Romney's "Five biggest LIES" are


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
no match for the BIGGEST LIE as measured by
1) MOST people affected.
2) Biggest COST to consumers.

While the Rolling Stone lists what it calls Romney's 5 biggest here,
The First Debate: Mitt Romney's Five Biggest Lies | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Obama, supporters, MSM including Rolling Stone totally ignore this BIGGEST LIE!

1) 10 million NON-CITIZENS are counted as part of the BIGGEST LIE there are 50 million uninsured which was used to pass by just 6 votes Obamacare!
2) 14 million ALREADY COVERED by Medicaid are counted as part of the 50 million
3) 18 million counted as Uninsured are
a) Under age 34 and therefore have very little need for health services.. but if they do
b) They pay out of pocket less the $1,000 a year which is less then insurance premiums

When you add these together you get 42 million. Subtract from 50 million and the BIGGEST LIE that is costing the most and affects all our lives is
THERE ARE ONLY 8 million that truly need coverage!

THE BIGGEST LIE lead to the passing of Obamacare and is NOW MAKING THIS statement by Obama another BIG LIE:
""If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan. If you like your doctor, you keep seeing your doctor. I don't want government bureaucrats meddling in your health care."

Tell that to the employees of the 400+ employers that are going to drop employee health benefits because of Obamacare!

"The result ObamaCare which today McKinsey & Company commissioned a survey of 1,329 U.S. private sector employers to measure their attitudes about healthcare reform concluded that 30% of all companies would stop providing health coverage once Obamacare kicked in in 2014.
Not Found | McKinsey & Company

SO Obama has another BIG LIE to explain... "If you like your plan.. you keep" HOW Will that be possible if the employers drop your plan???
How many times will you post the same thing that is proven over and over again to be wrong?
How many times will you post the same thing that is proven over and over again to be wrong?

NO ONE is proving these FACTS wrong YET!!
When you have 10 million of the supposedly UNINSURED NON-CITIZENS -
Source: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

CHECK THAT LINK out and see CENSUS says 10 million counted as uninsured NOT citizens!!

When 14 million of supposedly UNINSURED are already covered by Medicaid!
source:page 4 of the Blue Cross Report at this web page:
CHECK out what this report shows that 14 million are COVERED BY MEDICAID!!!


And when 18 million UNDER age 34 that can afford health insurance but PAY THEIR HEALTH COSTS out of their OWN POCKET are counted as UNINSURED:
Source for the 18 million figure: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009
AGE the annual per capita expenditure
20 $ 1,448 (So why should they pay a $2,000 penalty for not having insurance when they pay out less in real expenses???
40 $ 2,601
65 $10,245

Source for above expenditures:: The Lifetime Distribution of Health Care Costs

NOW THESE 18 million counted as UNINSURED PAY THeir own way! So why MUST THEY buy into health insurance if they don't need it???

This leave truly 8 million that NEED coverage BUT IT also doesn't MEAN you have to destroy the health financial system for 97.5% of the rest of us???

BUT PLEASE Prove these FACTS wrong!
If not then AGREE Obamacare is OVERKILL and based on a gigantic LIE!!!
30% of employers WILL drop! THAT affects MILLIONS that ARE COVERED NOW!!

"The result ObamaCare which today McKinsey & Company commissioned a survey of 1,329 U.S. private sector employers to measure their attitudes about healthcare reform concluded that 30% of all companies would stop providing health coverage once Obamacare kicked in in 2014.
Not Found | McKinsey & Company
The First Debate: Mitt Romney's Five Biggest Lies | Politics News | Rolling Stone

1. "I don't have a $5 trillion tax cut."
2. "I will not reduce the taxes paid by high-income Americans."
3. "We've got 23 million people out of work or [who have] stopped looking for work in this country."
4. Obamacare "puts in place an unelected board that's going to tell people ultimately what kind of treatments they can have."
5. "Pre-existing conditions are covered under my plan."

AND that's only 5 of the TWENTY THREE lies he told. Makes one wonder what he will come up with that will top that!

