Rushdie vs. Polanski: Apocrypha Creativity


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Salman Rushdie shocked the literary world and became a heretic among his own Muslim people when his controversial and incendiary apocrypha work The Satanic Verses implied that the sacred Islamic prophet Muhammad was 'guided' in the desert somehow by Satan and induced to speak confusing deliberation.

Roman Polanski shocked the film world when his controversial and incendiary Occultist film Rosemary's Baby explored the heretical notion that there is an 'opposite' of the Christian sacred Mother Mary (perhaps named 'Rosemary') who gives birth to the AntiChrist on Earth. Polanski would go on to direct a very surreal and equally-incendiary Occultist film called The Ninth Gate (starring Johnny Depp), which presented the story of an unscrupulous and morally deformable book collector/detective who finds himself hypnotized by a magical Satanic book which possesses the power to evoke the favor of the Devil.

It is The Satanic Verses and The Ninth Gate I want to look at, since both works explore the human reaction to the possibility that the Devil can 'lure' men. It's one thing to say that men can be 'tricked' or 'dumbfounded' by evil, but it is quite another to suggest that men can be 'lured' or 'persuaded.'

The Satanic Verses and The Ninth Gate fit into a larger category of 'apocrypha creativity' meant to invoke dialogue/discussion about psycho-sociological symbols that reveal a society's 'anti-theistic consciousness.'

Why do we celebrate violent/antisocial comic book super-villains such as Mysterio (Marvel Comics), Poison Ivy (DC Comics), and Red Skull (Marvel Comics)?

This seems to be a perfect discussion for the Book of Job.


GOD: Civilized people value free speech and intellectual freedom.
SATAN: Yes, but they hate the labor associated with 'religious tolerance.'
GOD: Ethnic minorities do not appreciate televised Ku Klux Klan parades.
SATAN: Yes, but they get bored with the culture-mainstream televised Mummers Day parade.
GOD: Salman Rushdie and Roman Polanski both took a big chance.
SATAN: They are now vulnerable to the winds of religious orthodoxy!
GOD: Why do Americans celebrate 'colorful comic book villains'?
SATAN: 'Super-villains' such as Lex Luthor, Sub-Zero, and Video-Man symbolize rage.
GOD: So Americans want literary expression for rage?
SATAN: It may be the basis of any apocrypha creativity.
GOD: Are humans 'bored' with the Bible?
SATAN: Many feel that the Book of Job is too prescriptive.
GOD: Why not televise the private lives of families?
SATAN: They did invent something like that for MTV: The Real World.
GOD: I think MTV can give kids ADD!
SATAN: The media may be 'manipulating' humanity's attitude towards censorship!


The Old Testament was racist plagiarism and idiocy. The New Testament introduced the ridiculous concept of hell by the savior of the angry Jews who hated Europeans, but then liked Europeans all of a sudden after Jews said he was full of shit. Way to make you life idiotic, based on retarded rabbi's "Scriptures." Get over it, the Old and New Testament are literature, and bad, poorly edited literature, not truth.
My question about God and the Devil has always been, why is God advertised as being most powerful,, yet does not destroy the Devil and evil which he created....Yet that is the whole basis of religion, the inner conflict and which one a person feeds to allow it to grow...

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