Ryan: We'll Spell Out Tax Policy 'In The Light Of Day' – After The Election


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

By Ryan Grim

WASHINGTON - The Romney campaign is willing to discuss its proposals on taxes "in the light of day," vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan said Tuesday evening -- just not until after the election.

Multiple tax policy analysts have concluded that Mitt Romney's tax plan -- to close loopholes and reduce taxes for the wealthy -- means higher taxes for most people in order for the math to work. Brit Hume of Fox News asked Ryan to counter that charge. "What we're saying is get rid of special interest loopholes and deductions that are uniquely enjoyed by the wealthy to lower the tax rates for everybody," Ryan said.

But lowering middle-class tax rates, if coupled with eliminating key deductions, could lead to an effective tax increase, the cornerstone of the analyses of Romney's tax plan. Hume pressed for specifics.

One of the "loopholes" that costs the IRS the most money is the mortgage interest deduction. Another relates to municipal bonds. Hume asked Ryan if either would be on the chopping block. Ryan refused to say.

The mortgage deduction is enjoyed by millions of homeowners and is the primary policy by which the government encourages homeownership. Taxing municipal bond interest would drive up the cost of borrowing for local governments substantially.

UPDATE: 7:25 p.m. -- Danny Kanner, a spokesman for President Barack Obama's re-election campaign, said in a statement that the TV interview shows Ryan "not ready for primetime." The statement continues:

First, he attacked the President for the very same Medicare savings that he includes in his own budget. In the same breath, he falsely claimed that the Romney-Ryan budget protects Medicare -– in fact, their plan would end Medicare as we know it, leaving seniors with nothing but a voucher in place of the guaranteed benefits they rely on today. Then, Ryan refused to name a single tax loophole they’d close to pay for their $5 trillion tax plan. We know what that means: as independent experts have confirmed, Romney and Ryan’s tax plan would either explode the deficit or raise taxes on middle class families to pay for their tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. As Romney and Ryan run away from the plans they have laid out -- and in Ryan’s case, passed through the Republican House twice -- they’re revealing that they’d take the American people back to the same failed policies that crashed our economy in the first place, and have zero interest in the bold, honest, substantive debate that they claim is at the center of their campaign.​

More: Paul Ryan Will Talk About Tax Policy 'In The Light Of Day' -- After The Election
Wow, are these two wingnut clowns going to tell voters "anything" before the election?

TRUST US ain't working for me.
The Romney campaign is fucked. Any time they attempt to speak in vague generalities in their plans, everyone will automatically default back to the Ryan plan, making it their default economic plan.

And that will be worn like a chain.
Wow, are these two wingnut clowns going to tell voters "anything" before the election?

TRUST US ain't working for me.

Oh--I think Ryan has been fairly TRANSPARENT: Paul Ryan talking about the Path of Prosperity--debt--Medicare-

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUCxDufMrGY]Paul Ryan The Path to Prosperity (Full Video) - YouTube[/ame]

"When you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama

By Ryan Grim

WASHINGTON - The Romney campaign is willing to discuss its proposals on taxes "in the light of day," vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan said Tuesday evening -- just not until after the election.

Multiple tax policy analysts have concluded that Mitt Romney's tax plan -- to close loopholes and reduce taxes for the wealthy -- means higher taxes for most people in order for the math to work. Brit Hume of Fox News asked Ryan to counter that charge. "What we're saying is get rid of special interest loopholes and deductions that are uniquely enjoyed by the wealthy to lower the tax rates for everybody," Ryan said.

But lowering middle-class tax rates, if coupled with eliminating key deductions, could lead to an effective tax increase, the cornerstone of the analyses of Romney's tax plan. Hume pressed for specifics.

One of the "loopholes" that costs the IRS the most money is the mortgage interest deduction. Another relates to municipal bonds. Hume asked Ryan if either would be on the chopping block. Ryan refused to say.

The mortgage deduction is enjoyed by millions of homeowners and is the primary policy by which the government encourages homeownership. Taxing municipal bond interest would drive up the cost of borrowing for local governments substantially.

UPDATE: 7:25 p.m. -- Danny Kanner, a spokesman for President Barack Obama's re-election campaign, said in a statement that the TV interview shows Ryan "not ready for primetime." The statement continues:

First, he attacked the President for the very same Medicare savings that he includes in his own budget. In the same breath, he falsely claimed that the Romney-Ryan budget protects Medicare -– in fact, their plan would end Medicare as we know it, leaving seniors with nothing but a voucher in place of the guaranteed benefits they rely on today. Then, Ryan refused to name a single tax loophole they’d close to pay for their $5 trillion tax plan. We know what that means: as independent experts have confirmed, Romney and Ryan’s tax plan would either explode the deficit or raise taxes on middle class families to pay for their tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. As Romney and Ryan run away from the plans they have laid out -- and in Ryan’s case, passed through the Republican House twice -- they’re revealing that they’d take the American people back to the same failed policies that crashed our economy in the first place, and have zero interest in the bold, honest, substantive debate that they claim is at the center of their campaign.​

More: Paul Ryan Will Talk About Tax Policy 'In The Light Of Day' -- After The Election

LOL I heard this interview and this article is a gross distortion of it. Romney is right, Obama needs to drag his campaign out of the gutter.
Wow, are these two wingnut clowns going to tell voters "anything" before the election?

TRUST US ain't working for me.


You are more into Obama's......"draw your draws, bend over, and hold on......"
The Romney campaign is fucked. Any time they attempt to speak in vague generalities in their plans, everyone will automatically default back to the Ryan plan, making it their default economic plan.

And that will be worn like a chain.

Ryan made it quite clear that the House plan was irrelevant to this campaign. His plan in the House was predicated on ObamaTax being in place. This plan is Romney's plan understanding that ObamaTax will be repealed.

