Russia's Nuclear Triad Modernization: Russian Bear on the LOOSE


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012

Russian Bear on the LOOSE

Russia, crumbling in an economic and social struggle, trying to maybe make a last stand, before everything get even worse for them.

And they mean BUSINESS...

What would you like your president to do against that?

Russian Bear on the LOOSE

Russia, crumbling in an economic and social struggle, trying to maybe make a last stand, before everything get even worse for them.

And they mean BUSINESS...

What would you like your president to do against that?

He could start by lifting sanctions on Russia and begin dismantling NATO. What interest do you have for propagandizing anyway?
C'mon alpine, don't be bashful. You want Americans to be frightened by Russia. But why.....What business is it of yours? :cool:
C'mon alpine, don't be bashful. You want Americans to be frightened by Russia. But why.....What business is it of yours? :cool:

No, absolutely not. I don't want a frightened world, that's for sure.

This "propaganda" is coming from an obvious Putin funded source, and it is not against the US, but against the countries in the region, like Turkey for instance. They shot down a Russian jet.

Look at American people, they have the mightiest of all military machine in the history of the universe, and they feel humiliated when their sailors are detained for the rightful reasons. Imagine how Russian people are feeling when a NATO country Turkey shot down one of their planes, and the pressure Putin have been under after that.

Obviously, Russia is not a threat for the US. No country on this planet is capable of being a threat to the US. But they are a threat to the stability of the regions they can project power upon. It is good to look at their propaganda once in a while, to see what they are saying, what they are up to... Not?
C'mon alpine, don't be bashful. You want Americans to be frightened by Russia. But why.....What business is it of yours? :cool:

No, absolutely not. I don't want a frightened world, that's for sure.

This "propaganda" is coming from an obvious Putin funded source, and it is not against the US, but against the countries in the region, like Turkey for instance. They shot down a Russian jet.

Look at American people, they have the mightiest of all military machine in the history of the universe, and they feel humiliated when their sailors are detained for the rightful reasons. Imagine how Russian people are feeling when a NATO country Turkey shot down one of their planes, and the pressure Putin have been under after that.

Obviously, Russia is not a threat for the US. No country on this planet is capable of being a threat to the US. But they are a threat to the stability of the regions they can project power upon. It is good to look at their propaganda once in a while, to see what they are saying, what they are up to... Not?
The video wasn't the problem for me. I accept that Russia is going to modernize their capabilities. They feel threatened by the West, and with good reasons. My problem was with how you presented the video. And now you are back peddling. Better luck next time.
C'mon alpine, don't be bashful. You want Americans to be frightened by Russia. But why.....What business is it of yours? :cool:

No, absolutely not. I don't want a frightened world, that's for sure.

This "propaganda" is coming from an obvious Putin funded source, and it is not against the US, but against the countries in the region, like Turkey for instance. They shot down a Russian jet.

Look at American people, they have the mightiest of all military machine in the history of the universe, and they feel humiliated when their sailors are detained for the rightful reasons. Imagine how Russian people are feeling when a NATO country Turkey shot down one of their planes, and the pressure Putin have been under after that.

Obviously, Russia is not a threat for the US. No country on this planet is capable of being a threat to the US. But they are a threat to the stability of the regions they can project power upon. It is good to look at their propaganda once in a while, to see what they are saying, what they are up to... Not?
The video wasn't the problem for me. I accept that Russia is going to modernize their capabilities. They feel threatened by the West, and with good reasons. My problem was with how you presented the video. And now you are back peddling. Better luck next time.

You mean this;

"Russian Bear on the LOOSE

Russia, crumbling in an economic and social struggle, trying to maybe make a last stand, before everything get even worse for them.

And they mean BUSINESS...

What would you like your president to do against that?"

Thats not much of a presentation if you ask me. I could have written more, regarding Russian strategy around the world, but didn't have the time. Not sure where I am back peddling, since it is just 3 lines of text, that doesn't put out much of thinking.

