Ron Paul on Democracy Now (2002)

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
What is true today?

[ame=]YouTube - Ron Paul on Democracy Now (2002) part 1[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Ron Paul on Democracy Now (2002) part 2[/ame]
I gotta say, that second part where Paul talks about how a lot of "foreign aid" is really just a front for taking poor and middle-income American taxpayer dollars and funneling them into the profits of big US corporations by just exploiting people's desire to help the destitute in developing countries was veeeeeery interesting.
Dr. Paul always nails it. He really is the only Politician even worth listening to at this point. And i'm still very surprised that so many haven't learned anything from Wikileaks. Governments lie to their People on a daily basis. Basically when their mouths are moving,they're lying. No one has yet to make a rational or logical argument for why we're currently bombing Libya. All I've heard is more lies. It's always nice listening to what Dr. Paul has to say on things. Thanks for your post.
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Dr. Paul always nails it. He really is the only Politician even worth listening to at this point. And i'm still very surprised that so many haven't learned anything from Wikileaks. Governments lie to their People on a daily basis. Basically when their mouths are moving,they're lying. No one has yet to make a rational or logical argument for why we're currently bombing Libya. All I've heard is more lies. It's always nice listening to what Dr. Paul has to say on things. Thanks for your post.

The government and the bureacrats in it only lie on days that end in y.

When Ron Paul dies, the small shred of political honesty left dies with him.
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Government & Corporations are the same entity. How often and why do Facebook,Google,and GE Executives meet with this White House? These meetings have become routine. It's because they are intertwined and are the same entity. Government is the Corporations and Corporations are the Government. Most people don't even realize that they're being spied on daily by Corporations like Google,Twitter,& Facebook. They do the spying and then simply turn all information over to the Governmeet. It's a way the Government can say they're not spying on Citizens. And techinically they're not spying directly on Citizens but Corporations like Google,AT&T,Twitter,and Facebook are doing it for them. It's a very insidious relationship. Corporations are your Government and vice versa. It's very sad.
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Government & Corporations are the same entity. How often and why do Facebook,Google,and GE Executives routinely meet with this White House? Because they are intertwined and are the same entity. Government is the Corporations and Corporations are the Government. Most people don't even realize that they're being spied on daily by Corporations like Google,Twitter,& Facebook. They do the spying and then simply turn all information over to the Governmeet. It's a way the Government can say they're not spying on Citizens. And techinically they're not spying directly on Citizens but Corporations like Google,AT&T,Twitter,and Facebook are doing it for them. It's a very insidious relationship. Corporations are your Government and vice versa. It's very sad.

Modern facism baby, ain't goin' anywhere.
Dr. Paul always nails it. He really is the only Politician even worth listening to at this point. And i'm still very surprised that so many haven't learned anything from Wikileaks. Governments lie to their People on a daily basis. Basically when their mouths are moving,they're lying. No one has yet to make a rational or logical argument for why we're currently bombing Libya. All I've heard is more lies. It's always nice listening to what Dr. Paul has to say on things. Thanks for your post.

The government and the bureacrats in it only lie on days that end in y.

When Ron Paul dies, the small shred of politically honesty left dies with him.

So sad but very true.
Think about it. Why would GE,Google,Twitter,and Facebook Executives need to routinely meet with the White House? What's the purpose of all these meetings? I know it sounds like paranoia but sometimes i think Twitter & Facebook were actually created by our Government. They are invaluable information-gatherers for the Government. Most people don't even realize that when they sign up with these Corporations,they are giving them permission to share all of their information with others. All of their information can be shared with the Government anytime these Corporations decide to. There is no other reason for them to routinely meet with the White House. Who knows,maybe the Government did create Facebook & Twitter?
Government & Corporations are the same entity. How often and why do Facebook,Google,and GE Executives meet with this White House? These meetings have become routine. It's because they are intertwined and are the same entity. Government is the Corporations and Corporations are the Government. Most people don't even realize that they're being spied on daily by Corporations like Google,Twitter,& Facebook. They do the spying and then simply turn all information over to the Governmeet. It's a way the Government can say they're not spying on Citizens. And techinically they're not spying directly on Citizens but Corporations like Google,AT&T,Twitter,and Facebook are doing it for them. It's a very insidious relationship. Corporations are your Government and vice versa. It's very sad.

I agree with you:eek:
Government & Corporations are the same entity. How often and why do Facebook,Google,and GE Executives meet with this White House? These meetings have become routine. It's because they are intertwined and are the same entity. Government is the Corporations and Corporations are the Government. Most people don't even realize that they're being spied on daily by Corporations like Google,Twitter,& Facebook. They do the spying and then simply turn all information over to the Governmeet. It's a way the Government can say they're not spying on Citizens. And techinically they're not spying directly on Citizens but Corporations like Google,AT&T,Twitter,and Facebook are doing it for them. It's a very insidious relationship. Corporations are your Government and vice versa. It's very sad.