And, STILL, his website has not been changed to reflect these lies.

I suspect he will back down from these lies and tell some new ones. He's already done that with his new abortion position and the "Mexico policy".

The question now is, will LyanRyan repeat RobMe's lies? Or will he stay with his own lies, thus contradicting RobMe's lies? Or, will he come up with a whole new set of lies?

They're entertaining. You gotta give them that.
Why don't the so-called conservatives on this board object to Mitt's very liberal "new" positions? Are they counting on him flip flopping back to a more conservative pov?
no match for the BIGGEST LIE as measured by
1) MOST people affected.
2) Biggest COST to consumers.

While the Rolling Stone lists what it calls Romney's 5 biggest here,
The First Debate: Mitt Romney's Five Biggest Lies | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Obama, supporters, MSM including Rolling Stone totally ignore this BIGGEST LIE!

1) 10 million NON-CITIZENS are counted as part of the BIGGEST LIE there are 50 million uninsured which was used to pass by just 6 votes Obamacare!
2) 14 million ALREADY COVERED by Medicaid are counted as part of the 50 million
3) 18 million counted as Uninsured are
a) Under age 34 and therefore have very little need for health services.. but if they do
b) They pay out of pocket less the $1,000 a year which is less then insurance premiums

When you add these together you get 42 million. Subtract from 50 million and the BIGGEST LIE that is costing the most and affects all our lives is
THERE ARE ONLY 8 million that truly need coverage!

THE BIGGEST LIE lead to the passing of Obamacare and is NOW MAKING THIS statement by Obama another BIG LIE:
""If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan. If you like your doctor, you keep seeing your doctor. I don't want government bureaucrats meddling in your health care."

Tell that to the employees of the 400+ employers that are going to drop employee health benefits because of Obamacare!

"The result ObamaCare which today McKinsey & Company commissioned a survey of 1,329 U.S. private sector employers to measure their attitudes about healthcare reform concluded that 30% of all companies would stop providing health coverage once Obamacare kicked in in 2014.
Not Found | McKinsey & Company

SO Obama has another BIG LIE to explain... "If you like your plan.. you keep" HOW Will that be possible if the employers drop your plan???

Of course women under 34 don't need insurance. When they have their kids, they just let the rest of us pay for those child births.
no match for the BIGGEST LIE as measured by
1) MOST people affected.
2) Biggest COST to consumers.

While the Rolling Stone lists what it calls Romney's 5 biggest here,
The First Debate: Mitt Romney's Five Biggest Lies | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Obama, supporters, MSM including Rolling Stone totally ignore this BIGGEST LIE!

1) 10 million NON-CITIZENS are counted as part of the BIGGEST LIE there are 50 million uninsured which was used to pass by just 6 votes Obamacare!
2) 14 million ALREADY COVERED by Medicaid are counted as part of the 50 million
3) 18 million counted as Uninsured are
a) Under age 34 and therefore have very little need for health services.. but if they do
b) They pay out of pocket less the $1,000 a year which is less then insurance premiums

When you add these together you get 42 million. Subtract from 50 million and the BIGGEST LIE that is costing the most and affects all our lives is
THERE ARE ONLY 8 million that truly need coverage!

THE BIGGEST LIE lead to the passing of Obamacare and is NOW MAKING THIS statement by Obama another BIG LIE:
""If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan. If you like your doctor, you keep seeing your doctor. I don't want government bureaucrats meddling in your health care."

Tell that to the employees of the 400+ employers that are going to drop employee health benefits because of Obamacare!

"The result ObamaCare which today McKinsey & Company commissioned a survey of 1,329 U.S. private sector employers to measure their attitudes about healthcare reform concluded that 30% of all companies would stop providing health coverage once Obamacare kicked in in 2014.
Not Found | McKinsey & Company

SO Obama has another BIG LIE to explain... "If you like your plan.. you keep" HOW Will that be possible if the employers drop your plan???

Of course women under 34 don't need insurance. When they have their kids, they just let the rest of us pay for those child births.