Russia has a strategy, that is one way or another is conflicting with the US interests around the globe. Thats what I am asking, what American people think would be a good counter-strategy.

This is how foreign policies are generated, at least in stable capable countries, like the US.
C'mon alpine, don't be bashful. You want Americans to be frightened by Russia. But why.....What business is it of yours? :cool:

No, absolutely not. I don't want a frightened world, that's for sure.

This "propaganda" is coming from an obvious Putin funded source, and it is not against the US, but against the countries in the region, like Turkey for instance. They shot down a Russian jet.

Look at American people, they have the mightiest of all military machine in the history of the universe, and they feel humiliated when their sailors are detained for the rightful reasons. Imagine how Russian people are feeling when a NATO country Turkey shot down one of their planes, and the pressure Putin have been under after that.

Obviously, Russia is not a threat for the US. No country on this planet is capable of being a threat to the US. But they are a threat to the stability of the regions they can project power upon. It is good to look at their propaganda once in a while, to see what they are saying, what they are up to... Not?
The video wasn't the problem for me. I accept that Russia is going to modernize their capabilities. They feel threatened by the West, and with good reasons. My problem was with how you presented the video. And now you are back peddling. Better luck next time.

You mean this;

"Russian Bear on the LOOSE

Russia, crumbling in an economic and social struggle, trying to maybe make a last stand, before everything get even worse for them.

And they mean BUSINESS...

What would you like your president to do against that?"

Thats not much of a presentation if you ask me. I could have written more, regarding Russian strategy around the world, but didn't have the time. Not sure where I am back peddling, since it is just 3 lines of text, that doesn't put out much of thinking.

Russia has a strategy, that is one way or another is conflicting with the US interests around the globe. Thats what I am asking, what American people think would be a good counter-strategy.

This is how foreign policies are generated, at least in stable capable countries, like the US.
Yes of course I mean that. And no it isn't much of a presentation. But it is enough, propaganda is insidious as you well know.
You presented Russia as an irrational actor and provided a video showing Russian modernization of their military capabilities. The implication is that Russia should be feared by Americans. Your assertion that Russia is an irrational actor falls flat and you provide no substantiating evidence to prove your assertion.

And yes you are back peddling now. Whoever is paying you should get a refund. Good luck getting a Russian sub forum started. Amp up that propaganda machine! The Russians are coming! :ack-1:
C'mon alpine, don't be bashful. You want Americans to be frightened by Russia. But why.....What business is it of yours? :cool:

No, absolutely not. I don't want a frightened world, that's for sure.

This "propaganda" is coming from an obvious Putin funded source, and it is not against the US, but against the countries in the region, like Turkey for instance. They shot down a Russian jet.

Look at American people, they have the mightiest of all military machine in the history of the universe, and they feel humiliated when their sailors are detained for the rightful reasons. Imagine how Russian people are feeling when a NATO country Turkey shot down one of their planes, and the pressure Putin have been under after that.

Obviously, Russia is not a threat for the US. No country on this planet is capable of being a threat to the US. But they are a threat to the stability of the regions they can project power upon. It is good to look at their propaganda once in a while, to see what they are saying, what they are up to... Not?
The video wasn't the problem for me. I accept that Russia is going to modernize their capabilities. They feel threatened by the West, and with good reasons. My problem was with how you presented the video. And now you are back peddling. Better luck next time.

You mean this;

"Russian Bear on the LOOSE

Russia, crumbling in an economic and social struggle, trying to maybe make a last stand, before everything get even worse for them.

And they mean BUSINESS...

What would you like your president to do against that?"

Thats not much of a presentation if you ask me. I could have written more, regarding Russian strategy around the world, but didn't have the time. Not sure where I am back peddling, since it is just 3 lines of text, that doesn't put out much of thinking.

Russia has a strategy, that is one way or another is conflicting with the US interests around the globe. Thats what I am asking, what American people think would be a good counter-strategy.

