Root Canal Anyone?

Mr Natural

Platinum Member
Aug 23, 2009
Who's had one?

What kind of horrors can I expect?

My dentist says it's not too painful, but you know how they like to sugarcoat everything.
My experience was nerve-racking. My regular dentist wouldn't do mine (it was complicated or something, I don't know) and he sent me to someone else. I was nervous, didn't like the dentist (he may have been a specialist), the stark while walls made me dizzy, I almost threw up. I'm a hard to numb person (which is one of the reasons my regular dentist wouldn't do it) and I was beyond nervous that I wouldn't be numbed enough. I was and I don't recall the actual procedure being painful (mine was done in two parts at two different appointments; don't know if that's how they still do them). But later that day and for the next few days it was painful and throbbed. The dentist didn't prescribe me any meds so I just down lots of ibuprofen. If they suggested root canal again I swear I'd tell them to just pull the tooth. Not a fan.
That is bad.

I'm also very, very freaky about my teeth. So when I had mine I told the dentist to gas me. He promised me I wouldn't feel anything, and I told him I wanted gas anyway.

I actually had two...that was the first one.

For the second one, I didn't use gas. He told the truth...he didn't hurt me with the first one, so I trusted him on the second one, and it was fine.

I don't think I was prescribed any pain meds, either. It didn't matter, it didn't hurt then or ever. All my oral stuff has turned out really good..and I've had a lot of different stuff done, teeth pulled, cavities filled, braces, caps...and I've never gotten an infection or suffered any undue pain. My mouth was a little sore a couple of times, but it healed up quickly.
I went to the endondotist to get a root canal a few years ago. Didn't feel a thing. There was a bit of pressure but no pain at all.

If you feel pain, your dentist isn't doing it right. We're out of the dark ages in dentistry.
Who's had one?

What kind of horrors can I expect?

My dentist says it's not too painful, but you know how they like to sugarcoat everything.

I had one yesterday morning. Front tooth. Wasn't so bad at the time...painful since the Novocaine wore off, but I'm hoping the swelling goes down. I don't do well with pain.
A couple of novocaine injections to numb the nerve, drilling thru the tooth untill they reach the root canal then insert small hand held drill (looks like a needle) to scrape out the nerve pack with cotten to draw out any blood or pus fit temp cap come back in a week to fit crown or filling, simple......... unles they cant find the direction of the nerve....which means more drilling WITHOUT anesetic til you jump then they have found it!
I would recommend clove oil as a pain killer
A couple of novocaine injections to numb the nerve, drilling thru the tooth untill they reach the root canal then insert small hand held drill (looks like a needle) to scrape out the nerve pack with cotten to draw out any blood or pus fit temp cap come back in a week to fit crown or filling, simple......... unles they cant find the direction of the nerve....which means more drilling WITHOUT anesetic til you jump then they have found it!
I would recommend clove oil as a pain killer

:eek: :eek: :eek:

I recommend vicodin . . . and lots of it.
A couple of novocaine injections to numb the nerve, drilling thru the tooth untill they reach the root canal then insert small hand held drill (looks like a needle) to scrape out the nerve pack with cotten to draw out any blood or pus fit temp cap come back in a week to fit crown or filling, simple......... unles they cant find the direction of the nerve....which means more drilling WITHOUT anesetic til you jump then they have found it!
I would recommend clove oil as a pain killer

:eek: :eek: :eek:

I recommend vicodin . . . and lots of it.

Dr. House Seal of Approval...:cool:

Mr. Clean - get it done and have them re novocain you if you feel discomfort - and you WILL feel discomfort... Some dentists are great with their numbing skillz... My latest one knows her shit and can turn a root canal into something I no longer dread when I hear I need it...
Hello Friends..........

Root canals sound like they would be quite painful. The dentist or endodonist must go into the root, or roots, of the tooth in order to extract diseased or infected tissue and drain abscesses. Many people are in pain prior to getting root canals because of the infection in the roots of the tooth. The pulpy matter in the root contains nerves and blood vessels that do not respond kindly to pressure.

Uncle Ferd's g/f gots a lil' sparkly diamond in her front tooth...

Nanodiamononds may prevent infection that leads to tooth loss
Oct. 19, 2015 - Fillings with tiny specs of the gems, and an antibiotic, could help to prevent reinfection in root canal patients.
Infections after root canal procedures often lead to patients losing a tooth despite the best efforts of their dentist. In a new study, researchers found that adding antibiotic-loaded nanodiamonds to gutta percha, the substance used to fill teeth during the procedure, made fillings more rigid and prevented the post surgical infections.


More than 15 million root canals are performed each year in the United States, with some resulting in reinfection or tooth loss because of space left by fillings.​

Root canal is meant to help dental patients' teeth survive infections of pulp, the inner part of a tooth with blood vessels and nerve tissue. The infected pulp is removed and the space is filled with gutta percha, which often leaves space in the tooth where infection can regrow and lead to loss of the tooth. "The nanodiamond-enhanced gutta percha combines many desirable properties into a single platform, including vastly improved mechanical characteristics and the ability to combat bacterial infection following a root canal," said Dong-Keun Lee, a postdoctoral researchers at the University of California Los Angeles, in a press release.

Researchers first combined nanodiamonds with gutta percha, filling gaps with it in teeth from human donors. They found it was at least as rigid and filled the space as well as traditional gutta percha. When testing gutta percha that had been combined with nanodiamonds and the antibiotic amoxicillin, which is often given to patients before they have a root canal, the researchers found in lab tests that the combination prevented bacterial growth. The study is published in ACS Nano.

Nanodiamononds may prevent infection that leads to tooth loss

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