Romneys Mormanism has receded with Gingrich surge


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
But if Gingrich implodes like Cain did - Romneys religeon will suddenly again become front-and-center....

As predictable as the sun setting in the West.
As Newt's surge inevitably fades, the anti-Mormon brigades of evangelical politicos and bigots will return.
But if Gingrich implodes like Cain did - Romneys religeon will suddenly again become front-and-center....

As predictable as the sun setting in the West.

Who is ever the front runner is going to get blasted with negative advertisements. The Obama campaign committee is just patiently waiting for Romney to move--in the polls and then they'll hit.

Right now--it's all about Gingrich--and millions of dollars from the Romney--pac fund is being thrown at Iowa--N. Hampshire and South Carolina. They're getting BOMBARDED with 3 negative campaign ads every hour.
JFKs Roman Catholic faith was essentialy the same as Episcopalian - little if any diff between the 2.

The main issue with JFK was whether he would kowtow to the Pope.

Romneys Mormanism is an entirely different ball of wax.
Anyone who knows about Catholicism, Episcopalianism, and Mormonism knows that ginscpy's comments are nonsense immediately above. Catholicism in 1960 faced the same type of bigotry and hatred as Romney's religion is facing this year.
Anyone who knows about Catholicism, Episcopalianism, and Mormonism knows that ginscpy's comments are nonsense immediately above. Catholicism in 1960 faced the same type of bigotry and hatred as Romney's religion is facing this year.

The diff between Roman Catholic and Espicipal faiths is very very tiny. (has to do with communion - whether the wafer is the actual body of Christ or a symbol)

In fact - there have been ongoing talks about merging the 2 religions - you woulnt know one service from the other if you went to them
But if Gingrich implodes like Cain did - Romneys religeon will suddenly again become front-and-center....

As predictable as the sun setting in the West.

Face it, you simply don't have a candidate in the field who has staying power. Certainly not a one who can take on Obama.
But if Gingrich implodes like Cain did - Romneys religeon will suddenly again become front-and-center....

As predictable as the sun setting in the West.

Face it, you simply don't have a candidate in the field who has staying power. Certainly not a one who can take on Obama.

[ame=]Ron Paul - "The one who can beat Obama" - YouTube[/ame]
But if Gingrich implodes like Cain did - Romneys religeon will suddenly again become front-and-center....

As predictable as the sun setting in the West.

Face it, you simply don't have a candidate in the field who has staying power. Certainly not a one who can take on Obama.

[ame=]Ron Paul - "The one who can beat Obama" - YouTube[/ame]

Yeah, Ron Paul is the best of them but it is doubtful he can beat Obama. I really like hearing him speak although his ideas get a little extreme for the masses.
what a guy (obama)

worst -EVER to get another term (probablty - never say never)

most of his ilk are 1 and out
As Newt's surge inevitably fades, the anti-Mormon brigades of evangelical politicos and bigots will return.

And you get to whine about how people are picking on your religion.

Guy, the real Mormon bashing is going to come after Romney gets the nomination. And it will come from the MSM.

Obama has probably already picked out the crazy Mormon Splinter Group he is going to have the ATF raid next summer. One that likes guns and marryng little girls.
Anyone who knows about Catholicism, Episcopalianism, and Mormonism knows that ginscpy's comments are nonsense immediately above. Catholicism in 1960 faced the same type of bigotry and hatred as Romney's religion is facing this year.

Major difference. For every Evangelical who wouldn't vote for JFK because he was a Catholic, there were two Catholics who were willing to. Also, the types who weren't inclined to vote for a Catholic also weren't inclined to vote for a Democrat. Only three Catholics have ever been nominated, and all three were Democrats. (Al Smith, JFK and Kerry).

On the other hand, there are 30 million crazy Baptists who hate the mormons (and one Atheist in Illinois) and only 6 million Mormons who are probably going to vote republican no matter who the nominee is. There is simply no upside to nominating a Mormon for the GOP.
JFKs Roman Catholic faith was essentialy the same as Episcopalian - little if any diff between the 2.

The main issue with JFK was whether he would kowtow to the Pope.

Romneys Mormanism is an entirely different ball of wax.

Can you please spell it right.

It's MORMONISM. Not "Mormanism".

But your point is right. Mormons have a lot of beliefs that are pretty out there, which the mainstream media will be happy to explain to us - after Romney gets the nomination.

  • Magic Underwear
  • Baptism for the Dead
  • Ruling your own planet after you die
  • Women can only get into heaven if bonded to a Mormon Man
  • Dark Skin is a curse from God.
  • Every other religion is an abomination unto the Lord.
  • The Native Americans descended from the Jews and God cursed them for rejecting Jesus.
  • Excluding blacks from membership until 1978.
  • Practicing Polygamy all the way up until 1900. (Romney's Great Grandfather fled to mexico so he could keep his plural wives.)
  • Blood Atonement.