This is how foreign policies are generated, at least in stable capable countries, like the US.
Yes of course I mean that. And no it isn't much of a presentation. But it is enough, propaganda is insidious as you well know.
You presented Russia as an irrational actor and provided a video showing Russian modernization of their military capabilities. The implication is that Russia should be feared by Americans. Your assertion that Russia is an irrational actor falls flat and you provide no substantiating evidence to prove your assertion.

And yes you are back peddling now. Whoever is paying you should get a refund. Good luck getting a Russian sub forum started. Amp up that propaganda machine! The Russians are coming! :ack-1:

If Russia was an "irrational" force, we would be living in a much different world today, a world that has seen a nuclear warfare in its past.

However; Russia was and always been the #1 strategic rival for the US interests all over the world.

Fuck you, who the fuck are you. I am not gonna teach you "foreign policy 101" here, you are more like "foreign policy for morons" caliber, so not gonna argue anymore

Now you can go fuck yourself...
C'mon alpine, don't be bashful. You want Americans to be frightened by Russia. But why.....What business is it of yours? :cool:

No, absolutely not. I don't want a frightened world, that's for sure.

This "propaganda" is coming from an obvious Putin funded source, and it is not against the US, but against the countries in the region, like Turkey for instance. They shot down a Russian jet.

Look at American people, they have the mightiest of all military machine in the history of the universe, and they feel humiliated when their sailors are detained for the rightful reasons. Imagine how Russian people are feeling when a NATO country Turkey shot down one of their planes, and the pressure Putin have been under after that.

Obviously, Russia is not a threat for the US. No country on this planet is capable of being a threat to the US. But they are a threat to the stability of the regions they can project power upon. It is good to look at their propaganda once in a while, to see what they are saying, what they are up to... Not?
The video wasn't the problem for me. I accept that Russia is going to modernize their capabilities. They feel threatened by the West, and with good reasons. My problem was with how you presented the video. And now you are back peddling. Better luck next time.

You mean this;

"Russian Bear on the LOOSE

Russia, crumbling in an economic and social struggle, trying to maybe make a last stand, before everything get even worse for them.

And they mean BUSINESS...

What would you like your president to do against that?"

Thats not much of a presentation if you ask me. I could have written more, regarding Russian strategy around the world, but didn't have the time. Not sure where I am back peddling, since it is just 3 lines of text, that doesn't put out much of thinking.

Russia has a strategy, that is one way or another is conflicting with the US interests around the globe. Thats what I am asking, what American people think would be a good counter-strategy.

This is how foreign policies are generated, at least in stable capable countries, like the US.
Yes of course I mean that. And no it isn't much of a presentation. But it is enough, propaganda is insidious as you well know.
You presented Russia as an irrational actor and provided a video showing Russian modernization of their military capabilities. The implication is that Russia should be feared by Americans. Your assertion that Russia is an irrational actor falls flat and you provide no substantiating evidence to prove your assertion.

And yes you are back peddling now. Whoever is paying you should get a refund. Good luck getting a Russian sub forum started. Amp up that propaganda machine! The Russians are coming! :ack-1:

If Russia was an "irrational" force, we would be living in a much different world today, a world that has seen a nuclear warfare in its past.

However; Russia was and always been the #1 strategic rival for the US interests all over the world.

Fuck you, who the fuck are you. I am not gonna teach you "foreign policy 101" here, you are more like "foreign policy for morons" caliber, so not gonna argue anymore

Now you can go fuck yourself...
Fuck you, who the fuck are you. I am not gonna teach you "foreign policy 101" here, you are more like "foreign policy for morons" caliber, so not gonna argue anymore
That's because you have no argument.
Russia does not present a threat to the American people, they represent a threat to the American corporate states's global hegemony. And for whatever reason you want to further the corporate states cause.
Russia hasn't upgraded their military since the Soviet Union

Given the state of their economy there is little they can do
No, absolutely not. I don't want a frightened world, that's for sure.

This "propaganda" is coming from an obvious Putin funded source, and it is not against the US, but against the countries in the region, like Turkey for instance. They shot down a Russian jet.

