Rubio begins daunting task of damage control


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Rubio, at his first appearance since his abysmal performance in Saturdays Republican Debate in New Hampshire, said in his defense “no one on that stage last night has more experience or better understands the national security issues before this country than I do.”

He also argued that “no one on that stage last night has more experience or better understands the national security issues before this country than I do.”

He concluded by saying “no one on that stage last night has more experience or better understands the national security issues before this country than I do.”

:lol: Sorry, little Rubot humor there...I couldn't resist. Here's the actual article...

“He is totally exposed,” said a Bush supporter in New Hampshire from out of state. “Take Nolan Ryan’s fastball from him and he would do poorly. Same thing with Marco. His super power of memorizing a couple pivotal lines and saying them flawlessly has been taken away because people will be looking for that.”

Bush also, on “Fox News Sunday,” pinged Rubio as “totally scripted and kind of robotic” because Rubio repeated the same phrase three times within the space of a few minutes during the debate as Christie pressed the attack against him.

And Christie himself on Sunday morning used the debate performance to further call into question the conventional wisdom that Republicans who do not want Cruz or businessman Donald Trump to win the nomination must unite behind Rubio.

“All week, the media is trying to make that we coalesce around Marco Rubio,” Christie said on “Fox News Sunday.’ “After you saw that performance last night, do you think they should be coalescing around Marco Rubio? Do you think that’s the kind of performance, that’s the kind of leadership that we want to see on the stage against Hillary Clinton?”

Rubio starts digging out after debate debacle

On the next big stage, he'll make a joke about it. The same way he did with the water....

What is more damaging than his repeating a stock phrase over and over is that it means nothing.....
I'm not sure it will hurt him in the long run as much as some think, but I could be wrong. You may disagree with his policies, but he is a fairly likable guy. I think most people who watched him on the debate stage more felt bad for him than hated on him. I was cringing watching it.
Rubio, at his first appearance since his abysmal performance in Saturdays Republican Debate in New Hampshire, said in his defense “no one on that stage last night has more experience or better understands the national security issues before this country than I do.”

He also argued that “no one on that stage last night has more experience or better understands the national security issues before this country than I do.”

He concluded by saying “no one on that stage last night has more experience or better understands the national security issues before this country than I do.”

:lol: Sorry, little Rubot humor there...I couldn't resist. Here's the actual article...

“He is totally exposed,” said a Bush supporter in New Hampshire from out of state. “Take Nolan Ryan’s fastball from him and he would do poorly. Same thing with Marco. His super power of memorizing a couple pivotal lines and saying them flawlessly has been taken away because people will be looking for that.”

Bush also, on “Fox News Sunday,” pinged Rubio as “totally scripted and kind of robotic” because Rubio repeated the same phrase three times within the space of a few minutes during the debate as Christie pressed the attack against him.

And Christie himself on Sunday morning used the debate performance to further call into question the conventional wisdom that Republicans who do not want Cruz or businessman Donald Trump to win the nomination must unite behind Rubio.

“All week, the media is trying to make that we coalesce around Marco Rubio,” Christie said on “Fox News Sunday.’ “After you saw that performance last night, do you think they should be coalescing around Marco Rubio? Do you think that’s the kind of performance, that’s the kind of leadership that we want to see on the stage against Hillary Clinton?”

Rubio starts digging out after debate debacle

No one on the stage wants to get more american troops killed for nothing than rubio.
Christie nailed his political ass to the wall in the debate.

Rubio refused to answer the question regarding did he fight for his Gang of 8 Amnesty bill or did he run. Christie then pointed out the dodge, that Rubio did run, and that he refused to fight for his bill, that he co-authored.

Christie pointed out that he refused to stand up for and fight for what he believed / believes in, implying he won't fight for the American people either, and that his actions are NOT those of a (strong) President.

'Rubio Won't Fight For What He Believes In.'

A secondary point to the question posed to Rubio was in Rubio's answer. He stated his co-authored legislation that would bestow amnesty upon illegals would / will not pass right now considering the expressed desires / beliefs the majority of Americans hold right now. He stated that BEFORE he could get that passed 'you have to show people you are serious about the issue' by securing the border (a promise made to Americans yet not kept for decades now). His answer shows HE STILL INTENDS TO PUSH FOR FULL AMNESTY AND CITIZENSHIP FOR ILLEGALS (REWARDING CRIMINALS WHO BROKE OUR LAWS).

Americans don't want that. Americans don't believe Illegals should be rewarded for breaking our laws. Grant them LEGAL status and allow them to stay? Ok. Grant them full citizenship? NO! Allow them to vote? HELL NO!

