Russian Collusion Investigations Have Big Orange Flailing Wildly

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Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Itā€™s a witch hunt. This is the continuing cry of conservatives and the Big Orange Idiot concerning the investigations into Big Orangeā€™s collusion with the Russians.

In addition to their witch hunt claims, conservatives have convinced themselves there is no evidence to support the accusations of collusion.

Conservatives and Big Orange keep repeating these claims, even after Jr. admitted the meetings with Russians occurred, what was expected from the meetings, and has produced emails confirming his testimony. Jared Kushner, Michael Flynn, Jeff Sessions, J.D. Gordon, Carter Page, and Walid Phares also held suspicious meetings with the Russians.

Add to the number of participants, the many times the explanations and denials by the Big Orange Idiot and his cronies have changed, the firing of James Comey for refusing to impede the investigation, plus the inappropriate tweets Big Orange has aimed at his Attorney General Jeff Sessions for knowing of the meetings and then recusing himself rather than helping impeded the investigation.

Then there are Big Orangeā€™s inquiries to his lawyers concerning the extent of his presidential power to issue pardons, and if he can pardon himself. He also wanted to know if ā€œpreemtiveā€ pardons were possible.

Jr. has admitted guilt, Kushner has danced around the issue, and made himself look guilty, Big Orange is flailing wildly looking for ways to avoid prosecution, Mark Corallo has resigned from the position of spokesman for Big Orangeā€™s legal team, and the following day, due to the Russian investigations, Big Orangeā€™s long time personal lawyer, Marc Kasowitz, stepped down as leader of the legal team.

Recently, Paul Ryan was forced to admit, ā€œ ā€˜Mueller is a Republican who was appointed by a Republican, who served in a Republican administration, and crossed over and stayed on until his term ended,ā€™ he said. ā€˜I don't think many people are saying Bob Mueller is a person who is a biased and partisan. He's sort of really anything but.ā€™ "

Ryanā€™s statement on Mueller would indicate Mueller has absolutely no ax to grind with Big Orange. In fact Mueller would be far more impartial in his examination of evidence concerning the Russian scandal than conservative Ken Starr was during his $40 million investigation of Bill Clinton.

If the Big Orange Idiot and his cronies are innocent, as he claims, he has no reason to pardon anyone. If the Big Orange Idiot and his cronies are innocent, as he claims, he should welcome Muellerā€™s investigation, as it can do nothing but exonerate everyone under suspicion. If the Big Orange Idiot and his cronies are innocent, as he claims, it would be stupid to fire anyone involved in the investigation, especially Mueller. If the Big Orange Idiot and his cronies are innocent, as he claims, why is he doing so much to make himself appear guilty? Is it his arrogance, or is he really that stupid?

Capitol Hill throws up red flags as Trump moves on Sessions, possibly Mueller



Big Orange makes it extremely difficult for rational people to believe he is innocent, when everything he does proves he is guilty. Of course, conservatives believe every lie he tells.

Crazy conspiracy theory.

Also you should spell the name properly. God Emperor Trump... Severe spelling errors all over. Fail.
The Chicago Tribune's article is merely narrative to keep the fake "Russian collusion" story alive. Anyone keeping up with events can see that the story is fading more so every day.
Crazy conspiracy theory.

Also you should spell the name properly. God Emperor Trump... Severe spelling errors all over. Fail.

it's a true bizarro world you live in when you use the words 'crazy conspiracy theory' to describe a poster's repy at the same time you have anything from infowars in your siggy.
Crazy conspiracy theory.

Also you should spell the name properly. God Emperor Trump... Severe spelling errors all over. Fail.

it's a true bizarro world you live in when you use the words 'crazy conspiracy theory' to describe a poster's repy at the same time you have anything from infowars in your siggy.

Even Alex Jones would think your conspiracy theory is too far fetched. Severe delusions.
The Chicago Tribune's article is merely narrative to keep the fake "Russian collusion" story alive. Anyone keeping up with events can see that the story is fading more so every day.

that wasn't even trying, dude.
All this bs about Russia hacking the election is based on a DNC employee CrowdStrike. Not one government agency has examined the server. And CrowdStrike is solid Democrat and solid anti Russian and pro Ukrainian.

So all of this is based on a lie.
Crazy conspiracy theory.

Also you should spell the name properly. God Emperor Trump... Severe spelling errors all over. Fail.

it's a true bizarro world you live in when you use the words 'crazy conspiracy theory' to describe a poster's repy at the same time you have anything from infowars in your siggy.

Even Alex Jones would think your conspiracy theory is too far fetched. Severe delusions.

uh-huh. so tell me.... how many child slaves ARE on mars?
Crazy conspiracy theory.