Arundhati Roy states that the global elites have their own country without borders and they pull the strings of the real countries.

Some say that the US is an empire. We are not. We are just being used. When they use us up we will get thrown away.
Yea and Foreign Aid is an awful scam too. The People have little to no say on how that money is spent. The whole process of handing out Taxpayer Foreign Aid cash is corrupt and unjust. They need to do away with the current system. The People just aren't represented.
Government & Corporations are the same entity. How often and why do Facebook,Google,and GE Executives meet with this White House? These meetings have become routine. It's because they are intertwined and are the same entity. Government is the Corporations and Corporations are the Government. Most people don't even realize that they're being spied on daily by Corporations like Google,Twitter,& Facebook. They do the spying and then simply turn all information over to the Governmeet. It's a way the Government can say they're not spying on Citizens. And techinically they're not spying directly on Citizens but Corporations like Google,AT&T,Twitter,and Facebook are doing it for them. It's a very insidious relationship. Corporations are your Government and vice versa. It's very sad.


Arundhati Roy states that the global elites have their own country without borders and they pull the strings of the real countries.

Some say that the US is an empire. We are not. We are just being used. When they use us up we will get thrown away.

Yes it's no coincidence these giant Corporation Executives routinely meet with the White House. There has to be a reason. And the reason is that they're the Government as well. Come on,a top GE Exec gets a "Jobs Czar" position in this White House? GE completely owns this Government at this point. And how much Taxes did they pay last year? This stuff just becomes laughable at some point.

People will accuse me of being "Conspiracy-Minded" but i really do think our Government may have created Corporations like Facebook & Twitter. Their information gathering is absolutely invaluable to the U.S. Government. The same can be said about Google as well. It's a way for them to get around being accused of directly spying on Citizens. Google and Facebook just do it for them. Anyone with common sense can see our Government is the Corporations and the Corporations are our Government. It is what it is.
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The post debate polls showed Ron Paul winning those debates.

Then they cut him out of the debates because he could not win the elections. ??????
The post debate polls showed Ron Paul winning those debates.

Then they cut him out of the debates because he could not win the elections. ??????

All you have to do is watch the debates.

The media picks out a couple of favorites, asks them the most questions, and just by their voices being heard the most they're anointed winners of the debates.

The CNN debate with Huckabee/Paul/Romney/McCain was a sad joke, Romney/McCain got double the questions that Huckabee/Paul got. I'm the opposite of a Huckabee supporter, but he got screwed by media favoritism just as much as Paul did.
The post debate polls showed Ron Paul winning those debates.

Then they cut him out of the debates because he could not win the elections. ??????

He told the truth. Therefore he had to go. And then he had to be demonized and marginalized by the Corporate/Government-owned Mainstream Media. Ever notice that whenever a Politician comes along and tells the truth,he or she is immediately labelled "Crazy" by so many? Look at what the Corporate/Government-owned Media did to Ross Perot? He had to be immediately marginalized. All those puppets in the Media began their vicious campaigns against the man. Yea he was just soo "Crazy." They try the same thing with Ron Paul too. When you tell the truth,you're just way too "Crazy" to lead. Same ole same ole i guess. Hopefully Americans will grow up at some point.
The post debate polls showed Ron Paul winning those debates.

Then they cut him out of the debates because he could not win the elections. ??????

He told the truth. Therefore he had to go. And then he had to be demonized and marginalized by the Corporate/Government-owned Mainstream Media. Ever notice that whenever a Politician comes along and tells the truth,he or she is immediately labelled "Crazy" by so many? Look at what the Corporate/Government-owned Media did to Ross Perot? He had to be immediately marginalized. All those puppets in the Media began their vicious campaigns against the man. Yea he was just soo "Crazy." They try the same thing with Ron Paul too. When you tell the truth,you're just way too "Crazy" to lead. Same ole same ole i guess. Hopefully Americans will grow up at some point.

You know what's funny is the only honesty I heard on the campaign trails last year were the things the media was most offended by.

McCain's comments about us being in Iraq 100 years, prolly true, we still have troops in all the major countries we've gone to war with in the last 80 years. Why would Iraq be any different than every other situation?

Reverend Wright, most of the comments people got angry about with were directed at what he said that centered around blowback from america's foreign policy, another truth.
The post debate polls showed Ron Paul winning those debates.

Then they cut him out of the debates because he could not win the elections. ??????

All you have to do is watch the debates.

The media picks out a couple of favorites, asks them the most questions, and just by their voices being heard the most they're anointed winners of the debates.

The CNN debate with Huckabee/Paul/Romney/McCain was a sad joke, Romney/McCain got double the questions that Huckabee/Paul got. I'm the opposite of a Huckabee supporter, but he got screwed by media favoritism just as much as Paul did.

There are two kinds of politicians. Those who have sold out and those who have not. Here is what happens to those who have not sold out.

[ame=]YouTube - ABC News Censors Dennis Kucinich[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Fault Lines - Arundhati Roy[/ame]

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