Ruth McClung AZ district 7 member of AIAA

Ruth doesn't seem to fit deanie's mold, huh.

Well, here's what happens when Republican scientists have to deal with liberals...

Obviously it is easier to politicize fields like law or history, but even science:

Here, from the New York Times is a cautionary tale, and an illustration of the method of intimidation…and, yes, it even works on scientists.

It seems that some paleontologists doubted the “widely publicized scientific theories of recent years holds that the dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago by the impact of a large meteorite.”

“[At] the annual meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontologists this month in Rapid City, S.D., asserted in interviews, moreover, that the impact theory has had pernicious effects on science and scientists. They charged that controversy over the impact theory has so polarized scientific thought that publication of research reports has sometimes been blocked by personal bias.”

Any of this begin to sound familiar?

“According to a few paleontologists, dissenters from the meteorite theory have faced obstacles in their careers and are sometimes even privately branded as militarists, on the supposed ground that anyone who questions the catastrophic theory of dinosaur extinction also questions the theory that a lethal ''nuclear winter'' similar to the climatic effect of a meteorite impact would follow a nuclear war. The nuclear winter prediction is a major talking point of the movement for nuclear disarmament, and debate over the accuracy of the prediction has become political as well as scientific.”

Does ‘dissenters’ sound a bit like ‘deniers’?

Could it be, a liberal political perspective influencing the imposition of a theory?
So, if one doesn’t toe the party line, their careers are in jeopardy?
Sort of like not getting grants?
And they are called names? Like ‘militarists’? Militarists?
Guess who said "science is my religion"?

Answer: Tim McVeigh. Yep, the guy that the Left keep claiming was a 'God, Guts and Guns' right wing Republican whackjob. Since, as rdean keeps telling us "Republicans hate science", I guess Tim wasn't a Republican. If he wasn't a Republican, he must therefore have been a Democrat. That's using the logic of the left.

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