Russia aims at Latin America


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This has been coming for some time but nobody seems to be paying attention to it. The Union of South American Nation meets this week. Made up of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Guayana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela will meet to work out an agreement on cooperation with Russia!

Russia already has agreements for using ports for the war vessels in Cuba and Venezuela. What more are they looking for?

We better get our eyes off the Middle East and look beyond our southern border.

Red more @ Da Tech Guy Blog Blog Archive Russia aims at Latin America
hope the US State Department recognizes this as an opportunity, especially as Russia and Iran widen their scope in our
This has been coming for some time but nobody seems to be paying attention to it. The Union of South American Nation meets this week. Made up of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Guayana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela will meet to work out an agreement on cooperation with Russia!

Russia already has agreements for using ports for the war vessels in Cuba and Venezuela. What more are they looking for?

We better get our eyes off the Middle East and look beyond our southern border.

Red more @ Da Tech Guy Blog Blog Archive Russia aims at Latin America

What more are they looking for? Every possible strategical location and advantage for their future attack against the United States of America.
And don't forget China. It is busy trying to forge trade and military pacts with every nation in Central and South America.
And don't forget China. It is busy trying to forge trade and military pacts with every nation in Central and South America.

That is true. There was a video some time ago I posted on USMB of a cartel boss who had a journalist make a video of an interview he gave on his cartel questioning why there were Chinese soldiers / bases set up in Mexico. At the time the fear was that the Chinese would be used to make war against the cartels. There were also videos - of gps photos - of bases and sightings of Chinese soldiers down in Mexico. The bases were empty of any people - only storage buildings which they suspected were being used to hide military vehicles, other equipment. It would make sense that if they crossed the borders to come in and had cover among the civilian population - they could later cross over when the Russians are ready to attack - I believe it will be an invasion as Dumitru Duduman said - of Russians first - then the Cubans, Nicaraguans, etc coming in after them.. consider the large number of immigrants that came in from SA recently atop trains and you can see that many of these guys are already among our population now, Longknife. It is only the LORD holding back that day - I believe. Otherwise it would have already happened. Hopefully Christians who are presently living like the world will repent and draw near to the LORD while there is still time. That is my prayer.

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