S&P Hits 5-Year High


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
* Blue chips: Travelers up after results, J&J slips

* Google, IBM and Texas Instruments to report after the bell

* Dow up 0.4 pct, S&P 500 up 0.3 pct, Nasdaq up 0.01 pct

By Rodrigo Campos

NEW YORK, Jan 22 (Reuters) - Cyclical sectors led the Standard & Poor's 500 to a five-year intraday high on Tuesday as traders gobbled up bank and commodity shares on hopes the global economy continues to mend.

The market also gained on signals that Republican leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives aim on Wednesday to pass a nearly four-month extension of the U.S. debt limit. The White House welcomed the move on Tuesday, saying it defuses fears of a U.S. default on its debt.

Adding to the upbeat sentiment, Portuguese 10-year debt yields fell below 6 percent for the first time since late 2010 on news that the country was set to tap the bond market this week for the first time since it was bailed out in 2011.

S&P 500 Hits 5-Year High On Possible Debt Ceiling Deal, Global Economy Hopes
So, in general, the market signs are good for a number of reasons. Certainly the stock market has been doing well. And GNP has been growing at a good pace. Really, the remaining issue is unemployment, which is historically always the last to improve. But it shows signs of moving further into good numbers.

A strong shot of stimulus spending aimed at infrastructure should help greatly. But repubs are holding hard on not allowing that to happen. Cutting spending will throw more cold water on unemployment as it always does when the UE rate is high.
So Bush was right to want to partially privatize Social Security.

Go figure
Well, it would certainly have been a great thing for all of the brokerage firms that would have handled the trades. But not sure anyone would have been real happy with what happened to their retirement holdings as Bush was leaving and the market was tanking. Ya think, Crusader?
So Bush was right to want to partially privatize Social Security.

Go figure

yes, 15% of our life time income in a private account would make the average American worth $1.4 million at retirement. Under SS you get dog food money if you live long enough to collect a penny!
yes, 15% of our life time income in a private account would make the average American worth $1.4 million at retirement.
Invested in what?

Is the $1.4 million figure in inflation adjusted dollars or just using dollars from when they started working? If I'm starting work now and am looking forward to having 1.4 million in 45 years that might not be quite as impressive a figure in the year 2058.
Invested in what?

any investment that pays 4-6%

Is the $1.4 million figure in inflation adjusted dollars or just using dollars from when they started working?

when started working

If I'm starting work now and am looking forward to having 1.4 million in 45 years that might not be quite as impressive a figure in the year 2058.

Well you're salary will benefit from huge liberal inflation and hopefully many raises over the next 45 years so $2-4 million is not unrealistic.
I think we're at the peak of a huge, Worldwide, Bond Market Bubble so if you wanna' lose yer money go ahead and plow all yer cash into Bonds.

any investment that pays 4-6%
What is any investment that pays 4-6%?

Right now most people would love to have an investment that guarantees even 2%.

when started working
Okay, if I know I'll have 1.4 million in 45 years and take into account 3% inflation it would be about 370k in today's purchasing power.

Well you're salary will benefit from huge liberal inflation and hopefully many raises over the next 45 years so $2-4 million is not unrealistic.
Ahh "hopefully" the cornerstone of any solid investment plan.
So Bush was right to want to partially privatize Social Security.

Go figure

No he wasn't.

I lost 50K in my 401K in the last year of Bush's second term.

That's alot of ducats.


Did you read the OP?

Why refer him to read the OP now? You made the ridiculous claim and half truth about Bush wanting to "partially priviatize" Social Security. If he would've succeeded, there would have been alot more people hurting big time in this Country.

Sounds like you have no 401k plan and that is why it was so easy for you to make such a stupid statement to begin with and then comeback and post again looking for a response. Finally you get one and then, cry look at the OP.....:cuckoo:
You made the ridiculous claim and half truth about Bush wanting to "partially priviatize" Social Security. If he would've succeeded, there would have been alot more people hurting big time in this Country.

Sounds like you have no 401k plan and that is why it was so easy for you to make such a stupid statement to begin with and then comeback and post again looking for a response. Finally you get one and then, cry look at the OP.....:cuckoo:

SS is a giant scam. If you make 40K and put 15% into a private account you retire with $1.5 million and $6K a month. With SS welfare you retire with nothing and get only 1.2k a month if you live long enough to collect any of it!

That's living well? The Democratic scams should just be made illegal. What does this say about liberalism?
Imagine how the Democrats have impoverished America?

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