Rush Limbaugh Lies About Impeachment!

Obama's Drug Use Debated - CBS News

Marijuana, cocaine, and alcohol.. He has Rush beat by a long shot.. This fucker used and abused every substance known to mankind. LOL

NEWSFLASH!!! oxycontin (AKA- hillbilly heroin) is worse than the three items you mentioned. Thats what oxyRush was caught doctor-shopping for.


Obama is also a smoker, with no will power to do what millions of people have done: quit smoking.
July 30, 2014
RUSH: I, El Rushbo, Have Not Called for Obama's Impeachment

June 24, 2014
RUSH: *I mean, this guy needs to be impeached.

July 30, 2014
RUSH: I have never come out for impeachment

June 24, 2014
RUSH: *I mean, this guy needs to be impeached. *We impeached Nixon for less than this kind of stuff! *Nixon only dreamed about doing what this guy's done!

July 30, 2014
RUSH:* I have never made a call for impeachment.*

June 24, 2014
RUSH: *I mean, this guy needs to be impeached. *We impeached Nixon for less than this kind of stuff! *Nixon only dreamed about doing what this guy's done!
Nixon only dreamed about doing what Lois Lerner has done. *Nixon only dreamed of using the IRS to damage his political opponents. He never did it, but they wanted to convict him of a thought crime nevertheless.

We were on the road yesterday and happened across him on the radio. Its pretty annoying to listen to him for very long but even in a short time, we counted several things that he lied about.

He did talk about impeachment and, just like we see here and will the really stupid R politicians, there was no silly talk about things like facts. It was just "impeach the president", as though there's nothing else to be said.

I've read he has 11 million listeners. Since there about 250 million adults in the US, he doesn't really reach that many people. Again, just like here, its the radical nutters who just like the sound of their own screeching.
](1) Rush has ZERO influence on any politicians or voters. The candidates he has actively supported have invariably lost big. [/B] His audience is mainly comprised of people who already agree with him and they listen because he says the things THEY think, but can't say as well. Very, very few people are influenced to change their minds about anything because of what he says on the radio. When "Bo Snerdly" hears from someone who has been influenced (or claims to have been influenced), they go to the head of the line.

(2) Saying that Barry ought to be impeached is not the same as overtly supporting his impeachment. Those who listen to Rush with any regularity know that he sees impeachment as a self-defeating ploy that will never succeed, and will only feed the impression that Congressional Republicans "hate" Barry - probably because he is (sort of) "Black."

(3) Limbaugh's drug addiction was precipitated by years of excruciating back pain, not a desire to "get high." Addiction can strike anyone, and as "Hollywood" constantly reminds us, when you combine addiction with virtually infinite piles of money you get some pretty disgusting behavior patterns (e.g., P. S. Hoffman, may he rest in peace).

(4) No president in recent memory has been as deserving of impeachment as Barry. His abuse of the Constitution make WJC's shenanigans look insignificant by comparison.


Limbaugh Misquotes Constitution During CPAC Speech

He speaks at CPAC and has the ear of almost every conservative politician in the land.

Supreme Court conservatives quote him.

He is the de facto head of the GOP.
Obama's Drug Use Debated - CBS News

Marijuana, cocaine, and alcohol.. He has Rush beat by a long shot.. This fucker used and abused every substance known to mankind. LOL

NEWSFLASH!!! oxycontin (AKA- hillbilly heroin) is worse than the three items you mentioned. Thats what oxyRush was caught doctor-shopping for.


Obama is also a smoker, with no will power to do what millions of people have done: quit smoking.

Actually, you don't know that but RWs have no objection to chain-smoking alcoholic John Boehner doing absolutely no part of his job and only leaving the golf course for photo ops.
Rush Limbaugh is not President of the United States, this guy is:

Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 800 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc. | Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog

Oh, but this guy's lies don't matter, he's one of you commie bastards.

You are right. Rush Limbaugh is NOT President of the United States. :D

This is the sorry piece of human excrement you support:

[ame=]Mia Marie Pope Oust Obama - YouTube[/ame]
Dear Sallow person:

Name a single candidate Rush has supported, a single law or initiative he promoted, a single public figure he has castigated, where Rush's influence has made a difference.

