Rosenstein’s Assurance: He and The Department of Justice Operate With Integrity


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Despite the congressional Republicans’ whitewash of the idiot trump’s collusion in the Russians’ interference in the 2016 election, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is certain there is NO justification to terminate the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller.

Rosenstein made it known he stands fully behind Mueller's and his teams’ investigation. This follows the idiot trump’s demand that White House counsel Donald McGahn have Mueller fired. The idiot trump backed down when McGahn “threatened to resign if forced to carry out the directive.”

Rosenstein is in a fight to maintain that integrity of the Department of Justice. Given the fact that the idiot trump’s puppet, the weak-willed and unethical Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied to congress about his earlier discussions with Russia’s Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

This alone proves Rosenstein's fight for the integrity of the Justice Department is a noble cause, and shows Sessions is as dirty as the rest of the idiot trump’s criminal organization.

Having admitted to his lies after first denying his contacts with the Russians, makes Sessions vulnerable to Mueller’s probe. This vulnerability would indeed motivate Sessions to compromise the department's integrity Rosenstein is fighting to protect. Due to his lies and illegal behavior, it is inevitable that Sessions will face interrogations by Robert Mueller and/or members of his team. And it is a good bet Sessions will be indicted.

Adding to Rosensteins’ assurance the Mueller investigation must continue, is the federal court order issued Tuesday [3/13/18] by U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III concerning newly filed indictment against Paul Manafort. That indictment deals with Manafort’s bank fraud and tax evasion. (Note: Ellis was appointed by Reagan. This information is important, as conservatives are always quick to accuse the federal judiciary of bias against the right wing.)

The court order stated, “ ‘Given the nature of the charges against the defendant [Manafort] and the apparent weight of the evidence against him, defendant faces the very real possibility of spending the rest of his life in prison.’ ” Ellis continued, Manafort poses, “ ‘a substantial risk of flight’ because of his assets and the gravity of his legal predicament.”

Additionally, “ ‘The defendant is a person of great wealth who has the financial means and international connections to flee and remain at large, as well as every incentive to do so.’ ”

The court order included language that puts Manafort in a “ ‘24-hour-a-day lockdown’ at his Alexandria condo, except for medical appointments or emergencies, court appearances and meeting with his defense attorneys.” The severity of Manafort’s charges have the crooked S.O.B. shackled with not one, but two bracelets to allow his movements to be tracked by GPS.

One of Manafort’s known associates, Rick Gates has been given a plea deal by Mueller. The deal must have offered Gates a lighter sentence for verifiable testimony incriminating Manafort and other members of the campaign.

These two criminals cornered by Mueller, coupled with the Russians under indictment, prove Rosenstein’s assessment correct, it’s important to our democracy that the Mueller investigation must be permitted run its course.

The congressional Republicans’ whitewash of collusion by the idiot trump and others in his crime family is, of course, expected. In fact, it is surprising they took so long.

But, Mueller is proving himself to be a skilled and determined investigator. It's pleasing to know those GOP House members and Senators who assisted the idiot trump in his obstruction of justice are now open to prosecution as accessories after the fact. Congressmen including Rep. Devin Nunes, R-California, Rep. Mike Conaway, R-Texas, and many others cannot help but become more and more fearful as each day of the Mueller inquiry passes.

To support the inability of their House Intelligence Committee to uncover evidence of ANY criminal acts, they must admit to obstruction, or their own appalling stupidity. Everyone knows the charges Mueller will pursue, and they ain’t gonna include the Republicans' stupidity.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). The conservatives' mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.

Manafort could face ‘rest of life in prison,’ judge says


Despite the congressional Republicans’ whitewash of the idiot trump’s collusion in the Russians’ interference in the 2016 election, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is certain there is NO justification to terminate the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller.

Rosenstein made it known he stands fully behind Mueller's and his teams’ investigation. This follows the idiot trump’s demand that White House counsel Donald McGahn have Mueller fired. The idiot trump backed down when McGahn “threatened to resign if forced to carry out the directive.”

Rosenstein is in a fight to maintain that integrity of the Department of Justice. Given the fact that the idiot trump’s puppet, the weak-willed and unethical Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied to congress about his earlier discussions with Russia’s Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

This alone proves Rosenstein's fight for the integrity of the Justice Department is a noble cause, and shows Sessions is as dirty as the rest of the idiot trump’s criminal organization.

Having admitted to his lies after first denying his contacts with the Russians, makes Sessions vulnerable to Mueller’s probe. This vulnerability would indeed motivate Sessions to compromise the department's integrity Rosenstein is fighting to protect. Due to his lies and illegal behavior, it is inevitable that Sessions will face interrogations by Robert Mueller and/or members of his team. And it is a good bet Sessions will be indicted.

Adding to Rosensteins’ assurance the Mueller investigation must continue, is the federal court order issued Tuesday [3/13/18] by U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III concerning newly filed indictment against Paul Manafort. That indictment deals with Manafort’s bank fraud and tax evasion. (Note: Ellis was appointed by Reagan. This information is important, as conservatives are always quick to accuse the federal judiciary of bias against the right wing.)

The court order stated, “ ‘Given the nature of the charges against the defendant [Manafort] and the apparent weight of the evidence against him, defendant faces the very real possibility of spending the rest of his life in prison.’ ” Ellis continued, Manafort poses, “ ‘a substantial risk of flight’ because of his assets and the gravity of his legal predicament.”

