Ron Paul's lack of attacks on Romney in Debates


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
There has been a lot of speculation about why Ron Paul hasnt been attacking Romney in debates. There have been questions on collusion between the camps. That maybe he wants to be VP or wants his son to be VP. Talk that he's looking for a cabinet positions.

Maybe he has a totally different strategy. Maybe he not attacking Romney because if he thinks that Romney winning will put him in the best position for a third party run. Let's face it. Ron Paul is not going to be the Republican nominee absent an act of God. But if Romney is the nominee, he may think he may be in a good position to contrast himself with Obam and Romney.

If say he walked out of the Republicans at the end of the primary season, he could easily walk into the Libertarian nomination. The Libertarian party is already likely to have their candidate on every ballot. He has all the fundraising in place.

I haven't really thought Ron Paul would do it, but now Im second guessing myself.
There has been a lot of speculation about why Ron Paul hasnt been attacking Romney in debates. There have been questions on collusion between the camps. That maybe he wants to be VP or wants his son to be VP. Talk that he's looking for a cabinet positions.

Maybe he has a totally different strategy. Maybe he not attacking Romney because if he thinks that Romney winning will put him in the best position for a third party run. Let's face it. Ron Paul is not going to be the Republican nominee absent an act of God. But if Romney is the nominee, he may think he may be in a good position to contrast himself with Obam and Romney.

If say he walked out of the Republicans at the end of the primary season, he could easily walk into the Libertarian nomination. The Libertarian party is already likely to have their candidate on every ballot. He has all the fundraising in place.

I haven't really thought Ron Paul would do it, but now Im second guessing myself.

A few problems with that kind of thinking-

Disclaimer- this assumes Ron Paul isn't batshit crazy and has actually calculated the odds.

the Libertarians are going to have their convention in May. So Paul would have to withdraw his name from consideration in the GOP before the process is wrapped up in order to submit it.

Also, the Libertarians are looking at Gov. Gary Johnson as a candidate. More prestige and less crazy.
There has been a lot of speculation about why Ron Paul hasnt been attacking Romney in debates. There have been questions on collusion between the camps. That maybe he wants to be VP or wants his son to be VP. Talk that he's looking for a cabinet positions.

Maybe he has a totally different strategy. Maybe he not attacking Romney because if he thinks that Romney winning will put him in the best position for a third party run. Let's face it. Ron Paul is not going to be the Republican nominee absent an act of God. But if Romney is the nominee, he may think he may be in a good position to contrast himself with Obam and Romney.

If say he walked out of the Republicans at the end of the primary season, he could easily walk into the Libertarian nomination. The Libertarian party is already likely to have their candidate on every ballot. He has all the fundraising in place.

I haven't really thought Ron Paul would do it, but now Im second guessing myself.

This has been my take on it all along. But obviously, it's just a guess. I'd be really shocked if RP cut any kind of backroom deal with Romney, and I doubt he cares about swaying the formation of a meaningless Republican platform.
Romney is unelectable

Well then how do you explain the fact that a number of states have elected him to be the nominee this primary cycle?

I'm saying that

1) He hasn't broken 50% of REPUBLICANS in any of them except Nevada.

2) He's run in elections where turnout has been generally down. Even in states he's won, like Nevada and Maine, he got less votes than he did 4 years ago.

3) He's lost states that he won 4 years ago (Colorado, Minnesota).

4) He's outspending his opponents by a margin of 5-1, and he still struggling.

5) He's struggling against truly weak opponents. Disgraced ex-Speaker, Crazy Person and Religious Zealot, all of whom were running at single digits back in December. Romney should have picked up the support of others when they implosed, but these people did instead.

So he's going to go up against Barack Obama, who is going to have a lot more money, is more likable, ALREADY HAS THE JOB, and will have the Media ready to leap at his defense if he tries to slime Obama the way he slimed Gingrich.

Romney's best argument is that he's the guy who can fix the economy. But the economy seems to be fixing itself without his help.
There has been a lot of speculation about why Ron Paul hasnt been attacking Romney in debates. There have been questions on collusion between the camps. That maybe he wants to be VP or wants his son to be VP. Talk that he's looking for a cabinet positions.

Maybe he has a totally different strategy. Maybe he not attacking Romney because if he thinks that Romney winning will put him in the best position for a third party run. Let's face it. Ron Paul is not going to be the Republican nominee absent an act of God. But if Romney is the nominee, he may think he may be in a good position to contrast himself with Obam and Romney.

If say he walked out of the Republicans at the end of the primary season, he could easily walk into the Libertarian nomination. The Libertarian party is already likely to have their candidate on every ballot. He has all the fundraising in place.

I haven't really thought Ron Paul would do it, but now Im second guessing myself.