By Ryan Grim

WASHINGTON - The Romney campaign is willing to discuss its proposals on taxes "in the light of day," vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan said Tuesday evening -- just not until after the election.

Multiple tax policy analysts have concluded that Mitt Romney's tax plan -- to close loopholes and reduce taxes for the wealthy -- means higher taxes for most people in order for the math to work. Brit Hume of Fox News asked Ryan to counter that charge. "What we're saying is get rid of special interest loopholes and deductions that are uniquely enjoyed by the wealthy to lower the tax rates for everybody," Ryan said.

But lowering middle-class tax rates, if coupled with eliminating key deductions, could lead to an effective tax increase, the cornerstone of the analyses of Romney's tax plan. Hume pressed for specifics.

One of the "loopholes" that costs the IRS the most money is the mortgage interest deduction. Another relates to municipal bonds. Hume asked Ryan if either would be on the chopping block. Ryan refused to say.

The mortgage deduction is enjoyed by millions of homeowners and is the primary policy by which the government encourages homeownership. Taxing municipal bond interest would drive up the cost of borrowing for local governments substantially.

There were many on here speaking about the Republicans being "straight forward". It looks as though they've been abandoned once more by their own party.
We'll Spell Out Tax Policy 'In The Light Of Day' – After The Election

as was the same in 2002 Bush Administration - that led to the 07-09 Great Republican Recession and Trillion Dollar Deficits.

It's beginning to look like the democrats have figured out that they can't add 2 and 2.

However, they also seem to be extremely threatened by someone who can.
Excellent interview. He addresses the "light of day" at around the 8 minute mark. Liberals should listen and learn.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lpwVFdQL_s]Paul Ryan Interviewed by FNC's Brit Hume - Special Report w/Bret Baier - 8-14-12 - YouTube[/ame]
The Romney campaign is fucked. Any time they attempt to speak in vague generalities in their plans, everyone will automatically default back to the Ryan plan, making it their default economic plan.

And that will be worn like a chain.

Ryan made it quite clear that the House plan was irrelevant to this campaign.

he doesn't get to make that decision. Devoid of other plan details, the only plan the Romney / Ayn Ryan has put forth with any details is a plan Ryan wrote and Romney endorsed.

SO they can either come out with a specific, detailed plan or wear the Ryan plan. That's their choice. If that's a problem Romney should have picked someone else.
Ryan: We'll Spell Out Tax Policy 'In The Light Of Day' – After The Election

Is that the same as:

"Let's pass the Health Care Bill so we can see what's in it?" (N. Pelosi)
The Romney campaign is fucked. Any time they attempt to speak in vague generalities in their plans, everyone will automatically default back to the Ryan plan, making it their default economic plan.

And that will be worn like a chain.

Ryan made it quite clear that the House plan was irrelevant to this campaign.

he doesn't get to make that decision. Devoid of other plan details, the only plan the Romney / Ayn Ryan has put forth with any details is a plan Ryan wrote and Romney endorsed.

SO they can either come out with a specific, detailed plan or wear the Ryan plan. That's their choice. If that's a problem Romney should have picked someone else.
Nonsense.. Romney's plan is out there and has been out there. If you don't know his plan it's because you've chosen not to. Ryan clearly states that his plan isn't relevant if Obama is no longer robbing Medicare. The plan he and Romney are working with is one that will promote economic growth by not choking business to death with regulations and uncertainty. Obama has shown he doesn't have a clue as to what makes the economy grow.

By Ryan Grim

WASHINGTON - The Romney campaign is willing to discuss its proposals on taxes "in the light of day," vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan said Tuesday evening -- just not until after the election.

Multiple tax policy analysts have concluded that Mitt Romney's tax plan -- to close loopholes and reduce taxes for the wealthy -- means higher taxes for most people in order for the math to work. Brit Hume of Fox News asked Ryan to counter that charge. "What we're saying is get rid of special interest loopholes and deductions that are uniquely enjoyed by the wealthy to lower the tax rates for everybody," Ryan said.

But lowering middle-class tax rates, if coupled with eliminating key deductions, could lead to an effective tax increase, the cornerstone of the analyses of Romney's tax plan. Hume pressed for specifics.

One of the "loopholes" that costs the IRS the most money is the mortgage interest deduction. Another relates to municipal bonds. Hume asked Ryan if either would be on the chopping block. Ryan refused to say.

The mortgage deduction is enjoyed by millions of homeowners and is the primary policy by which the government encourages homeownership. Taxing municipal bond interest would drive up the cost of borrowing for local governments substantially.

UPDATE: 7:25 p.m. -- Danny Kanner, a spokesman for President Barack Obama's re-election campaign, said in a statement that the TV interview shows Ryan "not ready for primetime." The statement continues:

First, he attacked the President for the very same Medicare savings that he includes in his own budget. In the same breath, he falsely claimed that the Romney-Ryan budget protects Medicare -– in fact, their plan would end Medicare as we know it, leaving seniors with nothing but a voucher in place of the guaranteed benefits they rely on today. Then, Ryan refused to name a single tax loophole they’d close to pay for their $5 trillion tax plan. We know what that means: as independent experts have confirmed, Romney and Ryan’s tax plan would either explode the deficit or raise taxes on middle class families to pay for their tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. As Romney and Ryan run away from the plans they have laid out -- and in Ryan’s case, passed through the Republican House twice -- they’re revealing that they’d take the American people back to the same failed policies that crashed our economy in the first place, and have zero interest in the bold, honest, substantive debate that they claim is at the center of their campaign.​

More: Paul Ryan Will Talk About Tax Policy 'In The Light Of Day' -- After The Election

It worked for the left-wing...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoE1R-xH5To]Pelosi: we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it - YouTube[/ame]

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