader of the SPLM/A In-Opposition and with the friends and partners of South Sudan.
The IGAD-led mediation renews its call to all parties to demonstrate flexibility and goodwill in working to agree a lasting settlement that resolves the ongoing crisis in South Sudan.
We thank the partners of IGAD, AU, UN, EU, Troika, the Governments of China, Japan, Netherlands, and all the members of IGAD Partners Forum-IPF for their support and call on them to further enhance their support and cooperation.

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