Ryan lies - Oh goody

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Paul Ryan Tries To Defend Mitt Romney's Russia Remark (VIDEO)

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Sunday attempted to defend Mitt Romney's misguided declaration earlier this year that "Russia is without question" the United States' "number one geopolitical foe."

If theses two crooks are elected, we'll be seeing a whole lot more of this, "... what he meant to say ...." crap.

Really makes one remember how the poor demented and senile Reagan used to flub even the simple lines he was given and then, his lackeys coming out to tell us what he "really meant".
Obama lies. Romney lies. All politicians lie. The only time politicians tell the truth is when they call each other liars.
Really makes one remember how the poor demented and senile Reagan used to flub even the simple lines he was given and then, his lackeys coming out to tell us what he "really meant".
Yeah I know! Just like Slow Joe Biden. The First Retarded Vice President! :D

What Paul Ryan probably meant was "After we're elected we're gonna' turn our Military Industrial Complex on Russia. Well, them and Returning Veterans. Americans are getting tired of the War on Terror. We need a new war, like a new TV show we can all watch together".

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