Rush Limbaugh: I hope AOC, Ilhan Omar and other 'wacko' Democrats keep talking


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
ME: Rush has been proven to be correct over 98% of the time for 50 years. Here is is, right again:

Rush Limbaugh: I hope AOC, Ilhan Omar and other 'wacko' Democrats keep talking
Story and Videos >> Rush Limbaugh: I hope AOC, Ilhan Omar and other 'wacko' Democrats keep talking

Radio host Rush Limbaugh said on "Fox & Friends" that he hopes the so-called "squad," specifically Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar keep talking ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

Limbaugh said the Democrats refuse to debate issues with Republicans and are instead calling President Trump a racist and holding impeachment votes. He said Democrats try to "destroy" and "marginalize" conservatives, with the mainstream media's help.

"There wasn't even a reason to impeach, they were just impeaching to do it. I say let them continue, I hope they continue to illustrate how wacko, how morally bankrupt and substantively bankrupt they are. That's why I hope Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez keep talking," he said.

Story and Videos >> Rush Limbaugh: I hope AOC, Ilhan Omar and other 'wacko' Democrats keep talking
I hope Rush keep yapping his mouth and everyone hears it. I think he would be better than tramp as far as having a loud speaker.

Against tramp and pro Cruz. One would be no better than the other, but now he loves tramp.
AOC single handedly destroyed the value of a Boston Univ. economics degree. Omar looks good in an orange jumpsuit and with hair like that, anyone would want to cover it. Tlaib is a loudmouth racist and hater and Pressley, probably the best of the bunch, is a hardcore racist, but they're all hardcore racists. A gang like that could never incubate in the far more reasonable and logical Republican party. Viva Trump.
ME: Rush has been proven to be correct over 98% of the time for 50 years. Here is is, right again:

Rush Limbaugh: I hope AOC, Ilhan Omar and other 'wacko' Democrats keep talking
Story and Videos >> Rush Limbaugh: I hope AOC, Ilhan Omar and other 'wacko' Democrats keep talking

Radio host Rush Limbaugh said on "Fox & Friends" that he hopes the so-called "squad," specifically Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar keep talking ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

Limbaugh said the Democrats refuse to debate issues with Republicans and are instead calling President Trump a racist and holding impeachment votes. He said Democrats try to "destroy" and "marginalize" conservatives, with the mainstream media's help.

"There wasn't even a reason to impeach, they were just impeaching to do it. I say let them continue, I hope they continue to illustrate how wacko, how morally bankrupt and substantively bankrupt they are. That's why I hope Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez keep talking," he said.

Story and Videos >> Rush Limbaugh: I hope AOC, Ilhan Omar and other 'wacko' Democrats keep talking
Rush Limbaugh: A college drop out who makes millions duping the feeble mind people on the right.

The Congresswomen keep talking & keep baiting the Racist-in-Chief tweeting.

All four are better educated than the fat assed druggie Limbaugh.
The Four Jihadists are the gift that keeps on giving, and now Trump has made them the FACE of the Democrat Party. Pelosi tried to fight them, but lost, and they are now how people view the Democrats. Radical, anti American, Far Left only supporting ILLEGAL ALIENS, and other destructive policies.

Only the weak minded, delusional left goes along with their criminal fantasies.
I hope Rush keep yapping his mouth and everyone hears it. I think he would be better than tramp as far as having a loud speaker.

Against tramp and pro Cruz. One would be no better than the other, but now he loves tramp.

Is tramp a nickname for Omar?

Asking for a friend
I hope Rush keep yapping his mouth and everyone hears it. I think he would be better than tramp as far as having a loud speaker.

Against tramp and pro Cruz. One would be no better than the other, but now he loves tramp.

Is tramp a nickname for Omar?

Asking for a friend
I would think she would have a different nickname, especially after marrying her own brother...
ME: Rush has been proven to be correct over 98% of the time for 50 years. Here is is, right again:

Rush Limbaugh: I hope AOC, Ilhan Omar and other 'wacko' Democrats keep talking
Story and Videos >> Rush Limbaugh: I hope AOC, Ilhan Omar and other 'wacko' Democrats keep talking

Radio host Rush Limbaugh said on "Fox & Friends" that he hopes the so-called "squad," specifically Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar keep talking ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

Limbaugh said the Democrats refuse to debate issues with Republicans and are instead calling President Trump a racist and holding impeachment votes. He said Democrats try to "destroy" and "marginalize" conservatives, with the mainstream media's help.

"There wasn't even a reason to impeach, they were just impeaching to do it. I say let them continue, I hope they continue to illustrate how wacko, how morally bankrupt and substantively bankrupt they are. That's why I hope Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez keep talking," he said.