I won't hold my breath.

On the other hand, he has pushed numerous presidential candidates over the years; none won anything. He encouraged R's to switch their registration to vote for HRC in the Democrat Primaries in '08; nothing. He has pushed for various sorts of immigration "reform"; nothing.

He is an entertainer who gets a lot of attention but influences no one.

Contrast him to John Stewart, to whom half the under-40 crowd in the whole fucking country goes to for "the straight skinny" night after night.
Dear Sallow person:

Name a single candidate Rush has supported, a single law or initiative he promoted, a single public figure he has castigated, where Rush's influence has made a difference.

I won't hold my breath.

On the other hand, he has pushed numerous presidential candidates over the years; none won anything. He encouraged R's to switch their registration to vote for HRC in the Democrat Primaries in '08; nothing. He has pushed for various sorts of immigration "reform"; nothing.

He is an entertainer who gets a lot of attention but influences no one.

Contrast him to John Stewart, to whom half the under-40 crowd in the whole fucking country goes to for "the straight skinny" night after night.
[ame=]GOP Freshman Women Honor Rush Limbaugh 1994 - YouTube[/ame]

Women from the Republican Freshman class of 1994 present Rush Limbaugh with a plaque.
The shitstain is STILL lying today about not calling for impeachment and calling the "Liberal" media liars for saying he did. I guess that makes BigotBarf Liberal now.

Limbaugh: Obama 'Needs to Be Impeached' for Using IRS 'to Damage His Political Opponents'


On his Tuesday radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh make the extraordinary call for the impeachment of President Barack Obama for his neglect of the law when it came to he and his administration's handling of the ongoing Internal Revenue Service scandal.

"I mean, this guy needs to be impeached," Limbaugh said.* We impeached Nixon for less than this kind of stuff. Nixon only dreamed about doing what this guy's done. Nixon only dreamed about doing what Lois Lerner has done.* Nixon only dreamed of using the IRS to damage his political opponents. He never did it, but they wanted to convict him of a thought crime nevertheless.* Well, these people have done it, and now they're being called on it, and they're asked to explain it."

I, El Rushbo, Have Not Called for Obama's Impeachment, But It's a Mistake for the Republicans to Take It Off the Table - The Rush Limbaugh Show

July 30, 2014
RUSH: I, El Rushbo, Have Not Called for Obama's Impeachment

July 30, 2014
RUSH: I have never come out for impeachment

July 30, 2014
RUSH: I have never made a call for impeachment.
the 30 year point and there'll be a celebration rather than just my mention of his 27 year anniversary .
](1) Rush has ZERO influence on any politicians or voters. The candidates he has actively supported have invariably lost big. [/B] His audience is mainly comprised of people who already agree with him and they listen because he says the things THEY think, but can't say as well. Very, very few people are influenced to change their minds about anything because of what he says on the radio. When "Bo Snerdly" hears from someone who has been influenced (or claims to have been influenced), they go to the head of the line.

(2) Saying that Barry ought to be impeached is not the same as overtly supporting his impeachment. Those who listen to Rush with any regularity know that he sees impeachment as a self-defeating ploy that will never succeed, and will only feed the impression that Congressional Republicans "hate" Barry - probably because he is (sort of) "Black."

(3) Limbaugh's drug addiction was precipitated by years of excruciating back pain, not a desire to "get high." Addiction can strike anyone, and as "Hollywood" constantly reminds us, when you combine addiction with virtually infinite piles of money you get some pretty disgusting behavior patterns (e.g., P. S. Hoffman, may he rest in peace).

(4) No president in recent memory has been as deserving of impeachment as Barry. His abuse of the Constitution make WJC's shenanigans look insignificant by comparison.


Limbaugh Misquotes Constitution During CPAC Speech

He speaks at CPAC and has the ear of almost every conservative politician in the land.

Supreme Court conservatives quote him.

He is the de facto head of the GOP.

Sure he is.

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