Russia, Chartlottesville, what is the left's next tactic to undermine our President?


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
I will guess it will be a jewish thing. Basically that is the last resort smear tactic of the leftist Swamp. The hilarious thing the Swamp does not comprehend, as clever as they were for years fucking over American taxpaying citizens, American taxpayers don't believe their bullshit.
Trump is undermining himself. The latest example is the CEOs that resigned
from the Manufacturing Council and the Strategic and Policy Forum.
Of course, you would never admit any Trump mistake or character flaw. You live in the rose-tinted bubble of Trump World, where reality and fantasy never intertwine.
tactic ?

sit back and watch Trump blow himself out of the water.
I will guess it will be a jewish thing. Basically that is the last resort smear tactic of the leftist Swamp. The hilarious thing the Swamp does not comprehend, as clever as they were for years fucking over American taxpaying citizens, American taxpayers don't believe their bullshit.

Why do they need to do anything? Trump can just do it for himself.
I watched Trump talk about what happened and he said truth. BOTH sides were at fault. There are SOME good people on BOTH sides, but when you mix oil with water, it isn't going to mix. One set had a permit. The other went to cause a riot in the guise of "y'all are a bunch of racists". Shit got out of hand. The ones that went SPECIFICALLY to undermine the first groups RIGHT TO PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY to make sure it turned UNPEACEFUL, are the ones that started the mess that got a woman killed.
3 liberals and 3 fails. Next!

Well, what's a Trump win?

Healthcare = win
Respected businessmen pulling out of his advisory things = win
Saying he's sending a carrier to North Korea and they find out it's off to Australia = win

When your definition of win is complete and utter shit, how can you not win?
Given their level of mass insanity, I think liberalfilth will start taking orders about Trump resistance from their family dog. Like the serial killer Son of Sam. Lol, I still don't know why his dog wasn't prosecuted as an accomplice.
I will guess it will be a jewish thing. Basically that is the last resort smear tactic of the leftist Swamp. The hilarious thing the Swamp does not comprehend, as clever as they were for years fucking over American taxpaying citizens, American taxpayers don't believe their bullshit.

Nothing. The democrats and republicans figure they drove the last nail into the coffin last weekend. Man I can't wait to hear them howel in 2020.
I watched Trump talk about what happened and he said truth. BOTH sides were at fault. There are SOME good people on BOTH sides, but when you mix oil with water, it isn't going to mix. One set had a permit. The other went to cause a riot in the guise of "y'all are a bunch of racists". Shit got out of hand. The ones that went SPECIFICALLY to undermine the first groups RIGHT TO PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY to make sure it turned UNPEACEFUL, are the ones that started the mess that got a woman killed.

Well that's convenient. It's all the left's fault that some loony went and killed some people.

What happened to the right's view that individuals are responsible for their actions? Or is it just that left wingers are responsible for their actions and left wingers are responsible for the actions of right wingers too. You make them sound like children.
Given their level of mass insanity, I think liberalfilth will start taking orders about Trump resistance from their family dog. Like the serial killer Son of Sam. Lol, I still don't know why his dog wasn't prosecuted as an accomplice.

Oh wow. "mass insanity".
I watched Trump talk about what happened and he said truth. BOTH sides were at fault. There are SOME good people on BOTH sides, but when you mix oil with water, it isn't going to mix. One set had a permit. The other went to cause a riot in the guise of "y'all are a bunch of racists". Shit got out of hand. The ones that went SPECIFICALLY to undermine the first groups RIGHT TO PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY to make sure it turned UNPEACEFUL, are the ones that started the mess that got a woman killed.

Well that's convenient. It's all the left's fault that some loony went and killed some people.

What happened to the right's view that individuals are responsible for their actions? Or is it just that left wingers are responsible for their actions and left wingers are responsible for the actions of right wingers too. You make them sound like children.
Well, thats convenient that you twisted what I said that I didn't say. Each person is responsible for their own actions. One asshole murdered a woman because hes an asshole. The woman was murdered to protest what she thought as wrong but she didnt go to murder someone, did she? Left, right, innie, outtie...doesn't matter. The law is the law. The skinheads had a permit. The city allowed it to happen. The people that went there KNEW there would be problems and went anyway and those who went to protest the rally are no different than Michael Browns step dad hollering BURN THIS PLACE DOWN. Period. No ands if or buts about it.
I watched Trump talk about what happened and he said truth. BOTH sides were at fault. There are SOME good people on BOTH sides, but when you mix oil with water, it isn't going to mix. One set had a permit. The other went to cause a riot in the guise of "y'all are a bunch of racists". Shit got out of hand. The ones that went SPECIFICALLY to undermine the first groups RIGHT TO PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY to make sure it turned UNPEACEFUL, are the ones that started the mess that got a woman killed.

Well that's convenient. It's all the left's fault that some loony went and killed some people.

