Rules for Non-Military Personnel


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003

Rules for Non Military Personnel
1.. The next time you see an adult talking (or wearing a hat) during the
playing of the National Anthem ... bust his chops.

2.. When you witness firsthand someone burning the American Flag in protest...
bust their chops...

3.. Regardless of the rank they held while they served, pay the highest amount
of respect to all veterans. If you see anyone doing otherwise, quietly pull them
aside and explain how these Veterans fought for the very freedom they bask in
every second. Enlighten them on the many sacrifices these Veterans made to make
this Nation great. Then hold them down while a Disabled Veteran busts their

4.. (GUYS) If you were never in the military, DO NOT pretend that you were.
Wearing battle dress uniforms (BDU's), telling others that you used to be
"Special Forces," and collecting GI Joe memorabilia, might have been okay if you
were still seven. Now, it will only make you look stupid and get your chops

5.. Next time you come across an Air Force member, do not ask them, "Do you
fly a jet?" Not everyone in the Air Force is a pilot. Such ignorance deserves a
good chop busting (children are exempt).

6.. If you witness someone calling the U.S. Coast Guard non military, inform
them of their mistake...and THEN bust their chops....

7.. Roseanne Barr's singing of the National Anthem is not a was a
disgrace and disrespectful. Laugh, and sooner or later your chops will get

8.. Next time Old Glory (U.S. flag) prances by during a parade, get on your
damn feet and pay homage to her by placing your hand over your heart. Quietly
thank the military member or veteran lucky enough to be carrying her...of
course, failure to do either of those could earn you a severe chop busting...

9.. What Jane Fonda did during the Vietnam War makes her the enemy. The proper
word to describe her is "traitor." Just mention her nomination for "Woman of the
Year" and get your chops busted.

10.. Don't try to discuss politics with a military member or a veteran. We are
Americans and we all bleed the same regardless of our party affiliation. Our
Chain of Command, is to include our commander in Chief. The President (for those
who didn't know) is our CIC regardless of political party. We have no inside
track on what happens inside those big important buildings where all those
representatives" meet. All we know is that when those civilian representatives
screw up the situation, they call upon the military to go straighten it out. The
military member might direct you to Oliver North. (I can see him busting your
chops already.)

11.. "Your mama wears combat boots" never made sense to me ... stop saying it!
If she did, she would most likely be a vet and probably bust your chops!

12.. Bin Laden and the Taliban are not communists, so stop saying "Let's go
kill those Commie's!!!" And stop asking us where he is!!!! Crystal balls are not
standard issue in the military. That reminds me ... if you see anyone calling
those damn psychic phone numbers; let me know, so I can go bust their chops...

13.. Flyboy (Air Force), Jar Head (Marines), Grunt (Army), Squid (Navy) etc,
are terms of endearment WE use describing each other. Unless you are a service
member or vet, you have not earned the right to use them. Could get your chops

14.. Last but not least, whether or not you become a member of the military,
support our troops and their families: Every Thanksgiving and religious holiday
that you enjoy with family and friends please remember that there are,
literally, tens of thousands of Soldiers, Sailors and Marines far from home
wishing they could be with theirs. While you eat your turkey, ham or steak and
wash it down with wine or juices, THEY sit in fighting holes, feeling fortunate
if they have clean water to wash down their MRE's. While your children say
their prayers asking God to help bring daddy (or mommy) home earlier tomorrow,
theirs simply ask God to help BRING THEM HOME. Thank God for our military and
the sacrifices they make every day. Without them, this great country of ours
would get IT's chops busted....

If you can't figure out what "bust his chops" equates to, ASK A VET. They'll
gladly demonstrate for you.
It's sad how little appreciation vets get sometimes. My uncle was in Korea during Vietnam. He was wounded twice, caught hemmoragic fever, saw many friends slaughtered by North Korean infiltrators, and saw more killed by mortar fire from the north that they didn't have authorization to shoot back at. The vets in that theater get so little recognition that when people find out my uncle was in Korea during Vietnam, the first thing they say is usually along the lines, "Wow, sounds like he got off easy." Well, he didn't. They got so little publicity that the government didn't give him a single Purple Heart for his wounds in order to cover up the situation, and my uncle certainly went through more than Kerry, though, to give him credit, Kerry deserves respect as a veteran, though that hardly qualifies him for CIC.
Hobbit said:
It's sad how little appreciation vets get sometimes. My uncle was in Korea during Vietnam. He was wounded twice, caught hemmoragic fever, saw many friends slaughtered by North Korean infiltrators, and saw more killed by mortar fire from the north that they didn't have authorization to shoot back at. The vets in that theater get so little recognition that when people find out my uncle was in Korea during Vietnam, the first thing they say is usually along the lines, "Wow, sounds like he got off easy." Well, he didn't. They got so little publicity that the government didn't give him a single Purple Heart for his wounds in order to cover up the situation, and my uncle certainly went through more than Kerry, though, to give him credit, Kerry deserves respect as a veteran, though that hardly qualifies him for CIC.
Hidden Casualties & Secret Diplomacy: The History of US Relations with North Korea
According to Headquarters, Eight U.S. Army, Korea, June 26, 1996, 60 USFK servicemen died as a result of post-war North Korean “Hostile” actions between August 17, 1955 and December 17, 1994.

In addition, according to VFW Magazine, August 1996 and the Naval Military Personnel Command, 30 Navy personnel and one Marine were shot down in an EC-121 aircraft on April 15, 1969 over the Sea of Japan; and, one seaman was killed in the USS Pueblo incident off the coast of Korea in January 1968.
According to Headquarters, Eight U.S. Army, Korea, June 26, 1996, 60 USFK servicemen died as a result of post-war North Korean “Hostile” actions between August 17, 1955 and December 17, 1994.

In addition, according to VFW Magazine, August 1996 and the Naval Military Personnel Command, 30 Navy personnel and one Marine were shot down in an EC-121 aircraft on April 15, 1969 over the Sea of Japan; and, one seaman was killed in the USS Pueblo incident off the coast of Korea in January 1968.

60 sounds a bit low. They're probably not counting all the deaths caused by infiltrators, since those guys are hard to trace back to their governments and are disavowed when caught.
Hobbit said:
60 sounds a bit low. They're probably not counting all the deaths caused by infiltrators, since those guys are hard to trace back to their governments and are disavowed when caught.

There MIGHT be a few more, but not many. There were a LOT of incursions by the north, but not many resulted in deaths. Injuries? Yes. A lot of them.

The most famous incident, of course, is the "Ax Murders" of, I believe, 1976.... I don't remember but sometime during Carter's admin.

Also, they are not counting KATUSAs (Korean Augmentees to the United States Army).

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