Ryan, extremist in fantasy land

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.

When that commission came up with its proposal, some conservative Republicans, like Tom Coburn and Judd Gregg, voted yes, but Ryan voted no. This was a devastating blow. If Ryan and the other House Republicans had voted for the Simpson-Bowles proposal, it would have gone to Congress for up-or-down votes, regardless of how President Obama reacted. We would have had national action on debt reduction.

The Simpson-Bowles plan would have simplified the tax code and lowered rates. It would have capped the size of government. According to the Bipartisan Policy Center, it would have brought the federal debt down from 73 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product today, to 67 percent of G.D.P. in 2022
To put it another way, Ryan was giving up significant debt progress for a political fantasy
Don't you guys have any New Material, I swear no matter who the GOP puts up the Attacks are always the same old Tired line. He is Extreme, He is Crazy.

Paul Krugman: Ryan's devotion to Galt, gold and God - Post Bulletin

And the Ryan fiscal program clearly reflects Randian notions. As I documented in my last column, Ryan's reputation for being serious about the budget deficit is completely undeserved; his policies would actually increase the deficit. But he is deadly serious about cutting taxes on the rich and slashing aid to the poor, very much in line with Rand's worship of the successful and contempt for "moochers."

This last point is important. In pushing for draconian cuts in Medicaid, food stamps and other programs that aid the needy, Ryan isn't just looking for ways to save money. He's also, quite explicitly, trying to make life harder for the poor — for their own good. In March, explaining his cuts in aid for the unfortunate, he declared, "We don't want to turn the safety net into a hammock that lulls able-bodied people into lives of dependency and complacency, that drains them of their will and their incentive to make the most of their lives."

Somehow, I doubt that Americans forced to rely on unemployment benefits and food stamps in a depressed economy feel that they're living in a comfortable hammock.
But Ryan had another way forward, noting: We’re going to have an election in 2012; the country will choose between two different visions; if we Republicans win, we’ll be able to reform Medicare our way and reduce the debt our way.

Ryan is nothing but a partisan Hack / Extremist ...

But Ryan had another way forward, noting: We’re going to have an election in 2012; the country will choose between two different visions; if we Republicans win, we’ll be able to reform Medicare our way and reduce the debt our way.

Ryan is nothing but a partisan Hack / Extremist ...


Yet, you don't believe Obama is? :eusa_boohoo:
The problem with obama extremism is that it is trying to take control of my country.

Your country? Last time you were posting you were claiming that you lived in an occupied land, that the Confederacy was still in force, just occupied by a foriegn nation.

So now you are claiming the US?
Old Rocks: Extremist in Fantasy Land! (The Sun has NOTHING to do with GlowBull Warming!)

Hey I can call names too!
Ryan's goals are the enrichment of RYAN; hard to tell if the good of the nation even factors in. The weasel brags about "standing up" to the President, when he reality, he threw a hissy fit he made sure got a major media coverage. The only worse choices that come to mind would be Akin, King, Palin or Cheney. He could market a children's toy that has his unmistakable mark on it: "SIMPLY SLIME".
I just dont understand how he requested Federal money for businesses in his state.....and it's documented and signed by he himself........and now just denies doing it????????

OH, thats right, he assumes the TP voting hordes are fucking morons. The real question...is he right?
Alan Simpson: Paul Ryan speaks 'hard truth' - Tomer Ovadia - POLITICO.com
Former Sen. Alan Simpson, co-chairman of the Simpson-Bowles commision on debt and deficit reduction, on Friday called Paul Ryan “a spokesman of hard truth against fakery.”
“He encourages me. Erskine [Bowles] and I felt he was one of the sharpest guys we dealt with,” Simpson said on Fox News. “He doesn’t have to have a staff member there feeding him stuff and little memos. He can go a half an hour without a note. He knows the issues.”
“He also said to us — I think a year and a half ago — you know, ‘If we can’t get something done in America, there’s no need for me to smash my head into the wall around here, I have things to do back in Wisconsin,’” Simpson recalled. “And now, this thing [the GOP vice presidential nomination] comes to him, I don’t think he was seeking it, but let me tell you, he becomes a spokesman of hard truth against fakery.

I like to think he means "Old Rocks Fakery"! :D
The problem with obama extremism is that it is trying to take control of my country.

Your country? Last time you were posting you were claiming that you lived in an occupied land, that the Confederacy was still in force, just occupied by a foriegn nation.

So now you are claiming the US?

Yes my COUNTRY, it was fine before he came along with his failed hopey changey bull shit.

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