Also you should spell the name properly. God Emperor Trump... Severe spelling errors all over. Fail.

it's a true bizarro world you live in when you use the words 'crazy conspiracy theory' to describe a poster's repy at the same time you have anything from infowars in your siggy.

Even Alex Jones would think your conspiracy theory is too far fetched. Severe delusions.

uh-huh. so tell me.... how many child slaves ARE on mars?

I was awaiting for you to tell me about the exact nature of such slavery, right after you have finished your crazy tales on how Putin and Trump rode to the sunset.

The Chicago Tribune's article is merely narrative to keep the fake "Russian collusion" story alive. Anyone keeping up with events can see that the story is fading more so every day.

that wasn't even trying, dude.

Don't believe me? The left has cried "wolf!" so many times over their Russophobia, that nobody's even listening.

Of course, there are some who get all herky-jerky when they hear "wolf", but not myself. It;'s like the often-used word "racist", the left was fond of. The word no longer even has any meaning.

The illustrious commie Saul Alinsky summed it up in one of his rules: Rule number 7 read ""A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag." Don't become old news."

This is what the whole "Russia Russia Russia" thing has become: An ineffectual drag, only being used to generate ratings by the leftist media cartel.
Crazy conspiracy theory.

Also you should spell the name properly. God Emperor Trump... Severe spelling errors all over. Fail.

it's a true bizarro world you live in when you use the words 'crazy conspiracy theory' to describe a poster's repy at the same time you have anything from infowars in your siggy.

Even Alex Jones would think your conspiracy theory is too far fetched. Severe delusions.

uh-huh. so tell me.... how many child slaves ARE on mars?

I was awaiting for you to tell me about the exact nature of such slavery, right after you have finished your crazy tales on how Putin and Trump rode to the sunset.


only the lizard people know... :lmao:
The Chicago Tribune's article is merely narrative to keep the fake "Russian collusion" story alive. Anyone keeping up with events can see that the story is fading more so every day.

that wasn't even trying, dude.

Don't believe me? The left has cried "wolf!" so many times over their Russophobia, that nobody's even listening.

Of course, there are some who get all herky-jerky when they hear "wolf", but not myself. It;'s like the often-used word "racist", the left was fond of. The word no longer even has any meaning.

The illustrious commie Saul Alinsky summed it up in one of his rules: Rule number 7 read ""A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag." Don't become old news."

This is what the whole "Russia Russia Russia" thing has become: An ineffectual drag, only being used to generate ratings by the leftist media cartel.

it ain't the left... it's the whole intel community pushing the truth to come out. but keep trying to convince yourself it isn't true. that makes it even more entertaining to know it's going to end very badly for the orange fuhrer.

The Chicago Tribune's article is merely narrative to keep the fake "Russian collusion" story alive. Anyone keeping up with events can see that the story is fading more so every day.

that wasn't even trying, dude.

Don't believe me? The left has cried "wolf!" so many times over their Russophobia, that nobody's even listening.

Of course, there are some who get all herky-jerky when they hear "wolf", but not myself. It;'s like the often-used word "racist", the left was fond of. The word no longer even has any meaning.

The illustrious commie Saul Alinsky summed it up in one of his rules: Rule number 7 read ""A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag." Don't become old news."

This is what the whole "Russia Russia Russia" thing has become: An ineffectual drag, only being used to generate ratings by the leftist media cartel.

it ain't the left... it's the whole intel community pushing the truth to come out. but keep trying to convince yourself it isn't true. that makes it even more entertaining to know it's going to end very badly for the orange fuhrer.


In case you slept through the entire election, we are now controlling the entire intelligence community. Granted there are still some Obama-era holdouts, sympathizers, and saboteurs, but they are being weeded out day by day.
So all of this is based on a lie.
What a feeble IC you must have for it to be taken in so easily. I bet they've been duped on AGW as well.

What's to be taken in by? CrowdStrike is Democrat and anti Russian thru and thru. Dmitri sits on the Atlantic Council which is supported by the Ukrainians. Same Ukrainians who have given the Clinton Foundation millions upon millions of dollars.

Their assessment of the so called Russian hacking looks and reads like a Marvel Comic book. It's trash. AND they are the only ones who were allowed to examine the servers.
it ain't the left... it's the whole intel community pushing the truth to come out. but keep trying to convince yourself it isn't true. that makes it even more entertaining to know it's going to end very badly for the orange fuhrer.


The Deep state, which is what you mean by the |intelligence community" has done nothing of the sort. We have "unnamed sources" within the deep state. Trust the CIA much these days?
Here is where I periodically ask the question that is periodically not exactly did the Russians change the election again?

"We also assess Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect Trumpā€™s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him. All three agencies agree with this judgment. CIA and FBI have high confidence in this judgment; NSA has moderate confidence."

LOL! Those dastardly puppetmasters!!!!

(Hey I did that too when I could)
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