Look at American people, they have the mightiest of all military machine in the history of the universe, and they feel humiliated when their sailors are detained for the rightful reasons. Imagine how Russian people are feeling when a NATO country Turkey shot down one of their planes, and the pressure Putin have been under after that.

Obviously, Russia is not a threat for the US. No country on this planet is capable of being a threat to the US. But they are a threat to the stability of the regions they can project power upon. It is good to look at their propaganda once in a while, to see what they are saying, what they are up to... Not?
The video wasn't the problem for me. I accept that Russia is going to modernize their capabilities. They feel threatened by the West, and with good reasons. My problem was with how you presented the video. And now you are back peddling. Better luck next time.

You mean this;

"Russian Bear on the LOOSE

Russia, crumbling in an economic and social struggle, trying to maybe make a last stand, before everything get even worse for them.

And they mean BUSINESS...

What would you like your president to do against that?"

Thats not much of a presentation if you ask me. I could have written more, regarding Russian strategy around the world, but didn't have the time. Not sure where I am back peddling, since it is just 3 lines of text, that doesn't put out much of thinking.

Russia has a strategy, that is one way or another is conflicting with the US interests around the globe. Thats what I am asking, what American people think would be a good counter-strategy.

This is how foreign policies are generated, at least in stable capable countries, like the US.
Yes of course I mean that. And no it isn't much of a presentation. But it is enough, propaganda is insidious as you well know.
You presented Russia as an irrational actor and provided a video showing Russian modernization of their military capabilities. The implication is that Russia should be feared by Americans. Your assertion that Russia is an irrational actor falls flat and you provide no substantiating evidence to prove your assertion.

And yes you are back peddling now. Whoever is paying you should get a refund. Good luck getting a Russian sub forum started. Amp up that propaganda machine! The Russians are coming! :ack-1:

If Russia was an "irrational" force, we would be living in a much different world today, a world that has seen a nuclear warfare in its past.

However; Russia was and always been the #1 strategic rival for the US interests all over the world.

Fuck you, who the fuck are you. I am not gonna teach you "foreign policy 101" here, you are more like "foreign policy for morons" caliber, so not gonna argue anymore

Now you can go fuck yourself...
Fuck you, who the fuck are you. I am not gonna teach you "foreign policy 101" here, you are more like "foreign policy for morons" caliber, so not gonna argue anymore
That's because you have no argument.
Russia does not present a threat to the American people, they represent a threat to the American corporate states's global hegemony. And for whatever reason you want to further the corporate states cause.

Russia trying to raise the oil prices.

That's a direct threat to the American consumers.

Big corporate like exxon, bp, mobil would love the prices to go up.

Now who is a threat to whom?

You can be an ignorant, that's fine, but being an ignorant and an asshole at the same time, a little bit too much...
The Ruble is so low, it can't see tomorrow over the curb...

That might be the problem. Ruble is going down. Russians probably will feel like they will have to do something about that... And as the post at the top of the page says; "there is little they can do". But that little might be pretty big to handle for the rest of the region...
Russia needs to upgrade their military to fight off the revolution an economic collapse would bring
To stimulate their military industry complex, they have been involved in quite some conflicts in the last decade.

Georgia Ukraine Syria

They are actively seeking new markets to export weaponry and these conflicts are also serving as a marketing campaign.
The video wasn't the problem for me. I accept that Russia is going to modernize their capabilities. They feel threatened by the West, and with good reasons. My problem was with how you presented the video. And now you are back peddling. Better luck next time.

You mean this;

"Russian Bear on the LOOSE

Russia, crumbling in an economic and social struggle, trying to maybe make a last stand, before everything get even worse for them.

And they mean BUSINESS...

What would you like your president to do against that?"

Thats not much of a presentation if you ask me. I could have written more, regarding Russian strategy around the world, but didn't have the time. Not sure where I am back peddling, since it is just 3 lines of text, that doesn't put out much of thinking.