Rubio should stop trying to run as a 'Conservative' and instead run on his 'electability', because - despite running as a TEA Party candidate - he's no true Conservative.
i actually dont think his supporters will change their mind,, a lot of people are voting for him for the sole purpose to take out Hillary or Kernal Sanders
Those on the right elect politicians, lefties elect gods. I don't agree with anyone on everything but like Reagan think 70% is good to go for a friend. Rubio has the best chance, Christie isn't going to win the nomination, nor Bush. Kasich has a very slim chance and Trump is a great show but too polarizing. Cruz and Rubio are really the only two that have a solid opportunity and of the two Rubio will appeal to more people.

The left knows it and why they need to take him out. They have shit to offer, two over the hill seniors arguing over who can spend the most money, are you kidding me?
Things that are true and valid are worth repeating. Twice. Three times. or more.

After all, Rubio only confirmed Obama's own declared intention to "fundamentally transform" (i.e. destroy, ruin and devastate) America.
Those on the right elect politicians, lefties elect gods. I don't agree with anyone on everything but like Reagan think 70% is good to go for a friend. Rubio has the best chance, Christie isn't going to win the nomination, nor Bush. Kasich has a very slim chance and Trump is a great show but too polarizing. Cruz and Rubio are really the only two that have a solid opportunity and of the two Rubio will appeal to more people.

The left knows it and why they need to take him out. They have shit to offer, two over the hill seniors arguing over who can spend the most money, are you kidding me?

Ice, we can not elect another GW, we can't; just as much as we can't allow more Obama. The left is running on Obama policies, so we know what we will get there, done deal. But we also know that Rubio is a total squish.

We must all realize that take away a few tax cuts that Bush gave, and some on here are forced to defend a President who became so passive, that at the end of the day you have Democrats having the ability to point back 7 damn years, and blame him for any mistake that Obama makes. Do we understand that his passivity with Fannie and Freddie are going to give us commercials 8 years later on Republican economics!

Rubio is not the guy. If any of the establishment wins the nomination, the best 2 are Kasich and Christie, and they are establishment, so you know what I think about that!

Add to the Rubio problem------------> He is a gifted politician, as long as he is on script.....although sometimes his needle sticks, lol. But Rubio has himself given the Democrats the key to defeating him; get him off his talking points and script!

Have you ever wondered why politicians say the same thing over, and over, and over again? Because it is written for them, and they are warned NOT to deviate from the talking points. As soon as one of these people start carrying on an unscripted conversation, they fail. The only people on either stage being real are, Trump, Carson, Sanders, and to a somewhat slightly lesser extent, Cruz.

Think about it, and you will see even the 4 I mentioned are being handled somewhat! With all the different problems facing America, when asked a question, what is the response? Same crap, over, and over, and over, again. If you took out many words like, China, Obama, failed, e-mails, and a few others, you could cut down the debates to 15 minutes. This is purposeful!

And when they are asked a question they have no rote answer for? lol, that is easy. They are so well schooled in rote answers, they start reciting one that pertains slightly to the topic, while they look for another rote answer in their schooled arsenal to come back with when the moderator points out they didn't really answer. They put a few of the talking points together, then answer the question without really answering it.

Rubio= good politician. Obama = good politician, hell he beat Hillary! We don't need a politician this time, we need a leader, or a constitutional advocate, or both if we can find one. Anything less, and we are settling for an inferior person, and right now, that is not a very good idea.
Those on the right elect politicians, lefties elect gods. I don't agree with anyone on everything but like Reagan think 70% is good to go for a friend. Rubio has the best chance, Christie isn't going to win the nomination, nor Bush. Kasich has a very slim chance and Trump is a great show but too polarizing. Cruz and Rubio are really the only two that have a solid opportunity and of the two Rubio will appeal to more people.

The left knows it and why they need to take him out. They have shit to offer, two over the hill seniors arguing over who can spend the most money, are you kidding me?

Ice, we can not elect another GW, we can't; just as much as we can't allow more Obama. The left is running on Obama policies, so we know what we will get there, done deal. But we also know that Rubio is a total squish.

We must all realize that take away a few tax cuts that Bush gave, and some on here are forced to defend a President who became so passive, that at the end of the day you have Democrats having the ability to point back 7 damn years, and blame him for any mistake that Obama makes. Do we understand that his passivity with Fannie and Freddie are going to give us commercials 8 years later on Republican economics!

Rubio is not the guy. If any of the establishment wins the nomination, the best 2 are Kasich and Christie, and they are establishment, so you know what I think about that!