Under our current, SOCIALIST system, put in place by Ronnie Ray-Gun, that can actually be true. Poor women, including illegals can indeed deliver in the emergency room and ignore the bill.
And when 18 million UNDER age 34 that can afford health insurance but PAY THEIR HEALTH COSTS out of their OWN POCKET are counted as UNINSURED

Weird, I didn't know we had 18 million billionaires under the age of 34 in this country.

Oh, we don't? Then I guess those people can't truly "afford" that to pay their own way. They're just gambling on everyone elses dime.

So again, your rambling has been debunked.
no match for the BIGGEST LIE as measured by
1) MOST people affected.
2) Biggest COST to consumers.

While the Rolling Stone lists what it calls Romney's 5 biggest here,
The First Debate: Mitt Romney's Five Biggest Lies | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Obama, supporters, MSM including Rolling Stone totally ignore this BIGGEST LIE!

1) 10 million NON-CITIZENS are counted as part of the BIGGEST LIE there are 50 million uninsured which was used to pass by just 6 votes Obamacare!
2) 14 million ALREADY COVERED by Medicaid are counted as part of the 50 million
3) 18 million counted as Uninsured are
a) Under age 34 and therefore have very little need for health services.. but if they do
b) They pay out of pocket less the $1,000 a year which is less then insurance premiums

When you add these together you get 42 million. Subtract from 50 million and the BIGGEST LIE that is costing the most and affects all our lives is
THERE ARE ONLY 8 million that truly need coverage!

THE BIGGEST LIE lead to the passing of Obamacare and is NOW MAKING THIS statement by Obama another BIG LIE:
""If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan. If you like your doctor, you keep seeing your doctor. I don't want government bureaucrats meddling in your health care."

Tell that to the employees of the 400+ employers that are going to drop employee health benefits because of Obamacare!

"The result ObamaCare which today McKinsey & Company commissioned a survey of 1,329 U.S. private sector employers to measure their attitudes about healthcare reform concluded that 30% of all companies would stop providing health coverage once Obamacare kicked in in 2014.
Not Found | McKinsey & Company

SO Obama has another BIG LIE to explain... "If you like your plan.. you keep" HOW Will that be possible if the employers drop your plan???

Of course women under 34 don't need insurance. When they have their kids, they just let the rest of us pay for those child births.

Under our current, SOCIALIST system, put in place by Ronnie Ray-Gun, that can actually be true. Poor women, including illegals can indeed deliver in the emergency room and ignore the bill.

And for anyone who missed it, this is the same "system" that RobMe favors. Tax payers pick up the bill for those treated in emergency rooms. Including illegals, which ObamaCare does not and will not cover.

Not only do responsible people have to pay for them, so do hospitals. That's why major hospitals are closing their trauma centers and burn centers. Thanks a lot, rw voters. Your freeloading and your stupidity hurts everyone.

No Health Insurance? No Problem. Romney Says That Freeloading In The ER Is Now All Good - Forbes

Let Them Eat Emergency Rooms: Mitt Romney Says ERs Will Provide Care for the Uninsured

Mitt Romney Says Emergency Room Is Viable Health Care Option For The Poor

(Three links given so you whiny rw's can't complain about the source. LOL)

Also note that the very next afternoon, the jackass was bragging that he got most of his state insured.
Isn't it funny how the rw's dont want to admit the TRUTH about their hero's screwed up SOCIALIST health care system.

Bring it up and POOF! All the rw's disappear.

Tough shit cuz that's what your candidate wants as well.
OP, ROMNEY lies???

You need to educate yourself.
Google 'The Obama File' by Beckwith.
This is NOT a hate site.
This is a file kept for five years on Obama by a retired AF officer.
All information is backed up by links to his speeches, news articles and matters of record.
It is so good that The United States Library of Congress has selected
TheObamaFile for inclusion in its historic collection of Internet materials
Link at site.
Updated election forecasting model still points to Romney win, University of Colorado study says | University of Colorado Boulder


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