Russia has a strategy, that is one way or another is conflicting with the US interests around the globe. Thats what I am asking, what American people think would be a good counter-strategy.

This is how foreign policies are generated, at least in stable capable countries, like the US.
Yes of course I mean that. And no it isn't much of a presentation. But it is enough, propaganda is insidious as you well know.
You presented Russia as an irrational actor and provided a video showing Russian modernization of their military capabilities. The implication is that Russia should be feared by Americans. Your assertion that Russia is an irrational actor falls flat and you provide no substantiating evidence to prove your assertion.

And yes you are back peddling now. Whoever is paying you should get a refund. Good luck getting a Russian sub forum started. Amp up that propaganda machine! The Russians are coming! :ack-1:

If Russia was an "irrational" force, we would be living in a much different world today, a world that has seen a nuclear warfare in its past.

However; Russia was and always been the #1 strategic rival for the US interests all over the world.

Fuck you, who the fuck are you. I am not gonna teach you "foreign policy 101" here, you are more like "foreign policy for morons" caliber, so not gonna argue anymore

Now you can go fuck yourself...
Fuck you, who the fuck are you. I am not gonna teach you "foreign policy 101" here, you are more like "foreign policy for morons" caliber, so not gonna argue anymore
That's because you have no argument.
Russia does not present a threat to the American people, they represent a threat to the American corporate states's global hegemony. And for whatever reason you want to further the corporate states cause.

Russia trying to raise the oil prices.

That's a direct threat to the American consumers.

Big corporate like exxon, bp, mobil would love the prices to go up.

Now who is a threat to whom?

You can be an ignorant, that's fine, but being an ignorant and an asshole at the same time, a little bit too much...
Russia trying to raise the oil prices.
Can you elaborate? Obviously the price of oil affects the Russians, but what are they doing exactly to raise the price of oil?

Demand for oil fell and OPEC continued it's output instead of reducing it. Why? Does that benefit the Saudis? What about the other OPEC nations? Was it a geopolitical play to weaken the Russians and Iranians while the Western alignment began their assault on Syria, Yemen and Ukraine?
To stimulate their military industry complex, they have been involved in quite some conflicts in the last decade.

Georgia Ukraine Syria

They are actively seeking new markets to export weaponry and these conflicts are also serving as a marketing campaign.
these conflicts are also serving as a marketing campaign.
Indeed. For the likes of you.
The video wasn't the problem for me. I accept that Russia is going to modernize their capabilities. They feel threatened by the West, and with good reasons. My problem was with how you presented the video. And now you are back peddling. Better luck next time.

You mean this;

"Russian Bear on the LOOSE

Russia, crumbling in an economic and social struggle, trying to maybe make a last stand, before everything get even worse for them.

And they mean BUSINESS...

What would you like your president to do against that?"

Thats not much of a presentation if you ask me. I could have written more, regarding Russian strategy around the world, but didn't have the time. Not sure where I am back peddling, since it is just 3 lines of text, that doesn't put out much of thinking.

Russia has a strategy, that is one way or another is conflicting with the US interests around the globe. Thats what I am asking, what American people think would be a good counter-strategy.

This is how foreign policies are generated, at least in stable capable countries, like the US.
Yes of course I mean that. And no it isn't much of a presentation. But it is enough, propaganda is insidious as you well know.
You presented Russia as an irrational actor and provided a video showing Russian modernization of their military capabilities. The implication is that Russia should be feared by Americans. Your assertion that Russia is an irrational actor falls flat and you provide no substantiating evidence to prove your assertion.

And yes you are back peddling now. Whoever is paying you should get a refund. Good luck getting a Russian sub forum started. Amp up that propaganda machine! The Russians are coming! :ack-1:

If Russia was an "irrational" force, we would be living in a much different world today, a world that has seen a nuclear warfare in its past.

However; Russia was and always been the #1 strategic rival for the US interests all over the world.

