Ryan’s alter ego


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
(An alter ego (Latin, "the other I") is a second self, which is believed to be distinct from a person's normal or original personality)

Ryan in 2002 was for the stimulus, (was you “have to spend a little to grow a little” (Government spending)was for unemployment insurance and safety nets like healthcare and food stamps doing the recession that began under the Bush’s spending and borrowing spree before he was against all this in 1012. Was for cuts in Medicare before the was against cuts in Medicare. Was for big deficit before against it. For massive spending before against it. Everything Obama has done to stimulate the economy he was for it in 2002 and now against. Everything Obama is doing now to jump start the economy, Ryan was for in 2002. This man is all over the place while he is growing up. Ryan/Romney will be WMDs for the country. They will annihilate education, safety nets, social security and Medicare, Pell grants and cause millions of job loss.
I am waiting for them to blame Obama for the drought and the price of corn liquor and Ethanol.
Ryan/Romney makes Obama look better and better each day.

Google; “Ryan for it before against it” and see what his alter ego in action.

Ps. Tax returns are important because honesty, integrity and fairness are important in the president of the United States of America. Legal tax evasion is an issue of integrity, honesty and fairness.
way to show us Ryan is a non factor with YET another thread on him. But Palin and Ryan dont scare the left, but you better be sure they will follow them around like puppies to get anything that falls out of their pockets.

such silly little people. Palin doesnt scare us, PALIN IS IN A REALITY SHOW TANK THE SHOW BECAUSE SHES STOOOOOPID. SMH.
(An alter ego (Latin, "the other I") is a second self, which is believed to be distinct from a person's normal or original personality)

Ryan in 2002 was for the stimulus, (was you “have to spend a little to grow a little” (Government spending)was for unemployment insurance and safety nets like healthcare and food stamps doing the recession that began under the Bush’s spending and borrowing spree before he was against all this in 1012. Was for cuts in Medicare before the was against cuts in Medicare. Was for big deficit before against it. For massive spending before against it. Everything Obama has done to stimulate the economy he was for it in 2002 and now against. Everything Obama is doing now to jump start the economy, Ryan was for in 2002. This man is all over the place while he is growing up. Ryan/Romney will be WMDs for the country. They will annihilate education, safety nets, social security and Medicare, Pell grants and cause millions of job loss.
I am waiting for them to blame Obama for the drought and the price of corn liquor and Ethanol.
Ryan/Romney makes Obama look better and better each day.

Google; “Ryan for it before against it” and see what his alter ego in action.

Ps. Tax returns are important because honesty, integrity and fairness are important in the president of the United States of America. Legal tax evasion is an issue of integrity, honesty and fairness.

Nothing new here from this old goat, next!:eusa_whistle:
Maybe he "evolved"?

P.S. Democrats are void of honesty and integrity. So what makes you think they know fairness? Animals may not sleep in beds...with sheets.

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