What happened to the right's view that individuals are responsible for their actions? Or is it just that left wingers are responsible for their actions and left wingers are responsible for the actions of right wingers too. You make them sound like children.
Well, thats convenient that you twisted what I said that I didn't say. Each person is responsible for their own actions. One asshole murdered a woman because hes an asshole. The woman was murdered to protest what she thought as wrong but she didnt go to murder someone, did she? Left, right, innie, outtie...doesn't matter. The law is the law. The skinheads had a permit. The city allowed it to happen. The people that went there KNEW there would be problems and went anyway and those who went to protest the rally are no different than Michael Browns step dad hollering BURN THIS PLACE DOWN. Period. No ands if or buts about it.

Well. You are some kind of weird what with that common sense and all.
I watched Trump talk about what happened and he said truth. BOTH sides were at fault. There are SOME good people on BOTH sides, but when you mix oil with water, it isn't going to mix. One set had a permit. The other went to cause a riot in the guise of "y'all are a bunch of racists". Shit got out of hand. The ones that went SPECIFICALLY to undermine the first groups RIGHT TO PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY to make sure it turned UNPEACEFUL, are the ones that started the mess that got a woman killed.

Well that's convenient. It's all the left's fault that some loony went and killed some people.

What happened to the right's view that individuals are responsible for their actions? Or is it just that left wingers are responsible for their actions and left wingers are responsible for the actions of right wingers too. You make them sound like children.
Well, thats convenient that you twisted what I said that I didn't say. Each person is responsible for their own actions. One asshole murdered a woman because hes an asshole. The woman was murdered to protest what she thought as wrong but she didnt go to murder someone, did she? Left, right, innie, outtie...doesn't matter. The law is the law. The skinheads had a permit. The city allowed it to happen. The people that went there KNEW there would be problems and went anyway and those who went to protest the rally are no different than Michael Browns step dad hollering BURN THIS PLACE DOWN. Period. No ands if or buts about it.

Oh, each person is responsible for their own actions, right. So, why did you say "that got a woman killed"? They didn't get the woman killed, the dude killed her.

But apparently you saying "that got a woman killed" means I twisted what you said. Er....

Yes, one side had a permit to protest. Does this mean that you're only allowed to protest when the govt says you're allowed to? Does it mean you're only allowed to say what you want when the govt says you say what you want? No, it does not.
"Reasonable," how did The Donald's past business transactions hack computers that show democrats tried to attack our democracy and rig the election? :p

Dayem I have zero tolerance for stupid and delusional lately and need to realize a lot of dems refuse to apply Prep H as needed. :p
I watched Trump talk about what happened and he said truth. BOTH sides were at fault. There are SOME good people on BOTH sides, but when you mix oil with water, it isn't going to mix. One set had a permit. The other went to cause a riot in the guise of "y'all are a bunch of racists". Shit got out of hand. The ones that went SPECIFICALLY to undermine the first groups RIGHT TO PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY to make sure it turned UNPEACEFUL, are the ones that started the mess that got a woman killed.

Well that's convenient. It's all the left's fault that some loony went and killed some people.

What happened to the right's view that individuals are responsible for their actions? Or is it just that left wingers are responsible for their actions and left wingers are responsible for the actions of right wingers too. You make them sound like children.
Well, thats convenient that you twisted what I said that I didn't say. Each person is responsible for their own actions. One asshole murdered a woman because hes an asshole. The woman was murdered to protest what she thought as wrong but she didnt go to murder someone, did she? Left, right, innie, outtie...doesn't matter. The law is the law. The skinheads had a permit. The city allowed it to happen. The people that went there KNEW there would be problems and went anyway and those who went to protest the rally are no different than Michael Browns step dad hollering BURN THIS PLACE DOWN. Period. No ands if or buts about it.

Oh, each person is responsible for their own actions, right. So, why did you say "that got a woman killed"? They didn't get the woman killed, the dude killed her.

But apparently you saying "that got a woman killed" means I twisted what you said. Er....

Yes, one side had a permit to protest. Does this mean that you're only allowed to protest when the govt says you're allowed to? Does it mean you're only allowed to say what you want when the govt says you say what you want? No, it does not.

It means if you show up looking for a fight where a bunch of other people showed up for a fight then yeah, you get what you have coming. No, this young woman did not deserve to die. But the black protesters are as culpable as the sky heads. They contributed to the mess. And yes, you protest as directed by the government. This is done so beautiful young kids aren't killed by cars while excersizing their 1st amendment rights. So in reality, yes, it does. Deal with it.


[fash-iz-uh m]
See more synonyms on
(sometimes initial capital letter) a governmentalsystem led by a dictator having complete power,forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism,regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., andemphasizing an aggressive nationalism and oftenracism.
(sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy,principles, or methods of fascism.
(initial capital letter) a political movement thatemploys the principles and methods of fascism,especially the one established by Mussolini inItaly 1922–43.

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