Fuck you, who the fuck are you. I am not gonna teach you "foreign policy 101" here, you are more like "foreign policy for morons" caliber, so not gonna argue anymore

Now you can go fuck yourself...
Fuck you, who the fuck are you. I am not gonna teach you "foreign policy 101" here, you are more like "foreign policy for morons" caliber, so not gonna argue anymore
That's because you have no argument.
Russia does not present a threat to the American people, they represent a threat to the American corporate states's global hegemony. And for whatever reason you want to further the corporate states cause.

Russia trying to raise the oil prices.

That's a direct threat to the American consumers.

Big corporate like exxon, bp, mobil would love the prices to go up.

Now who is a threat to whom?

You can be an ignorant, that's fine, but being an ignorant and an asshole at the same time, a little bit too much...
Big corporate like exxon, bp, mobil would love the prices to go up.
The big corporations are integrated oil companies. The lower oil prices increase their profits from refining. What else you got.
You mean this;

"Russian Bear on the LOOSE

Russia, crumbling in an economic and social struggle, trying to maybe make a last stand, before everything get even worse for them.

And they mean BUSINESS...

What would you like your president to do against that?"

Thats not much of a presentation if you ask me. I could have written more, regarding Russian strategy around the world, but didn't have the time. Not sure where I am back peddling, since it is just 3 lines of text, that doesn't put out much of thinking.

Russia has a strategy, that is one way or another is conflicting with the US interests around the globe. Thats what I am asking, what American people think would be a good counter-strategy.

This is how foreign policies are generated, at least in stable capable countries, like the US.
Yes of course I mean that. And no it isn't much of a presentation. But it is enough, propaganda is insidious as you well know.
You presented Russia as an irrational actor and provided a video showing Russian modernization of their military capabilities. The implication is that Russia should be feared by Americans. Your assertion that Russia is an irrational actor falls flat and you provide no substantiating evidence to prove your assertion.

And yes you are back peddling now. Whoever is paying you should get a refund. Good luck getting a Russian sub forum started. Amp up that propaganda machine! The Russians are coming! :ack-1:

If Russia was an "irrational" force, we would be living in a much different world today, a world that has seen a nuclear warfare in its past.

However; Russia was and always been the #1 strategic rival for the US interests all over the world.

Fuck you, who the fuck are you. I am not gonna teach you "foreign policy 101" here, you are more like "foreign policy for morons" caliber, so not gonna argue anymore

Now you can go fuck yourself...
Fuck you, who the fuck are you. I am not gonna teach you "foreign policy 101" here, you are more like "foreign policy for morons" caliber, so not gonna argue anymore
That's because you have no argument.
Russia does not present a threat to the American people, they represent a threat to the American corporate states's global hegemony. And for whatever reason you want to further the corporate states cause.

Russia trying to raise the oil prices.

That's a direct threat to the American consumers.

Big corporate like exxon, bp, mobil would love the prices to go up.

Now who is a threat to whom?

You can be an ignorant, that's fine, but being an ignorant and an asshole at the same time, a little bit too much...
Russia trying to raise the oil prices.
Can you elaborate? Obviously the price of oil affects the Russians, but what are they doing exactly to raise the price of oil?

Demand for oil fell and OPEC continued it's output instead of reducing it. Why? Does that benefit the Saudis? What about the other OPEC nations? Was it a geopolitical play to weaken the Russians and Iranians while the Western alignment began their assault on Syria, Yemen and Ukraine?

Everything is a geopolitical play. You are either a player, or not. Russia was not a player, for a long time, but now, all of a sudden, wants to be a player. Because she is under threat. First it was Nabucco, threatening Russian hegemony over European gas, and now US backed Saudis, threatening their oil income.

So Russia is simply fighting back.

How hard she is willing to hit, well that the debate here.

What I am bringing to the debate, is a video, obviously prepared by the Russian government, to show the world how hard they are capable of hitting, and that they should not be pushed to the limits.

Its that simple.

But of course, you don't have the capacity to understand any of that, do you?

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