Russian media: Defense official confirms S-300 sale to Iran


Free: Mudholes Stomped
Jan 8, 2007
Russian news agencies reported on Wednesday that a top defense official confirmed Russia had indeed signed a contract to sell S-300 air-defense missiles to Iran, but that none of the weapons had been delivered.

Russian officials have consistently denied claims that it already provided some of the powerful missiles to Iran, and had not clarified whether a contract existed.

The state-run ITAR-Tass and RIA-Novosti news agencies, in addition to the independent Interfax, quoted an unnamed top official in the Federal Military-Technical Cooperation Service as saying Wednesday the contract had been signed two years ago.

Service spokesman Andrei Tarabrin told The Associated Press he could not immediately comment.

Supplying the S-300s to Iran would markedly change the military balance in the Middle East.

Israel has consistently stated it would do everything possible to stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, including a military strike on various nuclear facilities in the country. However, the S-300 anti-aircraft system would make an air strike significantly more difficult.

"The S-300 contract, and cooperation with Iran in general, is regarded by Moscow only as an instrument of political bargaining with the West and not as a way of realizing the fundamental defense and commercial interests of Russia," he was quoted as saying by RIA-Novosti.

Reports: Russia confirms Iran missile contract


hey zionists... Still unclear about how your countdown to Armageddon will work out?
Russian news agencies reported on Wednesday that a top defense official confirmed Russia had indeed signed a contract to sell S-300 air-defense missiles to Iran, but that none of the weapons had been delivered.

Russian officials have consistently denied claims that it already provided some of the powerful missiles to Iran, and had not clarified whether a contract existed.

The state-run ITAR-Tass and RIA-Novosti news agencies, in addition to the independent Interfax, quoted an unnamed top official in the Federal Military-Technical Cooperation Service as saying Wednesday the contract had been signed two years ago.

Service spokesman Andrei Tarabrin told The Associated Press he could not immediately comment.

Supplying the S-300s to Iran would markedly change the military balance in the Middle East.

Israel has consistently stated it would do everything possible to stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, including a military strike on various nuclear facilities in the country. However, the S-300 anti-aircraft system would make an air strike significantly more difficult.

"The S-300 contract, and cooperation with Iran in general, is regarded by Moscow only as an instrument of political bargaining with the West and not as a way of realizing the fundamental defense and commercial interests of Russia," he was quoted as saying by RIA-Novosti.

Reports: Russia confirms Iran missile contract


hey zionists... Still unclear about how your countdown to Armageddon will work out?

Seems to me that everyone who believes in Armageddon theories, has always thought it would start in the Middle East. While i believe an Armageddon type situation is pausible, i wouldnt say it is an inevitability. I dont believe in that garbage.

However, it is going to be very unfortunate if they do get those systems, because it will be harder to do bombing raids, but not impossible. The outcome of any bombing from the US or Israel will likely have the same result, it just wouldnt be the flawless no-casualty victory we are used to seeing.
flawless no-casualty victory we are used to seeing.


yea, dude. errr, something like that.

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