Ron Paul Wins Presidential Straw Poll at CPAC


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Ron Paul has ended Mitt Romney's three-year run as conservatives' favorite for president, taking 31 percent of the vote in the Conservative Political Action Conference's annual straw poll.

Paul, a Republican congressman from Texas known for his libertarian views, ran for president in 2008 but was never a serious contender for the GOP nomination. - Ron Paul Wins Presidential Straw Poll at CPAC

Vive la R[evol]ution!
I have no hopes, but it's fun to see him beat the neocon establishment at their own party.

It is fun. I wonder if Sean Hannity is there to try and say those numbers are invalid too. :lol:

And these results are followed by Glenn Beck delivering the keynote speech. :rofl:
I have no hopes, but it's fun to see him beat the neocon establishment at their own party.

It is fun. I wonder if Sean Hannity is there to try and say those numbers are invalid too. :lol:

And these results are followed by Glenn Beck delivering the keynote speech. :rofl:

Well I just saw on Fox they were bringing out their excuses already. Something along the lines of:

"Well the way you had to vote in the CPAC straw poll was that you had to go and seek out the booths to vote, it wasn't everyone getting a ballot to vote."

I'm guessing that wasn't mentioned the last few years when Romney won.

But Ron Paul also had the most enthusiastic crowd at CPAC as well.

Ron Paul dominates CPAC with largest, loudest audience | Raw Story
Ron Paul Rocks! He is the only one in congress who called the economy, wars, health care NWO, Climate Gate & the Dollar exactly right. It is time for a Libertarian Tea Party Revolution to save America. Everyone else can eat shit.
Really? Interesting...

Ron Paul Wins Presidential Straw Poll at CPAC<FOX NEWS

Paul, a Republican congressman from Texas known for his libertarian views, ran for president in 2008 but was never a serious contender for the GOP nomination.

Ron Paul has ended Mitt Romney's three-year run as conservatives' favorite for president, taking 31 percent of the vote in the Conservative Political Action Conference's annual straw poll.

Paul, a Republican congressman from Texas known for his libertarian views, ran for president in 2008 but was never a serious contender for the GOP nomination.

Romney, former Massachusetts governor and also a 2008 GOP candidate, has won the last three presidential straw polls at the annual conference. This year, he came in second, with 22 percent.

Sarah Palin, who didn't attend the conference, was a distant third in the straw poll, with 7 percent, followed by Tim Pawlenty, the Minnesota governor, and Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana.


Interesting turn of events. *I* always deemed Ron Paul someone not in touch, and certainly a poseur regarding the GOP because of his libertarian views. Frankly? I thought he was dishonest, and should ID himself *WITH* the Libertarians.

Apparently after 2008, and recent events? That has all changed. Could Ron Paul have been onto something all along with the current atmosphere in politics seeing that Democrats in Control of Congress, And the WH and what they've tried to RAM down our throats, the TEA PARTY Movement from the people actually reflect the MOOD of what may take place?

And Consider Mr. Paul's call to AUDIT THE FEDERAL RESERVE?<FOX NEWS

Apparently he's won over many in the Congress...he has 245 COSIGNERS...

Could it be that Ron Paul is a serious contender for POTUS in '12?

What say you folks?

While I'm turning more and more Libertarian-Conservative each day I still don't like his idea of becoming Isolationists.

That's what bugs me.
Ron Paul has ended Mitt Romney's three-year run as conservatives' favorite for president, taking 31 percent of the vote in the Conservative Political Action Conference's annual straw poll.

Paul, a Republican congressman from Texas known for his libertarian views, ran for president in 2008 but was never a serious contender for the GOP nomination. - Ron Paul Wins Presidential Straw Poll at CPAC

Vive la R[evol]ution!

Great news. Milllions of people are tired of the Democrat "tax and spend system" and the Republican "no tax but spend system." Beck was fantastic! And without a teleprompter!

"I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism." -- Ronald Reagan

Ron Paul has ended Mitt Romney's three-year run as conservatives' favorite for president, taking 31 percent of the vote in the Conservative Political Action Conference's annual straw poll.

Paul, a Republican congressman from Texas known for his libertarian views, ran for president in 2008 but was never a serious contender for the GOP nomination. - Ron Paul Wins Presidential Straw Poll at CPAC

Vive la R[evol]ution!

That's nice, but I fear that catering to the entitlement generation is too great to ignore, even for the Republican Party.
While I'm turning more and more Libertarian-Conservative each day I still don't like his idea of becoming Isolationists.

That's what bugs me.

Luckily he doesn't want us to become isolationist.

I heard somewhere he wanted us to become isolationist..

As in Get all our troops back home, not talking about Iraq or Afghan but our bases in Germany, Italy, S.Korea, Japan.. etc, etc..
While I'm turning more and more Libertarian-Conservative each day I still don't like his idea of becoming Isolationists.

That's what bugs me.

Luckily he doesn't want us to become isolationist.

I heard somewhere he wanted us to become isolationist..

As in Get all our troops back home, not talking about Iraq or Afghan but our bases in Germany, Italy, S.Korea, Japan.. etc, etc..
The problem with leaving countries where the wars have been over for 50+ years is?
While I'm turning more and more Libertarian-Conservative each day I still don't like his idea of becoming Isolationists.

That's what bugs me.

Luckily he doesn't want us to become isolationist.

I heard somewhere he wanted us to become isolationist..

As in Get all our troops back home, not talking about Iraq or Afghan but our bases in Germany, Italy, S.Korea, Japan.. etc, etc..

Yeah but that's not isolationism, that's non-interventionism. Isolating ourselves would be refusing to have any dealings with anyone around the world, which would make no sense.
Luckily he doesn't want us to become isolationist.

I heard somewhere he wanted us to become isolationist..

As in Get all our troops back home, not talking about Iraq or Afghan but our bases in Germany, Italy, S.Korea, Japan.. etc, etc..
The problem with leaving countries where the wars have been over for 50+ years is?

Think about S. Korea..

We've been there since the 50's, Correct?

N.Korea still hates S.Korea, what would stop them if they knew they didn't have the United States Military Stationed there..

The reason we are there is too ease tensions with surrounding enemy countries.

Although, Germany and Italy doesn't seem to matter anymore really.

But S.Korea i'm All for to staying there, and I bet they don't mind either knowing they have our full support and ready to go Military.
Luckily he doesn't want us to become isolationist.

I heard somewhere he wanted us to become isolationist..

As in Get all our troops back home, not talking about Iraq or Afghan but our bases in Germany, Italy, S.Korea, Japan.. etc, etc..

Yeah but that's not isolationism, that's non-interventionism. Isolating ourselves would be refusing to have any dealings with anyone around the world, which would make no sense.

'Beware foreign entaglements'

Georgie had it right from the start.

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