Ron Reagan Jr.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Anyone else watch this guy on PMS-NBC?

Now in his fifties, he is starting to look more like his father, and even imitates some of the guys mannerisms. Except, of course, he's playing the role of a flaming liberal.

Hey, Ron, your dad's been dead for 7 years now, you can stop kicking his ass or trying to embarrass him. Resolve your daddy issues with your shrink, don't make the rest of us watch!
You wonder at the family dynamics, where the adopted son idolizes his dad, but the two natural kids do everything they possibly can to crap on the guy...

Ron Jr. is and always was a serious douche.
You wonder at the family dynamics, where the adopted son idolizes his dad, but the two natural kids do everything they possibly can to crap on the guy...

Ron Jr. is and always was a serious douche.

Well, they knew him best. :cool: I've watched him and don't recall him going out of his way to bring his dad into the conversation. I think some are reading a little too much into this. :doubt:
Children dont automatically agree with their parents for life.

Ronny jr looks just like his MOM to me.

Just because your parents are dead wrong doesnt mean the kids have to be dead wrong.
It's not whether he's wrong or not, it's just that he's a douche. My mom drives me up the wall too but I haven't made a career out of trying to make her look bad.
You wonder at the family dynamics, where the adopted son idolizes his dad, but the two natural kids do everything they possibly can to crap on the guy...

Ron Jr. is and always was a serious douche.

Well President Ronald Reagan committed Treason, broke the law and violated the Constitution...all to support terrorists that raped and murdered nuns. And he did this while causing an economic meltdown that had to be bailed out using tax payer funds. (Sound familiar?)

But aside from that..he was a pretty nice guy. Nice hair too.
Please what?

The Conservative Messiah was one of the worst Presidents this country EVER had.

[ame=]President Ronald Reagan - Address on Iran-Contra - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Ronald Reagan Speech about Iran-Contra (Part 2 of 2) - YouTube[/ame]

In 1980, El Salvador's civil war officially began. The government-supported military targeted anyone they suspected of supporting social and economic reform. Often the victims were unionists, clergy, independent farmers, and university officials. Over the ensuing twelve years, thousands of victims perished. Some of the most notable were Archbishop Oscar Romero (shot to death in 1980), four US church workers (raped and murdered in 1980), and six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper, and her daughter (shot to death at home in 1989). The military death squads wiped out entire villages believed to be assisting the guerrilla efforts. In 1981, the military killed over 1,000 people in the village of El Mozote. The first reports of the attacks were denied by both El Salvador and the United States, but after the mass graves were uncovered, it was hard to deny what had taken place.

Salvadoran Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The damage to S&L operations led Congress to act, passing the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 (ERTA) in August 1981 and initiating the regulatory changes by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board allowing S&Ls to sell their mortgage loans and use the cash generated to seek better returns soon after enactment;[8] the losses created by the sales were to be amortized over the life of the loan, and any losses could also be offset against taxes paid over the preceding 10 years.[9] This all made S&Ls eager to sell their loans. The buyers—major Wall Street firms—were quick to take advantage of the S&Ls' lack of expertise, buying at 60%-90% of value and then transforming the loans by bundling them as, effectively, government-backed bonds (by virtue of Ginnie Mae, Freddie Mac, or Fannie Mae guarantees). S&Ls were one group buying these bonds, holding $150 billion by 1986, and being charged substantial fees for the transactions.

Savings and loan crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Silverado Savings and LoanSilverado Savings and Loan collapsed in 1988, costing taxpayers $1.3 billion. Neil Bush, son of then Vice President of the United States George H. W. Bush, was on the Board of Directors of Silverado at the time. Neil Bush was accused of giving himself a loan from Silverado, but he denied all wrongdoing.[17]

Reagan was a real pip.
It's not whether he's wrong or not, it's just that he's a douche. My mom drives me up the wall too but I haven't made a career out of trying to make her look bad.
I've never heard Ron Reagan criticize his dad, and I watch him often.
It's not whether he's wrong or not, it's just that he's a douche. My mom drives me up the wall too but I haven't made a career out of trying to make her look bad.
I've never heard Ron Reagan criticize his dad, and I watch him often.