Additionally, “ ‘The defendant is a person of great wealth who has the financial means and international connections to flee and remain at large, as well as every incentive to do so.’ ”

The court order included language that puts Manafort in a “ ‘24-hour-a-day lockdown’ at his Alexandria condo, except for medical appointments or emergencies, court appearances and meeting with his defense attorneys.” The severity of Manafort’s charges have the crooked S.O.B. shackled with not one, but two bracelets to allow his movements to be tracked by GPS.

One of Manafort’s known associates, Rick Gates has been given a plea deal by Mueller. The deal must have offered Gates a lighter sentence for verifiable testimony incriminating Manafort and other members of the campaign.

These two criminals cornered by Mueller, coupled with the Russians under indictment, prove Rosenstein’s assessment correct, it’s important to our democracy that the Mueller investigation must be permitted run its course.

The congressional Republicans’ whitewash of collusion by the idiot trump and others in his crime family is, of course, expected. In fact, it is surprising they took so long.

But, Mueller is proving himself to be a skilled and determined investigator. It's pleasing to know those GOP House members and Senators who assisted the idiot trump in his obstruction of justice are now open to prosecution as accessories after the fact. Congressmen including Rep. Devin Nunes, R-California, Rep. Mike Conaway, R-Texas, and many others cannot help but become more and more fearful as each day of the Mueller inquiry passes.

To support the inability of their House Intelligence Committee to uncover evidence of ANY criminal acts, they must admit to obstruction, or their own appalling stupidity. Everyone knows the charges Mueller will pursue, and they ain’t gonna include the Republicans' stupidity.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). The conservatives' mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.

Manafort could face ‘rest of life in prison,’ judge says


Rosenstein's assurance, along with $4.00, will get you a cup of copy at Starbucks. Otherwise it's pretty much worthless. Rosenstein is as corrupt as they come.
This "assurance" by Rosenstein is as believable as that old familiar" reassurance" ....

"Honest sweetheart. I promise I won't come in your mouth".

Man that is a virtual who's who list of Leftwing Sites ya got their Bertie Boy.

Undeniable truth of life for ALL "Lefty's"
A) There is no such thing as a "bad" Lefty source
B) There is no such thing as a "good" Righty source.
C) Dems "never" lie
D) Pubs ALWAYS lie

Despite the congressional Republicans’ whitewash of the idiot trump’s collusion in the Russians’ interference in the 2016 election, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is certain there is NO justification to terminate the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller.

Rosenstein made it known he stands fully behind Mueller's and his teams’ investigation. This follows the idiot trump’s demand that White House counsel Donald McGahn have Mueller fired. The idiot trump backed down when McGahn “threatened to resign if forced to carry out the directive.”

Rosenstein is in a fight to maintain that integrity of the Department of Justice. Given the fact that the idiot trump’s puppet, the weak-willed and unethical Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied to congress about his earlier discussions with Russia’s Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

This alone proves Rosenstein's fight for the integrity of the Justice Department is a noble cause, and shows Sessions is as dirty as the rest of the idiot trump’s criminal organization.

Having admitted to his lies after first denying his contacts with the Russians, makes Sessions vulnerable to Mueller’s probe. This vulnerability would indeed motivate Sessions to compromise the department's integrity Rosenstein is fighting to protect. Due to his lies and illegal behavior, it is inevitable that Sessions will face interrogations by Robert Mueller and/or members of his team. And it is a good bet Sessions will be indicted.

Adding to Rosensteins’ assurance the Mueller investigation must continue, is the federal court order issued Tuesday [3/13/18] by U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III concerning newly filed indictment against Paul Manafort. That indictment deals with Manafort’s bank fraud and tax evasion. (Note: Ellis was appointed by Reagan. This information is important, as conservatives are always quick to accuse the federal judiciary of bias against the right wing.)

The court order stated, “ ‘Given the nature of the charges against the defendant [Manafort] and the apparent weight of the evidence against him, defendant faces the very real possibility of spending the rest of his life in prison.’ ” Ellis continued, Manafort poses, “ ‘a substantial risk of flight’ because of his assets and the gravity of his legal predicament.”

Additionally, “ ‘The defendant is a person of great wealth who has the financial means and international connections to flee and remain at large, as well as every incentive to do so.’ ”

The court order included language that puts Manafort in a “ ‘24-hour-a-day lockdown’ at his Alexandria condo, except for medical appointments or emergencies, court appearances and meeting with his defense attorneys.” The severity of Manafort’s charges have the crooked S.O.B. shackled with not one, but two bracelets to allow his movements to be tracked by GPS.

One of Manafort’s known associates, Rick Gates has been given a plea deal by Mueller. The deal must have offered Gates a lighter sentence for verifiable testimony incriminating Manafort and other members of the campaign.

These two criminals cornered by Mueller, coupled with the Russians under indictment, prove Rosenstein’s assessment correct, it’s important to our democracy that the Mueller investigation must be permitted run its course.

The congressional Republicans’ whitewash of collusion by the idiot trump and others in his crime family is, of course, expected. In fact, it is surprising they took so long.

But, Mueller is proving himself to be a skilled and determined investigator. It's pleasing to know those GOP House members and Senators who assisted the idiot trump in his obstruction of justice are now open to prosecution as accessories after the fact. Congressmen including Rep. Devin Nunes, R-California, Rep. Mike Conaway, R-Texas, and many others cannot help but become more and more fearful as each day of the Mueller inquiry passes.

To support the inability of their House Intelligence Committee to uncover evidence of ANY criminal acts, they must admit to obstruction, or their own appalling stupidity. Everyone knows the charges Mueller will pursue, and they ain’t gonna include the Republicans' stupidity.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). The conservatives' mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.

Manafort could face ‘rest of life in prison,’ judge says

A whole lot of hot air whitewashing to truth. Does all that make you feel better?


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