Add to the Rubio problem------------> He is a gifted politician, as long as he is on script.....although sometimes his needle sticks, lol. But Rubio has himself given the Democrats the key to defeating him; get him off his talking points and script!

Have you ever wondered why politicians say the same thing over, and over, and over again? Because it is written for them, and they are warned NOT to deviate from the talking points. As soon as one of these people start carrying on an unscripted conversation, they fail. The only people on either stage being real are, Trump, Carson, Sanders, and to a somewhat slightly lesser extent, Cruz.

Think about it, and you will see even the 4 I mentioned are being handled somewhat! With all the different problems facing America, when asked a question, what is the response? Same crap, over, and over, and over, again. If you took out many words like, China, Obama, failed, e-mails, and a few others, you could cut down the debates to 15 minutes. This is purposeful!

And when they are asked a question they have no rote answer for? lol, that is easy. They are so well schooled in rote answers, they start reciting one that pertains slightly to the topic, while they look for another rote answer in their schooled arsenal to come back with when the moderator points out they didn't really answer. They put a few of the talking points together, then answer the question without really answering it.

Rubio= good politician. Obama = good politician, hell he beat Hillary! We don't need a politician this time, we need a leader, or a constitutional advocate, or both if we can find one. Anything less, and we are settling for an inferior person, and right now, that is not a very good idea.
Neither Trump, Carson or Sanders can win the presidency. Reality matters. Trump is too angry and it does not sell well with people outside of his fan club. Talk about providing ammo for Democrats, he's given them the store. Trump repeats himself a LOT more than Marco so I don't get that criticism.

We suffered under a cult of personality figure, Trump is the opposite and why he is popular with his supporters. In a different environment he wouldn't have had a chance.
i actually dont think his supporters will change their mind,, a lot of people are voting for him for the sole purpose to take out Hillary or Kernal Sanders
Here's a news flash for you.

Hillary and Sanders are DEMOCRATS.

Voting for ANY Republican candidate will have no affect on Hillary or Sanders.

Now come the General Election that will be different, but right now no Republican can beat either one of them because they are not < yet > running against them.

They are still running against each other and Obama who isn't even running ( how smart is that to spend their time bashing someone who isn't even a candidate? They are wasting air time --- good for them.
Those on the right elect politicians, lefties elect gods. I don't agree with anyone on everything but like Reagan think 70% is good to go for a friend. Rubio has the best chance, Christie isn't going to win the nomination, nor Bush. Kasich has a very slim chance and Trump is a great show but too polarizing. Cruz and Rubio are really the only two that have a solid opportunity and of the two Rubio will appeal to more people.

The left knows it and why they need to take him out. They have shit to offer, two over the hill seniors arguing over who can spend the most money, are you kidding me?
Rubio would be stomped into a mud-hole in the General election.

He would not allow an abortion even to save the life of the mother even if the pregnancy was a result of rape or incest and was going to kill the mother.


He and Cruz are both nasty fundamentalist extremists who hate women. Lord only knows how they ever had kids cause they surely don't like coochie. Maybe they had help from the mailman.
Those on the right elect politicians, lefties elect gods. I don't agree with anyone on everything but like Reagan think 70% is good to go for a friend. Rubio has the best chance, Christie isn't going to win the nomination, nor Bush. Kasich has a very slim chance and Trump is a great show but too polarizing. Cruz and Rubio are really the only two that have a solid opportunity and of the two Rubio will appeal to more people.

The left knows it and why they need to take him out. They have shit to offer, two over the hill seniors arguing over who can spend the most money, are you kidding me?
Rubio would be stomped into a mud-hole in the General election.

He would not allow an abortion even to save the life of the mother even if the pregnancy was a result of rape or incest and was going to kill the mother.


He and Cruz are both nasty fundamentalist extremists who hate women. Lord only knows how they ever had kids cause they surely don't like coochie. Maybe they had help from the mailman.
You're a retard. We can safely embrace whatever makes you foam over at the mouth.
i actually dont think his supporters will change their mind,, a lot of people are voting for him for the sole purpose to take out Hillary or Kernal Sanders
Here's a news flash for you.

Hillary and Sanders are DEMOCRATS.

Voting for ANY Republican candidate will have no affect on Hillary or Sanders.

Now come the General Election that will be different, but right now no Republican can beat either one of them because they are not < yet > running against them.