Now before Avatar or Listening get on here and try to spin this craziness into something that sounds more acceptable, the point is, unless you buy up all four major networks, good luck with that.
Anyone who knows about Catholicism, Episcopalianism, and Mormonism knows that ginscpy's comments are nonsense immediately above. Catholicism in 1960 faced the same type of bigotry and hatred as Romney's religion is facing this year.

Major difference. For every Evangelical who wouldn't vote for JFK because he was a Catholic, there were two Catholics who were willing to. Also, the types who weren't inclined to vote for a Catholic also weren't inclined to vote for a Democrat. Only three Catholics have ever been nominated, and all three were Democrats. (Al Smith, JFK and Kerry). On the other hand, there are 30 million crazy Baptists who hate the mormons (and one Atheist in Illinois) and only 6 million Mormons who are probably going to vote republican no matter who the nominee is. There is simply no upside to nominating a Mormon for the GOP.

Deflection. But to flip it, if they could vote for a Catholic, they can and will now vote for a Mormon if the alternative is Obama.
Anyone who knows about Catholicism, Episcopalianism, and Mormonism knows that ginscpy's comments are nonsense immediately above. Catholicism in 1960 faced the same type of bigotry and hatred as Romney's religion is facing this year.

Major difference. For every Evangelical who wouldn't vote for JFK because he was a Catholic, there were two Catholics who were willing to. Also, the types who weren't inclined to vote for a Catholic also weren't inclined to vote for a Democrat. Only three Catholics have ever been nominated, and all three were Democrats. (Al Smith, JFK and Kerry). On the other hand, there are 30 million crazy Baptists who hate the mormons (and one Atheist in Illinois) and only 6 million Mormons who are probably going to vote republican no matter who the nominee is. There is simply no upside to nominating a Mormon for the GOP.

Deflection. But to flip it, if they could vote for a Catholic, they can and will now vote for a Mormon if the alternative is Obama.

It's not a deflection at all. It's simple math.

18% of Republicans won't vote for a Mormon and 19% of independents. Even if you are willing to say that a lot of them will just eat shit and put up with it, let's say 75%, that's still about 4-5% of the people who voted for McCain who won't vote for Romney. They'll vote for third parties, stay home or even vote for Obama.

Now keep in mind, Obama beat McCain 69 million to 59 million. So a 4% drop in the McCain vote is about 3 million people that he's going to lose.

There are only 6 million Mormons in this country, and a lot of them can't vote because they are children. Most of them vote Republican, anyway, so there's no net gain there.

Romney has to get about 5 million Obama supporters to change their minds without losing any McCain supporters. I just don't see that happening.
JFKs Roman Catholic faith was essentialy the same as Episcopalian - little if any diff between the 2.

The main issue with JFK was whether he would kowtow to the Pope.

Romneys Mormanism is an entirely different ball of wax.

Can you please spell it right.

It's MORMONISM. Not "Mormanism".

But your point is right. Mormons have a lot of beliefs that are pretty out there, which the mainstream media will be happy to explain to us - after Romney gets the nomination.

  • Magic Underwear
  • Baptism for the Dead
  • Ruling your own planet after you die
  • Women can only get into heaven if bonded to a Mormon Man
  • Dark Skin is a curse from God.
  • Every other religion is an abomination unto the Lord.
  • The Native Americans descended from the Jews and God cursed them for rejecting Jesus.
  • Excluding blacks from membership until 1978.
  • Practicing Polygamy all the way up until 1900. (Romney's Great Grandfather fled to mexico so he could keep his plural wives.)
  • Blood Atonement.

Now before Avatar or Listening get on here and try to spin this craziness into something that sounds more acceptable, the point is, unless you buy up all four major networks, good luck with that.

At least one item on your list is wrong: Excluding blacks from membership until 1978.

I also don't recognize that requirement for women getting into heaven - I thought almost everyone went to Heaven in the Mormon religion.

No comment on the other items in your list. I don't recognize them all, but I'm not that interested.
JFKs Roman Catholic faith was essentialy the same as Episcopalian - little if any diff between the 2.

The main issue with JFK was whether he would kowtow to the Pope.

Romneys Mormanism is an entirely different ball of wax.

Can you please spell it right.

It's MORMONISM. Not "Mormanism".

But your point is right. Mormons have a lot of beliefs that are pretty out there, which the mainstream media will be happy to explain to us - after Romney gets the nomination.

  • Magic Underwear
  • Baptism for the Dead
  • Ruling your own planet after you die
  • Women can only get into heaven if bonded to a Mormon Man
  • Dark Skin is a curse from God.
  • Every other religion is an abomination unto the Lord.
  • The Native Americans descended from the Jews and God cursed them for rejecting Jesus.
  • Excluding blacks from membership until 1978.
  • Practicing Polygamy all the way up until 1900. (Romney's Great Grandfather fled to mexico so he could keep his plural wives.)
  • Blood Atonement.

Now before Avatar or Listening get on here and try to spin this craziness into something that sounds more acceptable, the point is, unless you buy up all four major networks, good luck with that.