He doesn't. Quite the contrary..he holds that he was some type of "Pragmatic" conservative in the mold of Eisenhower. Much like Obama and Matthews..who add to the Myth. Matthews even goes so far to say how great the working relationship between Tip O'Neil and Reagan was..which is "wince" worthy. Reagan had enough sense to do a little horse trading..but he started the slide into batcrap craziness that we now see on the Republican side of the aisle.
Reagan was a real pip.
I'm not sure that big stuffed toy ever had the bandwidth to come up with something like that. Reagan loving Republicans have been giving Reagan credit for everything that happened around him, and the only thing he deserved credit for was his defense spending stimulus that exploded the deficit.

I don't think he had the depth to come up with Iran Contra. Now Nancy!....maybe....great woman that Nancy Reagan.
Reagan was a real pip.
I'm not sure that big stuffed toy ever had the bandwidth to come up with something like that. Reagan loving Republicans have been giving Reagan credit for everything that happened around him, and the only thing he deserved credit for was his defense spending stimulus that exploded the deficit.

I don't think he had the depth to come up with Iran Contra. Now Nancy!....maybe....great woman that Nancy Reagan.


But in all honesty..Nancy probably got him to do the more humantarian things.
You wonder at the family dynamics, where the adopted son idolizes his dad, but the two natural kids do everything they possibly can to crap on the guy...

Ron Jr. is and always was a serious douche.

I think it comes from the Mother.
If I am correct the older adopted son was with his first wife.
The ballerina and the other chick are Nancy's wretched spawn.
Reagan was a real pip.
I'm not sure that big stuffed toy ever had the bandwidth to come up with something like that. Reagan loving Republicans have been giving Reagan credit for everything that happened around him, and the only thing he deserved credit for was his defense spending stimulus that exploded the deficit.

I don't think he had the depth to come up with Iran Contra. Now Nancy!....maybe....great woman that Nancy Reagan.

Is that why CONS claim that AGW is blamed for everything, because it's the same logic they used with Reagan, but in reverse?!?! :poop:
You wonder at the family dynamics, where the adopted son idolizes his dad, but the two natural kids do everything they possibly can to crap on the guy...

Ron Jr. is and always was a serious douche.

I think it comes from the Mother.
If I am correct the older adopted son was with his first wife.
The ballerina and the other chick are Nancy's wretched spawn.
Ron and his sister had no idea they had a brother and sister until they were nearly grown. Reagan pretty well kept them under wraps.
Michael, the ignored one, constantly talks about his dad.
You wonder at the family dynamics, where the adopted son idolizes his dad, but the two natural kids do everything they possibly can to crap on the guy...

Ron Jr. is and always was a serious douche.

I think it comes from the Mother.
If I am correct the older adopted son was with his first wife.
The ballerina and the other chick are Nancy's wretched spawn.
Ron and his sister had no idea they had a brother and sister until they were nearly grown. Reagan pretty well kept them under wraps.
Michael, the ignored one, constantly talks about his dad.
Kinda strange when Republicans revere Reagan as the "family values" president huh?
I think it comes from the Mother.
If I am correct the older adopted son was with his first wife.
The ballerina and the other chick are Nancy's wretched spawn.
Ron and his sister had no idea they had a brother and sister until they were nearly grown. Reagan pretty well kept them under wraps.
Michael, the ignored one, constantly talks about his dad.
Kinda strange when Republicans revere Reagan as the "family values" president huh?

It's the "Thee not me" attitude.

They don't mind lording over your life.
Ron and his sister had no idea they had a brother and sister until they were nearly grown. Reagan pretty well kept them under wraps.
Michael, the ignored one, constantly talks about his dad.
Kinda strange when Republicans revere Reagan as the "family values" president huh?

It's the "Thee not me" attitude.

They don't mind lording over your life.
IMO...I can live with Iran Contra, or Reagan taking credit for the final collapse of the Soviet Union....but his biggest faux pas was giving Falwell, Robertson, and the moral majority a voice in politics. We're paying for that still today. I'm all for people exercizing thier christian morality when they lead, but that decision made it okay for tax exempt religious organiztions to invoke god in public legislation.

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