They are still running against each other and Obama who isn't even running ( how smart is that to spend their time bashing someone who isn't even a candidate? They are wasting air time --- good for them.
Here's a newsflash for you. Sanders has been an Independent and is running as a Democrat as an opportunist. Fortunately for him the Democrat party has moved so far left there no loss as a socialist.
Rubio, at his first appearance since his abysmal performance in Saturdays Republican Debate in New Hampshire, said in his defense “no one on that stage last night has more experience or better understands the national security issues before this country than I do.”

He also argued that “no one on that stage last night has more experience or better understands the national security issues before this country than I do.”

He concluded by saying “no one on that stage last night has more experience or better understands the national security issues before this country than I do.”

:lol: Sorry, little Rubot humor there...I couldn't resist. Here's the actual article...

“He is totally exposed,” said a Bush supporter in New Hampshire from out of state. “Take Nolan Ryan’s fastball from him and he would do poorly. Same thing with Marco. His super power of memorizing a couple pivotal lines and saying them flawlessly has been taken away because people will be looking for that.”

Bush also, on “Fox News Sunday,” pinged Rubio as “totally scripted and kind of robotic” because Rubio repeated the same phrase three times within the space of a few minutes during the debate as Christie pressed the attack against him.

And Christie himself on Sunday morning used the debate performance to further call into question the conventional wisdom that Republicans who do not want Cruz or businessman Donald Trump to win the nomination must unite behind Rubio.

“All week, the media is trying to make that we coalesce around Marco Rubio,” Christie said on “Fox News Sunday.’ “After you saw that performance last night, do you think they should be coalescing around Marco Rubio? Do you think that’s the kind of performance, that’s the kind of leadership that we want to see on the stage against Hillary Clinton?”

Rubio starts digging out after debate debacle

No one on the stage wants to get more american troops killed for nothing than rubio.
Sure they do. See Trump
Those on the right elect politicians, lefties elect gods. I don't agree with anyone on everything but like Reagan think 70% is good to go for a friend. Rubio has the best chance, Christie isn't going to win the nomination, nor Bush. Kasich has a very slim chance and Trump is a great show but too polarizing. Cruz and Rubio are really the only two that have a solid opportunity and of the two Rubio will appeal to more people.

The left knows it and why they need to take him out. They have shit to offer, two over the hill seniors arguing over who can spend the most money, are you kidding me?

Ice, we can not elect another GW, we can't; just as much as we can't allow more Obama. The left is running on Obama policies, so we know what we will get there, done deal. But we also know that Rubio is a total squish.

We must all realize that take away a few tax cuts that Bush gave, and some on here are forced to defend a President who became so passive, that at the end of the day you have Democrats having the ability to point back 7 damn years, and blame him for any mistake that Obama makes. Do we understand that his passivity with Fannie and Freddie are going to give us commercials 8 years later on Republican economics!

Rubio is not the guy. If any of the establishment wins the nomination, the best 2 are Kasich and Christie, and they are establishment, so you know what I think about that!

Add to the Rubio problem------------> He is a gifted politician, as long as he is on script.....although sometimes his needle sticks, lol. But Rubio has himself given the Democrats the key to defeating him; get him off his talking points and script!

Have you ever wondered why politicians say the same thing over, and over, and over again? Because it is written for them, and they are warned NOT to deviate from the talking points. As soon as one of these people start carrying on an unscripted conversation, they fail. The only people on either stage being real are, Trump, Carson, Sanders, and to a somewhat slightly lesser extent, Cruz.

Think about it, and you will see even the 4 I mentioned are being handled somewhat! With all the different problems facing America, when asked a question, what is the response? Same crap, over, and over, and over, again. If you took out many words like, China, Obama, failed, e-mails, and a few others, you could cut down the debates to 15 minutes. This is purposeful!

And when they are asked a question they have no rote answer for? lol, that is easy. They are so well schooled in rote answers, they start reciting one that pertains slightly to the topic, while they look for another rote answer in their schooled arsenal to come back with when the moderator points out they didn't really answer. They put a few of the talking points together, then answer the question without really answering it.

Rubio= good politician. Obama = good politician, hell he beat Hillary! We don't need a politician this time, we need a leader, or a constitutional advocate, or both if we can find one. Anything less, and we are settling for an inferior person, and right now, that is not a very good idea.

He's a good politician? Really? Based on what; winning a race for US Senator....hell Hillary did that. So did Sonny Bono. So did Al Franken.

The few times in the last 6 years the camera has been on him and he didn't have a scripted something or another to say (during the filibuster, during the debates, and even during the Republican rebuttal to the SOTU, he has crashed and burned more often than not; quoting Jay Z and other rappers as "modern day poets".

Here are their mugshots:

He's pretty much fumbled the ball everytime he's been asked to carry it.

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