Romney's prank "witnesses" vs Obama's grandmother withnessing his Kenyan birth; Fair?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
So now another "witness" of a young Romney prank is coming out. Saying he impersonated a cop. Along with the haircutting "prank" which we still dont know if it really happened or not. These "pranks" and "witnesses" are being held up as "proof" from the left of Romney's evil. They say we must vet these incidents, due to witness accounts, because, well, hey, some dudes said they saw it happen decades ago, so we gotta find out. Funny.......they never brought this up when he was Governor of a major state, Massachusetts, but only now. They never felt the need to report Romney to campus cops when he impersonated a cop....but waited 40 years or so, and all of a sudden their memory is sparked.


Did the left treat another "witness" like this? Did they feel the need to thoroughly vet and investigate a "witness" who said she was present when Obama was Kenya? His grandmother?

Hmmmm. So some dude who kinda knew Romney in college says he saw Romney impersonate a cop, didn't report it 40 years ago, but now all of a sudden is saying he saw it and we need to fully investigate.

Yet, Obama's own grandmother says she was present, in Kenya, when Obama was born, and we just discard it as an old lady who had a memory lapse? But dont worry. I'm sure a leftie will show me a link somewhere to Grandma Obama saying she misspoke, conveniently after she probably got a call from Barry himself.

Funny how the left works isn't it?
Its not a birther thread. Its a thread asking why left wingers are so obsessed with verifying the accounts of a "witness" of a young Romney prank.........but ignored the "witness" who said she was there for Obama's birth in Kenya. I'm not saying it happened, his grandmother is. Why isn't the left verifying this "witness" with the same passion they are with the ones who witnessed Romney's youthful pranks?

I see no lefties were willing to explain.

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