Russian Collusion Hoax-Ukraine Gossip Game traced back to Obama & Clinton

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
President Trump here, gives us a little "heads up" on what might go down with uncovering the plot to Oust our Duly Elected President From Office, and it may lead Straight Back to Obama, Clinton and their Curious and Suspicious Dealings In The Ukraine.

I believe that Trump is correct when he says, "Historic" Corruption will be revealed.

Trump calls for Senate trial, seeks whistleblower and Schiff as impeachment witnesses
I wish they would get this impeachment trial underway in the Senate so the democratic party can be killed off for good as half of them could wind up under indicmet and headed for Leavenworth.
I want to see it too, and so does Trump because if it gets to The Senate, The Democrat Party is going to be torn to shreds, because The GOP will be able to introduce The FISA Abuse Report and the DURHAM report as evidence.

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