At least one item on your list is wrong: Excluding blacks from membership until 1978.

I also don't recognize that requirement for women getting into heaven - I thought almost everyone went to Heaven in the Mormon religion.

No comment on the other items in your list. I don't recognize them all, but I'm not that interested.

Actually, LDS believe in three levels of Heaven- The Terrestial, Telestial and Celestial Heaven. The last one is the good one Mormons get to go to where they rule over planets of their own spirit children.

Incidently, a lot of this information comes from websites started by escaped Mormons. So either they are all very cleverly repeating the same lies, or this is the kind of crazy stuff Mormons actually believe.

But to correct you on the issue of Mormons and Blacks-

The Mormons . Themes . The Prohibition Against Blacks in the Priesthood | PBS

Romney even admitted he cried when the ruling on Blacks and the Priesthood was revoked.

Mitt wept when church ended discrimination - Mike Allen -

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” today that he wept with relief when the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the Mormon church, announced a 1978 revelation that the priesthood would no longer be denied to persons of African descent.

Romney’s eyes appeared to fill with tears as he discussed the emotional subject during a high-stakes appearance that he handled with no major blunders.

Now why it took them until 1978 to have a "revelation" on this issue is another matter.
Can you please spell it right.

It's MORMONISM. Not "Mormanism".

But your point is right. Mormons have a lot of beliefs that are pretty out there, which the mainstream media will be happy to explain to us - after Romney gets the nomination.

  • Magic Underwear
  • Baptism for the Dead
  • Ruling your own planet after you die
  • Women can only get into heaven if bonded to a Mormon Man
  • Dark Skin is a curse from God.
  • Every other religion is an abomination unto the Lord.
  • The Native Americans descended from the Jews and God cursed them for rejecting Jesus.
  • Excluding blacks from membership until 1978.
  • Practicing Polygamy all the way up until 1900. (Romney's Great Grandfather fled to mexico so he could keep his plural wives.)
  • Blood Atonement.

Now before Avatar or Listening get on here and try to spin this craziness into something that sounds more acceptable, the point is, unless you buy up all four major networks, good luck with that.

At least one item on your list is wrong: Excluding blacks from membership until 1978.

I also don't recognize that requirement for women getting into heaven - I thought almost everyone went to Heaven in the Mormon religion.

No comment on the other items in your list. I don't recognize them all, but I'm not that interested.

Actually, LDS believe in three levels of Heaven- The Terrestial, Telestial and Celestial Heaven. The last one is the good one Mormons get to go to where they rule over planets of their own spirit children.

Incidently, a lot of this information comes from websites started by escaped Mormons. So either they are all very cleverly repeating the same lies, or this is the kind of crazy stuff Mormons actually believe.

But to correct you on the issue of Mormons and Blacks-

The Mormons . Themes . The Prohibition Against Blacks in the Priesthood | PBS

Romney even admitted he cried when the ruling on Blacks and the Priesthood was revoked.

Mitt wept when church ended discrimination - Mike Allen -

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” today that he wept with relief when the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the Mormon church, announced a 1978 revelation that the priesthood would no longer be denied to persons of African descent.

Romney’s eyes appeared to fill with tears as he discussed the emotional subject during a high-stakes appearance that he handled with no major blunders.

Now why it took them until 1978 to have a "revelation" on this issue is another matter.

They were allowed to be members before that. It was in 1978 that black men were given the priesthood.
They were allowed to be members before that. It was in 1978 that black men were given the priesthood.

All Mormon men in good standing are part of the priesthood. So denying it to blacks makes them a second class citizen. That's why it was so unacceptable.

Are you really trying to argue that the Church's position before 1978 WAS acceptable?

Jesus, Strom Thurmond had black staffers by 1978. Strom "Segeration forever" THurmond..

Again, if you think this image of a Candidate whose church that calls dark skin a curse from God and didn't allow blacks full membership until 1978 vs. the "Transformational" first Black President isn't going to be something the MSM is going to have a field day with, I think you are living in a sort of denial.

Obama has to play the race card to win. Romney hands it to him.
They were allowed to be members before that. It was in 1978 that black men were given the priesthood.

All Mormon men in good standing are part of the priesthood. So denying it to blacks makes them a second class citizen. That's why it was so unacceptable.

Are you really trying to argue that the Church's position before 1978 WAS acceptable?

Jesus, Strom Thurmond had black staffers by 1978. Strom "Segeration forever" THurmond..

Again, if you think this image of a Candidate whose church that calls dark skin a curse from God and didn't allow blacks full membership until 1978 vs. the "Transformational" first Black President isn't going to be something the MSM is going to have a field day with, I think you are living in a sort of denial.

Obama has to play the race card to win. Romney hands it to him.

I corrected you on a fact. That is all.

If you want to keep stating wrong things, then go for it. Projecting something I never suggested upon me as a defense for your lack of accuracy is bad form.

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