Story and Videos >> Rush Limbaugh: I hope AOC, Ilhan Omar and other 'wacko' Democrats keep talking
Rush Limbaugh: A college drop out who makes millions duping the feeble mind people on the right.

The Congresswomen keep talking & keep baiting the Racist-in-Chief tweeting.

All four are better educated than the fat assed druggie Limbaugh.

Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are all College Dropouts.

Do you always keep your head up your ass, or just when you talk politics??
ME: Rush has been proven to be correct over 98% of the time for 50 years. Here is is, right again:

Rush Limbaugh: I hope AOC, Ilhan Omar and other 'wacko' Democrats keep talking
Story and Videos >> Rush Limbaugh: I hope AOC, Ilhan Omar and other 'wacko' Democrats keep talking

Radio host Rush Limbaugh said on "Fox & Friends" that he hopes the so-called "squad," specifically Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar keep talking ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

Limbaugh said the Democrats refuse to debate issues with Republicans and are instead calling President Trump a racist and holding impeachment votes. He said Democrats try to "destroy" and "marginalize" conservatives, with the mainstream media's help.

"There wasn't even a reason to impeach, they were just impeaching to do it. I say let them continue, I hope they continue to illustrate how wacko, how morally bankrupt and substantively bankrupt they are. That's why I hope Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez keep talking," he said.

Story and Videos >> Rush Limbaugh: I hope AOC, Ilhan Omar and other 'wacko' Democrats keep talking
Rush Limbaugh: A college drop out who makes millions duping the feeble mind people on the right.

The Congresswomen keep talking & keep baiting the Racist-in-Chief tweeting.

All four are better educated than the fat assed druggie Limbaugh.

Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are all College Dropouts.

Do you always keep your head up your ass, or just when you talk politics??
But they aren't drug addicts like pathological liar Russia Limbaugh.
ME: Rush has been proven to be correct over 98% of the time for 50 years. Here is is, right again:

Rush Limbaugh: I hope AOC, Ilhan Omar and other 'wacko' Democrats keep talking
Story and Videos >> Rush Limbaugh: I hope AOC, Ilhan Omar and other 'wacko' Democrats keep talking

Radio host Rush Limbaugh said on "Fox & Friends" that he hopes the so-called "squad," specifically Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar keep talking ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

Limbaugh said the Democrats refuse to debate issues with Republicans and are instead calling President Trump a racist and holding impeachment votes. He said Democrats try to "destroy" and "marginalize" conservatives, with the mainstream media's help.

"There wasn't even a reason to impeach, they were just impeaching to do it. I say let them continue, I hope they continue to illustrate how wacko, how morally bankrupt and substantively bankrupt they are. That's why I hope Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez keep talking," he said.

Story and Videos >> Rush Limbaugh: I hope AOC, Ilhan Omar and other 'wacko' Democrats keep talking
Rush Limbaugh: A college drop out who makes millions duping the feeble mind people on the right.

The Congresswomen keep talking & keep baiting the Racist-in-Chief tweeting.

All four are better educated than the fat assed druggie Limbaugh.


Having a 'college degree' doesn't equal being intelligent.

I'm loving your rage

@ fat @ss druggie Limbaugh


@ tweeting Trump

Obviously they get under your skin or you'd be able to have a reasonable response instead of full on insults.
Regardless of what Rush Limbaugh says, these four reps are going to keep themselves in the spotlight with their rebarbative rhetoric.
I hope Rush keep yapping his mouth and everyone hears it. I think he would be better than tramp as far as having a loud speaker.

Against tramp and pro Cruz. One would be no better than the other, but now he loves tramp.
People who are not Progs need a voice. They do not have many. You have to name them by their names. We have no moved right in many decades so why are you crying? And in fact have been moving left since 1913 easily. It is in the last decade or so that the boil has popped and we went insane with Prog agendas run amok. To you it is great and okay. For social justice perhaps. For long term surviving of our nation it is not. If you listen carefully of what the founding fathers were about they told you, they told us about the human penchant for nastiness towards each other. And we still did it with that to some point. But that was in a low tax to near zero tax environment. Today is far different with a healthy percentage of people depending on a high tax environment. An environment where it has to higher and politicians can not hide socialism and even communism as an answer to all of our problems. Most people would buy into that. And after seeing all of the privileged jobs compared to all of the non privileged ones, I don't blame them. Perhaps if half the people broadcasting and in entertainment spouted everyday for non Progs you would see things a bit differently. But one out of every hundred is a road to suicide.

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