Rutgers University to allow co-ed dorm rooms


Gold Member
Dec 28, 2010

Rutgers University to allow co-ed dorm rooms |

Interesting, hadn't thought much about it before even though I have a son and a daughter in college now. She is living away from home in school.

It will only be a few dorms.

What's interesting is that the article says...

"Students will get into the dorms through the student housing lottery, campus officials said. Then, students will be given the option of naming a roommate of either sex. Parents will not be permitted to veto their children’s roommates."​

The school says that parents would not have a veto. Now my wife and I are not "Helicopter Parents" and anyone with college age kids should be familiar with that term. We would sit down and discuss it with them and have an adult conversation. She's 20 now and as long as it's a logical thought out decision to apply for those dorms, we would respect her decision.

But guess who strokes the checks for housing and who's name is on the title of the car she has with her. :eusa_angel:

It is the best chance most of those nerds will ever have to get laid.
Our oldest is also 20 and lives in the school's dorm. Freshman year was an all girls dorm with an all boys dorms next door. Sophomore year was an all girls floor but that was just because of the dorm she happened to get. This year it's boys and girls on the same floor but on each half of the building.

She and her friends have talked about and looked into getting off campus next year. They almost had a house but it fell through. The dorm deposit is due March 18 . . time is running out. If they wanted to rent a house with some of the guys I wouldn't have a problem with it. Dorm living though? That there is some close quarters living. That would be up for some serious discussion. Besides, lots of guys are pigs and while she's no slouch in that department . . . highly doubtful it would be her first choice in a room mate.

I have called the school on more than one occasion to question something about the billing and low and behold! I need my daughter's permission on certain things. Even though we pay the bills. Please. :eusa_hand:
Admissions just doubled.

Oh, and Mini, Rutgers is a State School. Getting laid in college is about as hard as shooting fish in a barrel.

Parents will not be permitted to veto their children’s roommates
That would defeat the purpose.

My daughter goes to Rutgers and commutes....she will for the next three years now too
But guess who strokes the checks for housing and who's name is on the title of the car she has with her.

"Parents are SO lame. Gawd!"

I believe that this is a great way for people to be able to express themselves. I personally lived with a bisexual female my freshman year, and while my comfort level is different from others, she informed me that just because someone may be gay, they aren't going to necessarily like you. It's the same with how heterosexuals are - we may like the opposite gender, but we do not like every single person of that gender. By giving them a chance to be more comfortable, and live with people that are more comfortable, their personal lives will dramatically improve. When you live with someone who is judgmental, and un-accepting of things, that makes times in a shared dorm room very hard to live in - very tense, uncomfortable atmosphere. By allowing people to have more options in their roommates, and still giving them the option to live with the same gender, I don't see how this can make the outcome go anywhere but up.
I always lived off campus. Dorms are an absolute rip off. You can got a nice apartment off campus that's four times as large and with your own personal bathroom and a kitchen for half of what universities charge for those 400 sq foot dorm rooms.
I always lived off campus. Dorms are an absolute rip off. You can got a nice apartment off campus that's four times as large and with your own personal bathroom and a kitchen for half of what universities charge for those 400 sq foot dorm rooms.

Absolutely true. The school's 'meal plan' is also a rip-off, as is anything you need to buy at the school.
I always lived off campus. Dorms are an absolute rip off. You can got a nice apartment off campus that's four times as large and with your own personal bathroom and a kitchen for half of what universities charge for those 400 sq foot dorm rooms.

Absolutely true. The school's 'meal plan' is also a rip-off, as is anything you need to buy at the school.

CalTECH, along with most other universities here in California, provide free meals.

I think, I only really know CalTECHS meal system, which is entirely free inside house 2 times a day.

Unless a professor decides they want to discuss things with you. Then they often take that student to lunch at the professors lounge.
I always lived off campus. Dorms are an absolute rip off. You can got a nice apartment off campus that's four times as large and with your own personal bathroom and a kitchen for half of what universities charge for those 400 sq foot dorm rooms.

Absolutely true. The school's 'meal plan' is also a rip-off, as is anything you need to buy at the school.

CalTECH, along with most other universities here in California, provide free meals.

I think, I only really know CalTECHS meal system, which is entirely free inside house 2 times a day.

Unless a professor decides they want to discuss things with you. Then they often take that student to lunch at the professors lounge.

Free? Nothing is free. They're over-charging (even more than than usual) somewhere else to make up for the 'free' food.

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