
have you ever noticed that most libs are either

1) really young (expected)
2) really, really FUGLY?

Many of them look like they have downs syndrome
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Actually, you can only see the face of 1 girl really well, and she is pretty hot. But I understand if some people find the opposite less attractive due to political reasons. A person's personality/beliefs definitely factors in at some level for many people.
ciplexian said:
Actually, you can only see the face of 1 girl really well, and she is pretty hot.



Which one?



My guess is he's talking about the middle one. The other 2 look like their from the land of misfit Libs. :dunno: :D
Oh yeah those hippie lib chicks are hottttttttttt! :piss2:

I especially like the 1 jackoff who took the pic with the Marlboro hanging from his lip.
Is this what we can expect from these misfits for the next four years? The "I'm so smart and you're so stupid" attitude sported by the left is really wearing thin.

They get their secularist, anti-American agenda soundly trounced by the electorate in spite of the fact that they mounted their best, most intensive vote fraud effort in decades, but they still cannot accept the will of the majority.

So now they're going to feel sorry for themselves for four years. Wonder what they will do when they get their asses kicked even worse in the next election when Billary runs?
freeandfun1 said:
Many of them look like they have downs syndrome

They do. Down's is the major driving force of all liberal decisions and agendas.
Or maybe that's scizophrenia, who knows?? :cof:
If they were conservative's they'd be hot, but since they're a bunch of idiot liberals, I think they're ugly. :puke3:

:D :D
I forgot all about this site, now I have to go and revisit it. I like the ones that slip in sorry about the idiots that voted for Kerry. LOL.
I would love to check in with these people in a few years, when they leave college (note that over 90% of the pictures are taken in dorm rooms), get real jobs, and stop having mommy and daddy pay for everything.

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