Ryan Plan a GOP secret? Cut taxes on Rich, Medicare, up military


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
Can't wait for this debate...

GOP: Cut taxes on rich, destroy Medicare, raise military...losing ...
Big lies: Barney and F+F did it, Obama had 2 years of control, socialism in EU
caused their problems....amazing this stuff survives....come on ...

http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...h-destroy-medicare-raise-military-losing.html - Cached - SimilarGOP budget vs the people » peoplesworld
Mar 21, 2012 ... Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and released yesterday, would destroy the ... "and laid out
their plan to destroy Medicare and Social Security. ... combined the Ryan plan
calls for increases in military spending. ... 'The proposed tax cuts for the rich
would have to be paid for by the middle class and the poor," said Rep.

GOP budget vs the people » peoplesworld - Cached - SimilarCongresswoman Suzanne Bonamici Opposes GOP Budget to End ...
Mar 29, 2012 ... Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici Opposes GOP Budget to End the Medicare
Guarantee and Provide Huge Tax Cuts for the Wealthy ...

https://bonamici.house.gov/.../cong...gop-budget-end-medicare-guarantee-and-provide - Cached - SimilarBernie Sanders Senator from Vermont
It's a truly progressive alternative to the horrifying Republican budget, and who ...
tax breaks for the rich, cut Social Security, more money on defense spending,
they ... the military-industrial complex — are all chomping at the bit to take me
down. ... the rich and large corporations, they want to destroy Social Security,
Medicare ...

fuckyeahberniesanders.tumblr.com/ - Cached - SimilarThe Truth Squad: Busting Myths on Social Security and Medicare
Actually, the GOP/Ryan Budget (which Congressman Brooks supported) would ...
Destroying Medicare and replacing it with CouponCare is certainly a way to .... to
pay back the Trust Fund while funding more tax cuts for the wealthy. .... "...
certainly that conversation about raising the retirement age is something we can

The Truth Squad: Busting Myths on Social Security and Medicare - Cached - Similar
Last edited:
I really enjoy telling the dupes about their own PLATFORM fer chissake!:cuckoo::lol:

News for Romney, ryan plan
Romney Medicare Plan Draws a Stark Contrast - 13 hours ago
Mr. Obama assails the Romney proposal for the same reason he denounced a similar plan devised by Representative Paul D. Ryan, ...New York Times - 5436 related articles »
A Tale of Two Loopholes: The President's Taxes and Mine - *Huffington Post
The GOP's Dead-End Path to Prosperity - *In These Times

MSNBC's Finney: Romney-Ryan Plan Would Kill Women By Their ...
May 4, 2012 ... MSNBC political analyst Karen Finney kicked horrific tales of the so-called GOP
war on women into high gear on Friday's Martin Bashir show.

newsbusters.org/.../msnbcs-finney-romney-ryan-plan-will-kill-women-their-mid-30s - Cached - SimilarDaily Kos: Romney-Ryan Plan is the Real 2012 Republican Platform
Apr 2, 2012 ... Here, then, is an overview of the Romney-Ryan Plan, also known as the 2012
Republican Platform. Massive Tax Cuts for the Rich; Ending ...

www.dailykos.com/.../-Romney-Ryan-Plan-is-the-Real-2012-Republican-Platform - Cached - SimilarThe Maddow Blog - Plouffe targets the 'Romney-Ryan' plan
Mar 26, 2012 ... It's hard to describe how happy Democrats are to see Mitt Romney embrace Paul
Ryan's House Republican budget plan. Much of the glee is ...

maddowblog.msnbc.msn.com/_.../10868277-plouffe-targets-the-romney-ryan-plan?... -
Cached - Similar

Dupes like talking about pure fantasy like Keystone is stopped by Obama, Obama the Marxist, how Barney melted the economy while out of Power LOL, how congress disfunction is Obama's fault, how socialists destroyed the world economy, the Gulf Coast spill was Obama's fault, Nazi Soros(!) runs the world:eusa_liar: :cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
LOL- the Pub dupe argument ...

Wait till Romney has to debate this, and dupes find out what they're supporting. Replace Medicare with a voucher system. Seniors love that stuff...

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