A few problems with that kind of thinking-

Disclaimer- this assumes Ron Paul isn't batshit crazy and has actually calculated the odds.

the Libertarians are going to have their convention in May. So Paul would have to withdraw his name from consideration in the GOP before the process is wrapped up in order to submit it.

Also, the Libertarians are looking at Gov. Gary Johnson as a candidate. More prestige and less crazy.

It also assumes Ron Paul is aiming for his own political success, which is a gross misunderstanding of what he's all about. What I think a lot of Republican's don't get is that he's trying to spark a movement and not simply after personal power. I suspect he'd be just as happy, perhaps moreso, to see someone like Johnson take the helm. And so would I, to be honest.
Ron Paul is the bad boy GOPer that helps moderate GOPers hold their noses and vote for the "moderate" (some call it progressive) GOPer, Mitt.

That political machination isn't obvious to most of you moderate GOPers?
If I had to guess, Paul is making sure he pushes himself into a position to directly battle Romney, and in so, has been holding back and attacking those who are more threatening to his placement in the race. Newt is all but imploded at this point and didn't even get on his home state ballot. Santorum is enjoying an artificial surge, which is already dying. Which leaves Paul and Romney.

one thing I definitely do not see, is Ron Paul compromising on principles with a coporatist like Romney. He's also not going to run third party (i would be shocked if he announced the move).
There has been a lot of speculation about why Ron Paul hasnt been attacking Romney in debates. There have been questions on collusion between the camps. That maybe he wants to be VP or wants his son to be VP. Talk that he's looking for a cabinet positions.

Maybe he has a totally different strategy. Maybe he not attacking Romney because if he thinks that Romney winning will put him in the best position for a third party run. Let's face it. Ron Paul is not going to be the Republican nominee absent an act of God. But if Romney is the nominee, he may think he may be in a good position to contrast himself with Obam and Romney.

If say he walked out of the Republicans at the end of the primary season, he could easily walk into the Libertarian nomination. The Libertarian party is already likely to have their candidate on every ballot. He has all the fundraising in place.

I haven't really thought Ron Paul would do it, but now Im second guessing myself.

He can't walk into the Libertarian Party nomination unless he switches before the May nominating convention, which isn't going to happen. He's not going to run third party or independent because that would ruin everything he's done in the Republican Party for the last four years. How many Ron Paul supporters now have positions within the Republican Party? How many Republicans are now talking about the Federal Reserve? Why throw all that away to marginalize yourself with a third party run for President? Not to mention it wouldn't look all that great on Rand.

As for the "alliance" between Paul and Romney, I think the obvious has simply escaped people. Ron Paul is trying to get the "non-Romney" vote. He knows he's not going to get the establishment vote away from Mitt Romney, so he focuses on trying to bring in the more conservative base.

From his campaign website:

Paul the Only "Anti-Romney" Who Can Beat Obama | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign CommitteeRon Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee
There has been a lot of speculation about why Ron Paul hasnt been attacking Romney in debates. There have been questions on collusion between the camps. That maybe he wants to be VP or wants his son to be VP. Talk that he's looking for a cabinet positions.

Maybe he has a totally different strategy. Maybe he not attacking Romney because if he thinks that Romney winning will put him in the best position for a third party run. Let's face it. Ron Paul is not going to be the Republican nominee absent an act of God. But if Romney is the nominee, he may think he may be in a good position to contrast himself with Obam and Romney.

If say he walked out of the Republicans at the end of the primary season, he could easily walk into the Libertarian nomination. The Libertarian party is already likely to have their candidate on every ballot. He has all the fundraising in place.

I haven't really thought Ron Paul would do it, but now Im second guessing myself.

A few problems with that kind of thinking-

Disclaimer- this assumes Ron Paul isn't batshit crazy and has actually calculated the odds.

the Libertarians are going to have their convention in May. So Paul would have to withdraw his name from consideration in the GOP before the process is wrapped up in order to submit it.

Also, the Libertarians are looking at Gov. Gary Johnson as a candidate. More prestige and less crazy.


Were Ron Paul to express interest in running in November as a Libertarian--and he has not--the nomination would be handed to him on a golden platter. Gary Johnson is only a fall back. But it would have to happen before the LP convention in early May.

From a Libertarian Party Insider | Lew Rockwell's Political Theatre

More "prestige?"
Fortunately for us the country doesn't need "managed."


If I recall, the last dope we elected from Texas didn't do so well.
What makes you think this one is any better?
He has DIFFERENT stupid ideas?


Because the state someone is elected from is indicative of how they're going to perform their duty?
Well I guess they have to find something wrong with him even if it doesn't make any logical sense. He doesn't give them many other targets since he is honest and has principles and integrity.
Deceptiderp has no legit argument, sso using JPEG internet meme nonsense is all he has. Arguing with someone like that is a waste of time. He has no argument. We call them trolls.

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